
Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)


Great Lakes in the South

Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)

Famous lake

Hunan Dongting is mighty and imposing, and the ecological function is Poyang Lake.

Taihu Lake is beautiful and honored, and Chaohu Lake is beautiful in Anhui.

Wuhan East Lake world temperament, Jiaxing South Lake red boat holy land.

Jinling Xuanwu Royal Endowment, Qiandao Lake show the world's first.

The sunrise is rich in gold and the West Lake in Hangzhou is famous all over the world.

Lake veins

Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)

Ten thousand springs of water when born, a thousand streams when young, a hundred rivers when long, ten rivers when big,

When it is a lake, when it is a lake, it nurtures life, and when it goes to the sea. After asking the Dragon King,

If the Dragon King does not speak, please go to Yan Huang, he has ten thousand books for you to enjoy.

Chant Lake

Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)

The great lake is thousands of miles around, and the blue waves are rippling and the spring tide is rising.

Fish and shrimp jump through the dragon gate, and the fisherman closes the net with joy.

Hundreds of birds flew in the distance to congratulate, and seagulls and wild ducks performed a noble salute.

The geese lined up on the lake, sweet to the Mandarin ducks.

The bees loved the flowers and refused to go, and the butterflies chirped again.

There are thousands of fresh waters in the lake, and the children and grandchildren breed and live.

Full of life and tireless, as if the sun is dead!


Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)

On one side of the river three sides of the mountain, pine fir bamboo willow emerald side.

The reed bouquet flowers sway with the wind, and the lotus flowers by the lake are beautiful like fairies.

Several small islands hide secrets and can be visited by boat.

Lakes and Seas - Walking Between Mountains and Rivers (3)

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