
Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental


Orange is suitable for winter wear, wear up a warm sense of vision, collocation is not complicated, with a unified tone, plus black series of overlapping wear, showing skin tone has temperament, orange color chooses shoulder width design, more show the figure of the driver

Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental

Wide-shouldered suit plus slim black underwear, contrast color natural good-looking, as an inner layer, also use black system is also suitable, camisole vest or add irregular points, with contrast, also good-looking

Orange can be set off by a suit, plus fishtail pants, or flared pants, to choose a high-waist design, in order to increase our favorite waistline, oversize wide-leg pants and collocation, you can use a slim inner layer

Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental

Inner slim fit, coupled with the outline of the outer layer, thin at the same time there is a sense of space, seemingly simple shape but worn very white, orange style can also be used orange makeup, and the suit has a background

Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental

It is most suitable for skin color to use a suit (in addition to wearing, I also especially like Zhou Bichang's makeup, orange or first love makeup, elegant and good-looking, at the same time, with a hint of high-end feeling)

Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental
Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental
Orange is suitable for winter wear, follow the zhou pen to wear orange suits, showing skin tone, very temperamental

In winter, which orange-hued wear you prefer, you can also tell us in the message area below, looking forward to the small partners' dressing tutorial Oh, the temperament of the wear, waiting for you to turn in your homework

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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