
China released丨 China's more than 667 million people use gas Nearly 100,000 kilometers of pipelines have aged
China released丨 China's more than 667 million people use gas Nearly 100,000 kilometers of pipelines have aged

China's network on January 20 (reporter Peng Yao) the Ministry of Emergency Management held a press conference on the 20th, Su Jie, director of the Department of Safety Coordination of the Ministry of Emergency Management, said that in recent years, with the rapid development of the mainland's urbanization process, the scale of urban gas use in the country has grown rapidly, the gas population has exceeded 667 million people in the country, and the penetration rate of urban gas use in the country has reached 97.87%. While the use of gas brings convenience, the risk of gas safety is becoming increasingly prominent. The causes of accidents such as explosions and leaks are mainly gas pipeline leakage, perennial corrosion leads to explosions; construction third-party destruction; improper use, etc.

At the meeting, the top ten typical cases of national production safety accidents in 2021 were released: the top ten typical cases of national production safety accidents in 2021 were: "1·10" major explosion accident at Wat Shan Gold Mine in Qixia City, Shandong Province; "4·21" large poisoning and suffocation accident of Heilongjiang Kelenda Technology Co., Ltd.; "6.13" major gas explosion accident in Yanhu Community Bazaar in Shiyan, Hubei Province; "6.13" large poisoning and suffocation accident in Sichuan Yifeng Food Co., Ltd.; "6.25" in Zhenxing Wuguan, Shangqiu, Henan Major fire accidents; "7.12" major collapse accident of The Four Seasons Open Source Hotel in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province; "7.15" major water permeability accident of Shijingshan Tunnel in the first bidding section of the Xingye Express Line (South Section) in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province; "7.24" major fire accident in Li's Wedding Dream City in Changchun, Jilin Province; "7.26" major road traffic accident in Pingliang Section of Qinglan Expressway in Gansu; and major accidents in the "8.14" roof of the Chaidar Coal Mine of Qinghai HaibeiZhou Xihai Coal Development Co., Ltd.

China released丨 China's more than 667 million people use gas Nearly 100,000 kilometers of pipelines have aged

On January 20, the Ministry of Emergency Management held a press conference to report on the situation of natural disasters and safe production in the country in 2021. Photo by Yang Jia, China Net

Su Jie pointed out that the occurrence of these accidents reflects that the current gas safety accidents have entered a stage of frequent and frequent occurrences. The mainland has entered a period of large-scale use of gas, most of the pipelines were built 20 years ago, and the pipelines are aging and old, including the continuous expansion of new construction. According to preliminary statistics, nearly 100,000 kilometers of pipelines in the country have been aging to varying degrees, coupled with the low construction standards at that time, daily maintenance, maintenance, and update are not timely, and the risk challenge is very large.

At the same time, some deep-seated problems were found in the investigation, especially exposing that there are still big gaps in the implementation of the main responsibility of gas safety in some regions, departments and enterprises and institutions, especially after the gas business licenses in some places are delegated to the grass-roots level, the corresponding regulatory forces and regulatory law enforcement capabilities have not been adapted to it, and the law enforcement is "loose and soft", and it is not strict and cannot be implemented in different degrees in various places.

Recently, the State Council Safety Committee has carried out gas safety investigation and rectification, focusing on the investigation of major safety risks and hidden dangers in the gas operation links; major risks and hidden dangers focusing on public places such as catering; safety risks and major hidden dangers in some old communities; major safety hazards in the construction of gas projects; safety hazards in gas pipeline facilities; gas stoves, including hoses, joints, alarms, etc. that do not meet the current requirements, or the quality does not meet the requirements, and it is easy to produce leakage and aging.

Su Jie said: Judging from the current progress, all localities and departments attach great importance to it. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have formulated a special implementation plan for the renovation of the old gas pipeline network, and are currently stepping up to promote it.

"Now we make full use of modern information technology to monitor and warn of gas leaks and accelerate the construction of information systems." At present, all parts of the country are also attaching great importance to the construction of such a monitoring and early warning platform. Su Jie said that in 2022, we will try our best to improve work measures and strive to let the people use gas with peace of mind and with confidence.

Released by China

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