
Past Zero 123


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"Life" is another work by Lu Yao that won the (second) National Outstanding Novella Award. She resonated with me and won the favor of countless people. From it, they gained their own life value.

"Life" portrays not an earth-shattering story, but the life struggle of a small person at the bottom of society, Gao Garin.

"Life" takes the urban and rural life of the northern Shaanxi Plateau as the background of the reform period, depicts the high school graduate Gao Garin returning to the countryside (as a private teacher), leaving the countryside, leaving the countryside again, and returning to the countryside again, and delicately portraying the love entanglement between Gao Garin and the rural girl Liu Qiaozhen and the urban girl's high school classmate Huang Yaping, which constitutes the contradiction of the development of the story of "Life". It was this contradiction that led to the tragedy of his life.

Liu Qiaozhen is a beautiful, simple, kind, gentle, considerate, open-minded, enthusiastic, strong, hardworking and reasonable rural girl, the only thing she lacks is illiteracy. This only deficiency buried the curse of her love tragedy with Gaugarin.

I can't forget the scene where Qiao Zhen pushed her bicycle at the head of the Dama River bridge and looked at the river and quietly waited for Gao Garin: "In fact, she is not a person without her own heart. For years, she had been in her heart..."

Liu Qiaozhen knew that he had gone to sell steamed buns, and she knew even more that he could not sell them. So she rode to the Damas River Bridge, where she waited for him to come, from noon to afternoon..."

I can't forget that Qiao Zhen plucked up enough courage to confess to Garin with nervous chests: "'Garin, are you selling steamed buns?'" She blushed, and for some reason, it seemed that her spirit was a little nervous, her body seemed to be trembling slightly, and both legs seemed to be a little unsteady. ”

"'Just, let's not ride a bike, walk back in a tower.'" Qiao Zhen's beautiful big eyes looked at him stubbornly, and her protruding chest fell together. ”

"'Garingo! If you don't hate me, let's go through it together! You stay at home, I'll give us up the hill to work! It won't make you suffer...' Qiao Zhen finished, bowing her head, one hand on the handlebar, the other hand cramped to pull the edge of the clothes. ”

I can't forget that in the starry moonlit nights, Qiao Zhen snuggled up next to Garin and murmured: "At night, after dark and severe, he and Qiao Zhen met in the crop field outside the village." They walked aimlessly along the path in the crop field in a dense green gauze tent, sometimes holding hands like children, silently following the path in the crop field; sometimes they stopped, kissed each other, and smiled sweetly at each other. When they were tired of walking, they found a secluded place, and Garin lay down, dispelling the fatigue of labor with a pleasant sigh, and Qiaozhen snuggled up next to him and combed his dusty unkempt hair with her hands; or pressed her small mouth to his ear and gently and gently sang him the ancient songs handed down from his ancestors. Sometimes, Garin fell asleep in this hypnosis and pulled up a loud snoring sound. His dear girlfriend quickly shook him awake and said, 'Look what has tired you of.' You rest for a day tomorrow! She pulled his hand over and covered her face, 'When we're married, you'll have seven days off!' I'll make you like a school, on Sunday!'"

I can't forget Qiaozhen brushing her teeth for Garin every day, "spitting white foam", changing clothes every day: "Liu Qiaozhen brushed her teeth." This incident was very common, but as soon as it appeared on her, it immediately spread in the village like wind and rain. The "people of the past" talked strangely, buzzing. The old men who collected the dung squatted down in front of her, pointing at each other's mouths like observing a sick animal. ”

"'Let them go for jokes!'" I'm not afraid of anything! I'm going to brush on the side of the barn! Qiao Zhen said fiercely to her father. ”

She changed the original two thick black braids to the kind of hairstyle that the girls in the city were fashioning: she tied her hair into a fluffy clump behind her head with a flower handkerchief. What to wear? She felt distressed. ”

"She decided to change the beige short sleeves and the dark blue pair of good pants, and put back on the clothes she usually wore for her labor... Then turn the big lapels of the water red shirt over the outside. ”

"He (Qiao Zhen's father) found that Qiao Zhen changed her clothes three times a day these days, and her hair was combed endlessly..."

I can't forget the tears of grief and the back of Qiaozhen's abandonment by Garin at the same bridge on the Dama River: "I may have to transfer to work thousands of miles away, let's..."

Qiao Zhen shoved her finger in her mouth and bit it painfully. After a while he said, 'Then you... Go ahead. ”

Qiao Zhen shook her head, tears brushing across her face, and one after another fell into the Dama River under the bridge.

"She staggered over, got on her bike with difficulty, and then flew toward the big horse river without looking back..."

I can't forget that QiaoZhen was abandoned, but instead comforted Gao Garin and helped Gao Garin to intercede in front of the brigade secretary and asked him to arrange for Gao Garin to teach again: "Two strings of tears quietly flowed down Qiaozhen's cheeks. Her two hands clutched the bridge railing convulsively and choked up: '... Galingo, don't say it again! I, you know what you mean! you...... Go ahead! I will never bother you! After you joined the work, I thought about it for an unknown number of times, and although I loved you to the death, I knew that I didn't deserve you. I don't know a word, I can't help you, and I have to drag down your work... You go yours, go outside and find a better object... When you go outside, you have to worry more, people are unfamiliar, unlike our hometown fields..."

"I forgot to tell you!" I just went to the house of Ming Lou (the secretary of the brigade), and I met Qiao Zhen begging Ming Lou to let him go to the commune to do his work and let you (Garin) teach again! Qiao Zhen said a handful of tears in her nose..."

Huang Yaping is beautiful and temperamental, broad-minded, open-minded, has a good family background, and is undoubtedly a modern woman, but although she is cheerful and lively, she is willful and arbitrary, and a little unreasonable. Her love for Gaugarin is fiery and bold, and she has a desire to conquer. She and Gao Garin do have a lot in common: they have the same knowledge background, they have common cognition, and there are many touching topics: "Huang Yaping had tears in his eyes and said excitedly: 'Garin, since you came to the county, my heart has not been quiet for a day.'" When I was in school, I liked you a lot. However, at that time, we were all young and didn't know much about these things. Then you went to the countryside again... Now, when I see you, I know that the person I really love is you! ”

Gaugarin and Apin fell in love, and they immersed themselves in love all day long, coming and going in pairs in various public places:

"They wore swimsuits and went swimming in the waterhole outside the city as soon as noon. After swimming, I wore sunglasses and lay on the beach by the river. In the evening, they went to Donggang to kill time; a piece of heaven and earth said the east and the west; or sang one song after another. ”

According to his own aesthetics, Huang Yaping quickly re-dressed Gao Garin: a large coffee-colored lapel jacket and a beige windbreaker. She herself re-permed her hair and tied it with a red ribbon, which looked very romantic. All over the body are Shanghai's fashionable ready-to-wear. ”

"Two men riding a bicycle", "triumphantly passing through the streets of the county seat..."

"They're really too compelling,...... Many called them 'amateur overseas Chinese.' ’”

“...... Revel in madness in their romantic love affair. ”

Huang Yaping is willful, arrogant, and extremely aggressive: she is in Cagarin for a meeting, and when it is raining heavily, she calls and lies that the knife has fallen to the place where she played yesterday, and asks Gao Garin to go and get it back immediately. If you don't go, you're crying on the other end of the phone. He had to lie and take leave to look for it, and came back like a chicken in soup, but Huang Yaping was very excited.

Gao Garin is a talented, idealistic, self-motivated, not willing to be ordinary, full of lofty ambitions of the rural youth. It is the image of a new generation of knowledgeable farmers.

Gao Garin fell back to the countryside after failing the college entrance examination, became a private teacher, and three years later was replaced by the son of the powerful Gao Minglou who had just graduated; when he was wandering and dying, at the lowest point in his life, Ma Zhansheng, deputy director of the Labor Bureau, carried Gao Garin's uncle on his back, and Gao Yuzhi, deputy director of the Regional Labor Bureau, arranged a job for Gao Garin; just as he was able to display his talents, he was reported back to the countryside by his classmate Zhang Kenan's powerful mother to save his son's girlfriend Huang Yaping.

Gao Garin is versatile, talented, extremely capable, and extremely responsible, and is a rare talent: "This school is jointly run by several surrounding villages, with a total of more than 100 students, the highest is the fifth grade (graduating class), and a group of junior high school students are sent to Chengguan Middle School every year. Gao Garin has been the homeroom teacher of the fifth grade, and he has also substituted for the arithmetic and Chinese classes in this grade. He also gave music and drawing lessons to all grades of the school– a well-respected character here. ”

"A storm south of the county gave Gaugarin a chance to work for the first time." He boldly asked the Nanmahe Commune, where the disaster was the worst, to learn about and report on the disaster. ”

His blood boiled along the way. There is an adventurous spirit in his personality– it can also be said to be heroic. This spirit is very sad in a boring fight, but in this case, it seems very valuable. ”

Heavy rain poured down, the sky was dark, and there was no slap in sight. Thirsty, his feet broken, he ignored nothing, and trotted toward his destination. "Gao Garin was the first cadre in the county to reach the Nanma River. The relief team led by the deputy secretary of the county party committee arrived a full five hours later than him. ”

Gao Garin ignored nothing and wrote a report on "As long as someone is there, the catastrophe is not afraid" "I went with Liu Yuhai (secretary of the NanmaHe Commune) to the scene of the disaster, and worked with everyone with a handful of mud and water." ”

The manuscript was sent to the county early the next morning.

Except for the people on duty who were asleep," Gaugarin did not sleep. He wrote three more short newsletters and a comprehensive report under the kerosene lamp. ”

"The next day, Garin received a note from Lao Jing with a few brief words: 'You're doing a great job, waiting for your next report...'"

"In the end, Garin and the county condolence group triumphed together."

Gao Garin immediately became a striking figure in the county seat. His talents were soon unleashed in this world. He had published a number of newsletters in the regional newspapers, and an essay on local customs and customs had been published in the supplement of the provincial newspaper. It didn't take long for him to learn the techniques of taking photographs and printing and placing photos with Lao Jing. Whenever there were some major social events in the county, he hung a camera with a flash on his chest and appeared in front of the crowd of thick people, which was particularly dazzling. Coupled with the fact that he is also a beautiful Peugeot lad, it makes him even more attractive. Soon, people began to ask questions... Many strange girls also gave him flying eyes on some occasions, and tried their best to approach him. ”

"In the evening, he made a big splash at the county stadium again." His dress, his skills, his figure..." Immediately attracted fans in the stands across the stadium. ”

He went to the state canteen to buy food, paid the same amount of money and food stamps, and "got" more and better meals than others; in the department store, as soon as he entered, the salesman took the initiative to ask him what he was buying; he walked through the street, and someone pointed out behind his back and said: 'Look, this is the county reporter!'" Always carry a camera! I write articles in the newspapers! Or: 'This is number eleven, playing forward!' The action is fast and the shots are accurate! ’”

"Gaugarin has become a star of the city."

"He works, and no matter how tired he is, he can't feel it. Where to go for an interview, take a bike and run. Back in town, I spent the night writing at my desk. The economy is also more prosperous, in addition to wages, there are also writing fees. He writes almost every day — 'This county show' has ..."

Gao Garin's life touched me deeply, and he resonated with me deeply.

Such a doer as Gao Garin, such an all-rounder, went in and out of a few times, and finally returned to the land where he was born. For his life, I sighed for him, felt sorry for him, and even more unhappy for him.

Gaugarin is a talent, a doer! We often lament that Bole is difficult to find, it is indeed difficult to find...

I have a deep feeling that Gao Garin was replaced by a powerful man with his son as a private teacher: I am the same fate as Gao Garin, in the early seventies, I was also a private teacher, and I was also like Gao Garin, in addition to serving in the highest grade of the school's Language, mathematics and other classes, but also to go to other grades of music, pictures, but also to beautify the campus murals, but also led students to engage in work-study, but also organized sports training, team up, participate in the commune sports meeting and other work.

In those days, if the children of peasants wanted to have a job, not to mention the ideal job, it was the minimum work, and it was really difficult to go to the sky. Except for being a soldier, even if the soldier is also very rare, there is no way for the "lucky ones" to have a job...

You have no background, there is no so-called Baile, can you be a private teacher, when you are a private teacher, how easy is it to talk about?

Today, after the reform and opening up, it is completely possible to pass the school, enter the company, and work with the ability...

As long as you work hard, as long as you work hard... As long as you have the ability, there is no shortage of food and clothing, and there is no shortage of ideal jobs...

For Gaugarin's "love", I think it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, all this happens, it is just the time to tease people, and his ending is only a product of that era.

If Gaugarin had been born today, his life would have had a different ending. I believe deeply!

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