
Agricultural Intelligence Express [2022.1.20] Chongqing's total grain output hit a new high in 13 years

author:Micro agriculture, and agriculture
Agricultural Intelligence Express [2022.1.20] Chongqing's total grain output hit a new high in 13 years

January 20, 2022 (Issue 57)

Advance key work

Hebei proposes to build a total of 55.26 million mu of high-standard farmland by 2025, with a new grain production capacity of more than 2.1 billion jin. Details >>>

Chongqing's grain output in 2021 hit a new high in 13 years, with an annual grain planting area of 30.198 million mu and a total grain output of 21.856 billion jin, exceeding the national target task. Details >>>

Agricultural Intelligence Express [2022.1.20] Chongqing's total grain output hit a new high in 13 years

The Regulations on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization in Henan Province came into effect on March 1, clarifying that the main responsible persons of people's governments at all levels are the first responsible persons for rural revitalization in their respective regions. Details >>>

Heilongjiang issued a notice that in 2022, the improvement of the rural human settlement environment will focus on "six cleansing, one repair, one reform and one construction": cleaning up the accumulated garbage in the countryside, cleaning up the firewood and grass stacks in the village, cleaning up the ruins and broken walls, cleaning up the ditches and ponds in the village, cleaning up the courtyards of farmers, cleaning up the manure of livestock and poultry breeding, repairing the fence of the cane wall, changing the bad habits that affect the rural living environment, and establishing a village cleaning system. Details >>>

In 2021, the per capita disposable income of permanent residents in rural pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia will be 18,337 yuan, an increase of 10.7%. Details >>>

Innovative policy initiatives

This year, Tibet plans to renovate 5,500 shantytowns, build 1,728 sets of public rental housing and 852 sets of affordable rental housing. Details >>>

Jiangsu continues to deepen the reform of "decentralization and management services" in the agricultural and rural fields, and strives to eliminate the blockages, pain points and difficulties that restrict the development of agriculture and rural areas. Details >>>

Strengthen the quality control of chinese herbal medicines at the source, and implement the "fresh processing" of 16 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials in Fujian. Details >>>

Agricultural Intelligence Express [2022.1.20] Chongqing's total grain output hit a new high in 13 years

Promote the prosperity of farmers

Henan will plant sorghum in 2021 in an area of about 400,000 mu. Sorghum is both a ration and a high-quality reserve grain, as well as a higher rate of economic value conversion. Details >>>

Hainan Baisha specialty agricultural products of the potato market, is expected to produce 200,000 catties in the county this year. Details >>>

Agricultural Intelligence Express [2022.1.20] Chongqing's total grain output hit a new high in 13 years

Source: Micro-three-farmer (nybwgsn) comprehensive collation

Edit: Huo Ran

Supervisor: Guo Pingping

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