
What are the PVOC certification bodies in Tanzania?


What PVOC certification bodies are there in Tanzania? That is, which issuing authorities? As far as we know, there were originally two PVOC certification agencies in Tanzania, both of which are well-known multinational certification companies. Two of the three certification giants, Tianxiang Quality Technical Service Co., Ltd. (AC: INTERTEK) and BV Inspection Co., Ltd. (ABBR: BV), maintained this situation for about a year. For some reason, INTERTEK's qualification was suddenly revoked. After the intertek qualification was cancelled, one of the three certification giants, CSTC Standard Technical Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SGS), was selected. So after the SGS was selected, tanzania PVOC also had two certification bodies, and this status was maintained for 2-3 years. Until October 2016, China Inspection and Certification Group (hereinafter referred to as CCIC) also obtained the certification qualification of Tanzanese PVOC. So far, there are three issuing authorities in China that can issue TanzaniaN PVOC certification certificates: SGS, BV and CCIC. Several large multinational certification companies are said to be working to obtain the certification qualification of Tanzanite PVOC certification. I just haven't gotten it yet. I don't know if I can get it later. At least so far, I haven't received the relevant information. I guess I haven't been authorized yet. As a result, only SGS, BV and CCIC in Tanzania are PVOC certified issuers. Of course, these three issuing agencies are all Issuing Agencies in China, and the Tanzania PVOC certification authorities in other countries are not included. Because we do not do Tanzania PVOC certification business in other countries, we do not introduce tanzania pVOC certification certification agencies in other countries. I have only introduced the issuing authorities of Tanzania PVOC certification in China. Otherwise, some people know that there are many issuing agencies abroad. If I were to say only that, I would say I don't understand because there are a lot of institutions abroad that have obtained the certification qualification of Tanzania PVOC certification. It's just that none of this has anything to do with us. We can't do Tanzania PVOC certification in other countries, so I didn't introduce other agencies.