
astound! Boredom is also a disease!

author:Nakahara shield


The situation of epidemic prevention and control in our province is grim

Many students are troubled by panic, anxiety and other emotions

Under the epidemic

Good health is the first priority

But mental health can't be ignored either!


Xiaobian specially invited mental health teachers from Henan universities

Come and hear their professional voices

Zhengzhou University

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Shang Xuesong, full-time teacher of the Mental Health Education Center of Zhengzhou University

During the special period, students should not only pay attention to protecting their bodies from the virus, but also need to protect their psychology from the negative emotions caused by the epidemic. If you are experiencing emotions such as nervousness, fear, anxiety, etc., try the following methods and may help you.

First of all, the exposure to media information should be moderate. It is necessary to keep abreast of the dynamics related to the epidemic, but it is easy to cause anxiety by seeing too much. We can try to limit the amount of time or amount of news we read every day, get information from official sources as much as possible, and avoid listening to false rumors.

Second, it helps to act. Rather than indulging in unnecessary worries, you might as well get yourself motivated and take real action to reduce the risk. For example, wash your hands frequently, get vaccinated in time, etc. These actions can also help you shift your focus and focus more on what you have control over.

Finally, seek professional support in a timely manner. If you feel anxious and getting worse, or even difficult to alleviate, you need to seek professional help, the psychological assistance hotline under the epidemic is not limited by geography, which can help you better cope with negative emotions.

Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Xie Xingli, a full-time teacher at the Mental Health Education Center of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

When the epidemic meets the winter vacation, there will always be a lot of uneasiness in home life: when will the epidemic end? Can you still play freely? Will the opening of the society be postponed again? A lot of uncertainty makes people crazy, boredom, anxiety, loneliness, loneliness and other bad emotions follow. In view of the above bad emotions, I put forward three suggestions:

1. Focus on the activities you are engaged in and avoid indulging in negative thoughts and emotions. Learn to enjoy the taste of food, feel the mood of music, etc., experience the state and feeling of your body at this moment, and divert your attention from bad emotions.

2. Examine what you have done and clarify your value and significance. Think about what is most important in the moment, what makes the most sense, and then act. You can enjoy time with your family, you can also volunteer, and if you can feel the joy and meaning, you can try it.

3. Record the small things in life and improve the happiness of daily life. Record three things every day that make you feel good or someone to be thankful for, and help recall happy moments that were overlooked.

Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Zhang Guizhou, mental health teacher at Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management

Recently, the epidemic has developed repeatedly, and many students have many emotional problems such as panic, anxiety, depression and so on during the home isolation period, and the existence of a series of emotions threatens our physical health and mental health. So, how should we adjust ourselves? Let's try the following tips!

1. Plan well and improve yourself. Divide study time, rest time, entertainment time, use solitude time to read a good book, improve cooking level, exercise short video editing ability and other ways to make yourself grow in the holidays.

2. Adjust your mood and control your emotions. Be aware of your mood in a timely manner, and express and ease your emotions by writing a diary, listening to music, watching movies, confiding in others, diverting attention, and actively self-suggesting.

3. Strengthen physical activity and enhance physical fitness. Physical exercise through running, jumping rope, practicing keep, etc., to improve mental and living conditions, improve immunity.

4. Ask your parents and teachers for help in a timely manner. Communicate with teachers through the Internet to exchange their inner feelings, and seek help from professional psychological teachers in time when they encounter insurmountable psychological confusion.

Zhengzhou Normal University

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Jiao Yuanqian, a psychology teacher at Zhengzhou Normal University

Negative emotions like rainy weather will always come unexpectedly, whether you are a boy or a girl, an extrovert, an introvert...

We've all felt negative emotions, or been overwhelmed by negative emotions at some point, and even at this moment you're in a vortex of negative emotions, and they're part of our lives anyway. I want to say to those of us who are in the mood: Yes, I know that you are sad and miserable at this moment, maybe you think I can't understand your pain, I can only give you a hug, borrow you a shoulder, just quietly accompany you, let the emotions flow through. After that, we take a few deep breaths together, and maybe you will find that the blue sky has always been there, and emotions are just passers-by of life, a messenger, conveying the inner call for love, and we bid him away as if welcoming his arrival.

Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Song Yingjie, full-time counselor of the Mental Health Education Center of Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology

"The new crown epidemic is coming again, important things can't be done, anxiety; can't see the people you want to see, bored; nothing to do every day, can only brush the mobile phone, boring..." Under the epidemic, life is broken or limited, we may appear irritable, anxious, frequent mobile phone brushing, work and rest disorders, etc. In order not to let the epidemic destroy your mental health, send you four tips.

1. Accept reality and face it rationally. Only by accepting the status quo can we maintain our sanity, have a scientific understanding of the epidemic, actively do a good job in personal protection, and strengthen our confidence in defeating the epidemic.

2. Make a plan and live regularly. The pandemic has broken the rhythm of life and brought a lot of uncertainty. At this time, you can arrange a new schedule for yourself, determine what to do at each time of the week, such as study, exercise, housework, etc., and a regular life will increase your sense of control.

3. Accept emotions and vent reasonably. The existence of each negative emotion has its meaning, and only by acknowledging and accepting it can we face it calmly, and then use the way we are good at, such as sports, listening to music, etc. to vent it reasonably.

4. Use resources to seek support. When the negative emotion self can not be eliminated, you should talk to friends and family in time, seek emotional support, if there is no suitable person around to talk, you can also call the psychological hotline to find professional help.

Zhengzhou Institute of Science and Technology

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Teacher tian hua of psychological counseling center of Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology

The epidemic is repeated, worrying every day; regional control, life has been greatly affected; frequent nucleic acid testing, queuing to upset. How do you regulate your emotions?

The first thing to do is to learn to accept emotions. Under the epidemic situation, people are prone to stress reactions, mainly manifested in negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, depression and other negative emotions such as different degrees, as well as behavioral reactions such as avoidance and withdrawal, and even physical reactions such as insomnia and muscle pain. This is a kind of self-protection reaction when people encounter danger, and these adverse reactions will naturally disappear when we feel safe.

Second, try to maintain a normal rhythm of life. Even if the seal is at home, try to insist on going to bed early and getting up early, not staying up late, eating on time and not overeating. Arrange study, work and entertainment life reasonably. Adhere to physical exercise, moderate amounts of aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety levels and enhance the excitability of neural activity.

Finally, learn to take care of yourself. Feel your inner needs and learn to care, encourage and support yourself as you would others.

Zhengzhou Institute of Industrial Applied Technology

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Zhao Qiong, director of the Mental Health Teaching and Research Office of College Students of Zhengzhou Institute of Industrial Applied Technology

During the epidemic period, school closure management, family life is limited, study, examination, employment, travel plans are ruthlessly disrupted, panic, anxiety and other bad emotions are inevitable, may wish to try the following adjustment methods:

1. Accept emotions and go with the flow

Just as a stone thrown into the water is bound to produce ripples, the impact of the epidemic will inevitably make us feel bad. Whatever you resist will continue, you may wish to see the rationality of these emotions, do not resist, feel it, accept it.

2. Plan your life and do what you want

A reasonable and orderly life helps maintain mental health. Accept what cannot be changed, under the existing conditions, increase psychological flexibility, adjust the study and life plan, and move forward in adversity.

3. Try to adjust, if necessary, ask for help

Appropriate use of emotion regulation strategies, such as talking, meditation, rational catharsis, breathing relaxation, butterfly patting, cognitive adjustment, etc. The necessary psychological help is the behavior of the strong, and if it is impossible to get rid of serious emotional distress for a long time, it is necessary to ask for help from a professional.

I firmly believe that the epidemic will end soon, and we will grow rapidly. After the baptism of the epidemic, we cherish this hard-won life even more and love this hard-won happy life even more!

Zhengzhou Institute of Technology and Business

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Gu Yangfan, teacher of mental health education center of Zhengzhou Institute of Technology and Business College

The epidemic has struck again, as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise, some students have anxiety, panic, chest tightness, nightmares and other stressful stress responses, the following methods can help you solve negative emotions and get out of psychological distress.

Embrace the emotions of the moment. The emergence of any emotion has social significance, and learn to be aware of and actively accept the current emotion in time. In the face of the epidemic, moderate anxiety and tension can improve everyone's vigilance against the epidemic and further improve epidemic prevention and control measures.

Practice positive thinking. Pay attention to official information and reduce negative information interference. Review previous successes and actively engage in self-encouragement. Discover the beautiful things around you, actively realize the value of self-prevention and control in anti-epidemic actions, and contribute to the prevention and control of local epidemics.

Make a list of pleasures. Based on experience, find emotional adjustment techniques that suit you, such as deep breathing, talking to people, moderate playing, moderate exercise, etc. Soothe emotions in reasonable catharsis and channeling, and form behavioral habits that can overcome the challenges of the moment.

Seek psychological assistance. If self-adjustment cannot repair negative emotions, we must have the courage to learn to take the initiative to ask for help, whether it is a school psychological counselor or a variety of public welfare psychological hotlines, they will patiently listen and solve problems in communication.

Zhengzhou Sias College

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Liang Lina, director of the Mental Health Education and Counseling Center of Zhengzhou Sias College

This winter vacation, "epidemic" is still a hot word. Everyone does nucleic acid, and the skill is painful. Many students felt panic and anxiety. Here, the teacher would like to say to you:

First, do a good job of emotional adjustment

Under the epidemic, it is normal to have panic and anxiety. You can try meditation, deep breathing, mindfulness, etc. to adjust to your mood.

Second, believe in the power of professionalism

This epidemic has made us see the "Zhengzhou speed". The epidemic is ruthless, and in the wind and snow, there are medical staff guarding us. I believe that the victory over the epidemic is just around the corner.

Third, make a reasonable plan

Reading is everywhere in the pure land, and the closed door is the taoyuan. Adjust the rules of work and rest, do a good job of time planning, stay at home, life can also be very exciting.

Fourth, do appropriate exercise

Exercise is good for physical and mental health. Flat bracing, squats, jump ropes, all. If you can still go out for a walk and run, it is also good.

5. Enjoy the reunion time

The happiest thing is a family reunion. Communicate with your family and enjoy the time together!

Zhengzhou Business School

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Zhengzhou Business School Mental Health Education Center Section Chief Yin Yun

In the face of anxiety, panic and even depression caused by the prevention and control of the epidemic, how can we alleviate these negative emotions?

Here we recommend mindful breathing exercises to all students, through the attention to breathing, reduce the distractions in the brain, so that the heart is pure and relaxed, relieve anxiety, and can also promote sleep.

First, close your eyes, relax your body, and focus on your breathing; second, choose an anchor point during the breathing process and experience with your heart how this part feels as your breath changes; and finally, when we perceive that our minds are wandering, please gently and firmly bring our attention back to the present moment and embrace the experience again.

The main task of mindful breathing exercises is to focus on the breath, experience the feeling of body parts, and strengthen our concentration in breathing again and again, long-term practice can effectively improve our state of mind and reduce negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.

Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing, it makes us realize that we need to learn to take care of our physical and mental health, learn to care for ourselves, and get along better with negative emotions. Mindfulness practice can help us learn to "pause" when anxiety arises, jump out of negative thinking, and thus eliminate anxiety.

Jiaozuo Teachers College

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Xue Zhuanglin, teacher of the Mental Health Education and Counseling Center of Jiaozuo Normal College

At the beginning of 2022, a new round of the epidemic broke the calm, and students may have anxiety and nervousness. In fact, negative emotions have a significance that cannot be ignored, so acceptance rather than repression, respect rather than denial, should be neglected and not blocked. So how do you channel and return to a rational life?

1. Make a list

Make a pleasing TO-DO list, keep things to do every day, actively implement them during the day, and reflect carefully at night, so that you have a full sense of control and self-efficacy.

2. Wake up two resources

One is internal resources: awakening one's own positive forces to help and heal oneself, such as learning to transform the meaning of events that have occurred; the other is external resources: finding close social support and maintaining a certain amount of time and communication with relatives and friends every day.

3. Practice three types of relaxation

One is to smile and relax: interactive smile, smile in the mirror can be; the second is meditation relaxation: focus on a breath and inhale without thinking about it, let yourself enter a new mood; the third is exercise relaxation: after sweating, you will get complete relaxation.

Zhengzhou Tourism Vocational College

astound! Boredom is also a disease!

Pi Xiaoyuan, a full-time teacher at the Mental Health Education Center of Zhengzhou Tourism Vocational College

In the face of the sudden new round of the new crown epidemic, have you created these emotional confusions? You have to stay at home for a long time, you can't meet with old classmates and good friends you haven't seen for a long time, and you have to listen to your parents' counts and nagging at home, so you become panicked, angry and anxious, insomnia, and can't lift your spirits. So, how should we deal with it? Here are a few tips for you.

First of all, don't feel anxious about these emotions, which are stress responses under the epidemic. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, exercise in moderation! Secondly, you can contact your classmates and friends through WeChat, telephone, video, etc. There is also a rational assessment of their own risks and take effective protective measures, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and reduce the acceptance of information that makes them emotionally depressed. Of course, you can also take the healthy way that has been effective for yourself in the past to soothe your emotions, remember, you must have a regular schedule and arrange your life! Finally, I would like to remind students that if the above suggestions do not relieve their emotions well, then you should seek professional support from a psychologist.

Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing

It makes us aware

Learn to pay attention to your physical and mental health

Learn to take care of yourself

No winter is insurmountable

There is no spring that will not come

Treat your emotions positively and correctly

Let's get through it together

Source: Yujiao Siyu, Henan Provincial Department of Education

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