
Li Kangyu ‖ it must be waiting for me."

author:Literary shed

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About spring

Nightshade eyes stared at the earth, and a few broken stars in the sky flickered on and off. I casually took a novel from the wooden shelf in the study, Yasunari Kawabata's "Snow Country". The cold wind from the north blew in through the gaps in the curtains, turning a few pages for me, and a thin snow immediately fell in the book. Suddenly, I realized that winter was coming.

Li Kangyu ‖ it must be waiting for me."

(Note: Pictures and text are irrelevant)

I remembered that a few days ago, the ginkgo biloba leaves on the street side were still branches, burning a golden flame. People stopped under the trees to take photos, trying to keep the departing friend. A leaf fell quietly, swirling in the air, flipping and flying, with nothing to rely on. In the end, the strength was exhausted, resting on the head of a passerby, and was captured into the photo for permanent preservation. Things can be written down in a diary, and autumn can be hidden in photos. He who should go, but he could not keep it no matter what, and it only took one night's effort to make the ginkgo biloba leaves of the tree fall, leaving bare branches in the air. Don't sigh, just quietly survive a winter, they will be filled with gentle spring. The youth "pick up the autumn" – picking up a piece of ginkgo biloba leaf that they think best represents autumn; the children "step" – step on the thick layer of ginkgo biloba leaves, rustling, as if they had walked through the whole autumn.

Although I knew there was a seed that was hiding in the ground secretly brewing spring, the howling north wind swept down the empty street below and made a muffled sound. I was surprised to find that the sad spring and the sad autumn, the fear of suffering from gain and loss gradually hit my heart, and after all, I still could not achieve the open-mindedness and cheerfulness of Liu Yuxi's "I say that autumn is better than spring dynasty".

Gently close the book and place it casually on the table. Let the north wind disturb the thoughts, everything around them fell silent, and only the second hand "Tick... Tick..." Give me advice regularly and rigorously, even if you stop, time will not wait for anyone.

This summer, I was working as an editor in the editorial department of the Learning Power, compiling and distributing two works by Fan Dunzi, and met this friend who was seven years older than me. Not long ago, his first novel came out, and I quietly bought one without telling him. Instead, he sent me a text message: "More contact, brother, you have talent, what you need is concentration, come on." "I was dumbfounded, I didn't know if I had talent, but I was sure I had little concentration. While blindly pursuing, looking forward to a better future, and afraid of not being able to take a step, and so on, it wandered all autumn in vain.

I talked to my friend about it, and he said, "Don't suffer from gain or loss, what do you have in your twenties?" What is there to lose? Stop and there will be nothing. My mind buzzed, as if the ground had cracked open, and trees were growing outwards as if they were about to tear up the skin. The pain in my heart made me feel good and laugh.

Autumn is colorful, but it is not as warm as spring, and it is eventually getting old. As soon as the frost falls, the color will fade. I can't get drunk in this colorful dream, I need to think about how to face the cold winter. I used to know that the flowers in the spring light were colorful, the grasslands in the summer were full of life, and the fiery maple trees were burning in the autumn wind. Now Fang understands that in fact, a decadent old tree standing alone in the wilderness in winter is the most abundant. It bathes in spring rain, entertains summer, appreciates the autumn wind, accompanies the winter snow, and the joys and sorrows of the year, it does not rejoice, does not complain about sadness. It was waiting for me, waiting for me on a quiet night, sitting under a tree, touching with my hands the joys and sorrows of the year.

Rejoicing in the spring when the willow branches on the shore of the lake produce tender buds, when the flowers on the corner of the decadent remnant wall are tenaciously blooming, and when the swimming fish at the bottom of the river jump out of the cracks in the frozen ice, they should understand that they have the will to persevere in order to survive the heavy snow cover, they silently fight against the winter killing air, endure the vast desolation and loneliness, or try to move forward.

I don't want to be trapped in this autumn and winter, and I can't lose my expectation of the spring light in the coming year because I am afraid of the cold of winter. Don't I want to watch swallows nest under the eaves, and don't want to hear the sound of water babbling as the river thaws? If there is no expectation of a warm spring, why should the decadent old tree wait for me to knock on its heart in winter? And if I wander in the passing present and the uncertain future, I am afraid that I will lose my good years.

What is wrong is not the innocent season, but the need to open your own knot. Let's go, let's escape, let's meet in the warm spring of March in winter.

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◆ Zhongshan Daily Media Development Center

◆ Photo/Xinhua Net

◆ Editor: Xu Xiangdong

◆ Second Instance: Xiang Caizhi

◆ Third trial: Wei Lijun

◆ Material source: Zhongshan Daily

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