
The New Year goes to the grassroots level

author:Information News

The fight against the epidemic is a battle without smoke. In this battle, the medical staff of the centralized isolation medical observation point of the county traditional Chinese medicine hospital paid silently, insisted day and night, regardless of personal safety, always fought in the most dangerous front line of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely guarded the life and health safety of the people in Lushi County.

In the county hospital centralized isolation medical observation point, Yao Jingfan, a 24-year-old medical worker this year, has been insisting on more than 20 consecutive days, in his view, the isolation point has no day and night, no time limit, only 24 hours of response at any time. Yao Jingfan said that in daily work, it is necessary to complete nucleic acid testing, information verification, environmental disinfection, health education, diet distribution, psychological counseling and help isolated personnel to handle relevant procedures every day, and also to receive isolated personnel day and night, even when sleeping, they must maintain a high state of tension, always ready to respond to emergencies, and it is normal to pick up lights and fight until two or three o'clock in the morning.

In addition to basic medical work such as nucleic acid sampling, it is also necessary to carry out psychological counseling for isolated personnel to relieve the stress and uneasiness in the hearts of isolated personnel. Yao Jingfan said that in the face of the questions raised by the quarantined personnel, he will carefully answer them one by one and try to calm the various emotions of the isolated personnel. Sometimes when encountering grievances, I will choose to swallow a mouthful of spit back into my stomach, red eyes, and continue to do my job. Because he felt it was his duty to protect every quarantined person here.

The New Year goes to the grassroots level

Like Yao Jingfan, the medical staff of the emergency department of the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine have always adhered to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control and remained on the job. Song Qiankun, director of the emergency department, said that during the Spring Festival, emergency department doctors stuck to their posts and were on standby at any time, and once they encountered an emergency, they ensured that the isolation of personnel was transferred at the first time to ensure that the epidemic prevention and control measures were in place.

In order to do a good job in normalizing the prevention and control of the epidemic, the county traditional Chinese medicine hospital has further intensified its work, mobilized capable forces, strengthened command and dispatch, improved emergency response capabilities, and ensured that medical supplies, personnel strength, and logistics support are in place. Liu Wei, a member of the hospital committee of the county hospital, said that at present, the county hospital undertakes a total of 300 people to complete the isolation of personnel, focusing on the cleaning and disinfection of the internal and external environment of the isolation point and the life guarantee of medical personnel, etc., and has completed the tasks of information verification, body temperature detection, routine medical services, personnel transfer, and health education of the isolation and observation objects with quality and quantity, and fully escorted the health of the people. (County Rong Media Center Lu Guanjun Song Wei)