
Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

author:Mortal hearts

According to data, there are 140 million people with hair loss in China, 420 million people with white hair, 80% of the population has dyed burned hair, dandruff and itching, hair loss, gray hair and other symptoms, 300 million consumers are in urgent need of care, it seems that the hair care market is a blue ocean market worth 900 billion yuan. In this context, there are more and more companies in this field, and "Josman", known as the "Chanel of the hair care industry", is one of them.

So what kind of brand is Josman? Have there ever been a record of "ordering corrections" of many cosmetics under the Josman brand? What kind of false publicity problems exist in many products in The Josman Mall? Does the advertising language involving the concept of "cytokines" violate the provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labeling? Is there any basis for the statement that "the product is free to receive, only the postage, each bottle, the reward is one yuan, the free bottle of the product, the reward is ten thousand yuan"? Does the bonus system promoted by Josman have the characteristics of setting threshold fees, pulling heads and multi-level team remuneration?

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?
Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Enterprises under the name have repeatedly received fines

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Zhuzhou Josman Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established on April 28, 2017, the legal representative Tang Liping, the shareholders are Tang Liping (major shareholder), Zhang Ying, the registered capital of 1 million yuan, according to the 2020 annual report, the company's shareholder contribution and employee participation at that time are as follows:

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

According to the official promotional materials, Zhuzhou Josman Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a new biotechnology co., LTD. that relies on the professional R&D team and strong generative resources of Da crocodile biology and Jufang Cosmetics Company. Josman is committed to the comprehensive care and care of hair and scalp, with years of brand accumulation, product quality and experience services, there are more than 2,000 chain franchise stores in the country, and has also been praised by the relevant promotion of soft text as "Chanel of the hair care industry".

According to the enterprise investigation, there are 8 enterprises with Tang Liping as the legal representative, and more than half of them have been cancelled. Among these companies, many enterprises have also been administratively punished by the relevant departments, Zhuzhou Shengtang Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. in 2016 for the unauthorized establishment of branches by the Zhuzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce Shifeng Branch punishment. Decision document number: Zhushi Industrial and Commercial Bank [2016] No. 4. Coincidentally, when the time came to 2020, Tang Liping's Tang ShengTang Goose House in Zhuzhou County's Zhukou Town received a fine from the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Zhuzhou County for violating the Price Law. Decision Instrument No.: [2020] No. 61.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

A variety of products, ordered to correct

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Next, let's take a look at the current situation of Josman's products. After checking the domestic non-special-purpose cosmetics filing platform, we also found that many of Josman's products still have records of being "ordered to correct".

"Jossman Rejuvenating Hair Set Box - Jossman Healthy Hair Essence", "Jossman Energizing Healthy Hair Set Box - Jossman Revitalizing Essence", "Jossman Energizing Healthy Hair Set Box - Jossman Rejuvenating Hair Balm", "Jossman Original Ginger Warm Heart Massage Balm" and other products have been ordered to correct because "no relevant product safety technical information"; "Jossman Coagulation Peptide Essence", "Jossman Soothing Herbal Powder", "Jossman Radiance Shampoo", "Jossman Rejuvenating Hair Care" The reason why many other products have been ordered to be corrected is that "the filing packaging is inconsistent with the actual sales packaging"; the reason why "Josman Child Face Cream" has been ordered to correct is that "the information related to product safety technology is incomplete".

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Incidentally, Shenzhen Jufang Cosmetics Co., Ltd., one of the manufacturers of these cosmetics and endorsed Byothman, was also administratively punished by the Drug Department (Medical Device Department) of Longhua Bureau for "cosmetic violations" in 2018. Decision document number: Shenzhen Quality Chinese Food and Drug Supervision Makeup Penalty 201820180529.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?
Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Whitening, anti-allergy? False propaganda

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

In the New Josman Retail Mall, there are not only Josman brand products, but also other brands of cosmetics and food. One of them is the "Love Luxury Polypeptide Rejuvenation Gel", in which the product is labeled as having a variety of effects such as "whitening spots".

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

In fact, the "love luxury polypeptide rejuvenation gel" is only a domestic non-special-purpose cosmetics (filing number: Yue G makeup network to prepare words 2019237124), and whitening is a special-purpose cosmetics only have the effect. Mainland cosmetics are divided into special cosmetics and ordinary cosmetics. Cosmetics used for hair coloring, perming, spot removal and whitening, sunscreen, hair loss prevention, and cosmetics that claim new efficacy are special cosmetics. In this regard, Article 14 of the Regulations on Hygiene Supervision of Cosmetics states that the advertising of cosmetics shall not have the following contents: (1) The name, production method, utility or performance of cosmetics are false and exaggerated. Therefore, the advertising of ordinary cosmetics with special cosmetic effects such as "whitening spots" is suspected of constituting a false claim of efficacy.

Incidentally, this product has also been ordered to be corrected because the company has not provided the filing information for on-site supervision and inspection after more than three months of filing with the product system.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

In the mall, there are similar publicity problems with the "Josman Child Cream" product detail page.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Under the packaging of relevant promotional pictures in the mall, in addition to the whitening effect, "love luxury polypeptide rejuvenation gel" also has an "anti-allergic" effect.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

According to the requirements of the Regulations on the Administration of Cosmetic Labeling, the Regulations on the Naming of Cosmetics, the Guidelines for the Naming of Cosmetics and other documents, the language claimed by cosmetics should be determined according to its language environment, and the meanings or words used that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following words: medical terms, words that express or imply medical effects and effects. Such as prescription, medicinal, treatment, detoxification, anti-allergy, sterilization, no spots, scar removal, hair growth, fat dissolving, slimming and various skin disease names, various disease names, etc. Obviously, the "anti-allergic" effect advertised by the mall exceeds the definition of cosmetics, belongs to the over-scope publicity and publicity of medical effects, and belongs to illegal publicity.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Ingredients are problematic and misleading

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Next, let's talk about what kind of publicity problems exist in the process of publicizing the efficacy of josman's product ingredients, we take "Josman Skin Renewal Gold Spray" as an example, Josman Mall mentioned "EGF epidermal growth factor" when introducing the ingredients of the product.

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

From the ingredient list of the product, we did not find the existence of EGF, nor did we find the "cytometric intelligence factor" that appeared in the above promotional materials that claimed to be developed on the basis of EGF, but the strange thing is that Josman claimed that this spray is a package with "cytometric intelligence factor" as the core, which is really incredible.

As early as January 2019, the State Drug Administration issued the "Cosmetics Supervision and Administration FAQ (I)", which clearly stated that EGF should not be used as a cosmetic raw material. Adding to the formulation or declaring that the product contains human oligopeptide-1 or EGF is an illegal product.

As for the "cytokine" of unknown origin and vague explanation, it may also fall under the circumstances prohibited by the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labeling, that is, "misleading consumers by using terms and mechanisms that have not yet been widely accepted by the scientific community".

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

Uncover the pattern, involved in the characteristics of the transmission?

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

At the end of the article, let's pay attention to how to interpret the current bonus system of Josman's new retail. According to the information provided by the dealer Ah Qiang (pseudonym), the following is shown:

1. 499 partners

Get 1688 yuan product. 2 to 10 years of product free collar, only postage, receive a bottle of products, the company also rewards a yuan, after becoming a partner, that is, to obtain the promotion of the national market qualifications.

Direct referral prize 180 yuan

Indirect referral award 60 yuan

Recommend 10 499 partners to upgrade to senior partners.

2. Senior Partner

Direct recommendation prize 200 yuan

Indirect referral award 80 yuan

The team prize is 10 yuan per order

Recommend 2 senior partners to upgrade to diamond partners.

3. Diamond Partner

Direct referral prize 210 yuan

Indirect referral award 90 yuan

The team prize is 30 yuan per order

4. Team Rewards

Senior and diamond partners can upgrade the team reward qualification and enjoy the team management award, the team reward is between 10 yuan and 30 yuan, and the level is not rewarded.

5. Repurchase commission

Enjoy a commission of up to 20% for repurchases (commission = repurchase direct push + repurchase room push + repurchase team reward)

For the above system, the platform also invited industry experts to analyze it, and the expert pointed out: "This model is a typical model of transmission with the characteristics of setting threshold fees, pulling heads and multi-level team remuneration. ”

Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?


Josman: False publicity for many products, bonus system with both threshold fees and pulling people's heads?

In recent years, in the cosmetics industry, similar to the Josman Mall like the fabrication of concepts, exaggerated efficacy of false publicity phenomenon occurs from time to time, as we all know, individual merchants on the domestic non-special purpose cosmetics for the efficacy of false publicity, in violation of the mainland "Advertising Law", "Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law", "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" and other laws of the provisions, constitute misleading to consumers, but also hurt the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, according to the severity of the circumstances will be punished to varying degrees. For the chaotic domestic cosmetics industry, China Food and Drug Network once pointed out: "Judging from the recent legislation and law enforcement, false publicity itself is also the focus of the market supervision department in recent years. From the perspective of the industry, the cosmetics industry is also undergoing a new round of legislative and law enforcement rectification. Therefore, from the perspective of enterprises, we should also try our best to learn and understand the new laws and regulations, conduct self-examination and rectification, correct irregular publicity behaviors as soon as possible, and improve the level of legal and compliant operations, so as not to damage the reputation and brand on which the long-term development of enterprises depends for survival. ”

As for how Josman will develop in the future? Can the many false publicity in The Josman Mall be valued and rectified by the company? In this regard, the micro-business e-commerce research will continue to pay attention.

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