
Panasonic reveals how "black technology" fully supports the Beijing Winter Olympics

As a global Olympic partner, Panasonic has supported the Olympic Games for 34 years and the Paralympic Games for 24 years, and has continuously provided advanced technology, quality products and good services for previous Olympic Games. The upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are no exception. On January 20th, Dr. Honma, Global Vice President of Panasonic Group And Representative of Northeast Asia, China, introduced Panasonic's support for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, from infrastructure preparation to technical service support, showing that panasonic has once again contributed to Beijing after 14 years of helping the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Panasonic reveals how "black technology" fully supports the Beijing Winter Olympics

It is understood that at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Panasonic will gather cutting-edge technology to provide professional audio and video systems and radio and television equipment solutions for various venues, including high-brightness laser engineering projectors, large-size LED displays and RAMSA professional sound systems in venues, as well as professional audio and video broadcasting systems with a high sense of immersion.

In the freestyle ski and snowboard U-pool projects, a free-form viewing system will be used to present it, for which Panasonic will provide a professional BGH1 new modular camera. When watching the live broadcast of the event, the audience can choose the perspective of 360 degrees and enjoy the immersive visual feast brought by this sports event.

Panasonic reveals how "black technology" fully supports the Beijing Winter Olympics

As we all know, ice sports have high requirements for ice quality, and while accurately controlling the ice surface temperature to support ice sports, it is also necessary to ensure the hardness of the ice surface and the operation of the venue to avoid risks such as leakage of refrigeration pipes. Since 2018, Panasonic has focused on increasing the development of the ice and snow field, panasonic cooler project team worked day and night, overcome various technical difficulties, and adopted the world's leading technology to help the successful completion of the National Ice Training Center in Chengde Saihanba, Hebei Province, the perfect transformation of Beijing "Water Cube" into "Ice Cube", and the successful transformation of the Ice Making System of Wukesong Ice Rink, providing a perfect guarantee for the successful holding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Panasonic reveals how "black technology" fully supports the Beijing Winter Olympics

For the lives of Winter Olympic athletes and staff during the event, Panasonic also proposed a solution to provide a ziaino sub-Arno space sterilization and deodorization machine with hypochlorous acid soaking sterilization technology, Panasonic IoT intelligent food cabinet, restaurant kitchen freezer, washing machine, dryer and a large number of home appliances and equipment such as heaters for athletes from all over the world, providing a safe and comfortable living and dining environment for athletes from all over the world. At the same time, Panasonic also supplies a number of cabinet-type air conditioners, refrigerators, coffee machines, microwave ovens, electric kettles, massage chairs, electric heaters and other home appliances to the working areas of various venues and the accommodation and living areas of the Winter Olympic Village, so that players and staff can also feel at home during the competition.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Qin


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