
Three make-up techniques create a clear, natural look that won't conceal it

author:Kurikiko classmate

Hello everyone, Xiaobian and everyone met again, today to share with you a few makeup tips about concealment, if you in the makeup of the base makeup is always mottled card powder, acne scars, dark circles, tear troughs and other imperfections are always unable to cover, then the next few makeup techniques are very suitable for you!

Three make-up techniques create a clear, natural look that won't conceal it

1. Tap and press

This technique is for the makeup is always mottled sisters, first of all, we do not apply the entire face with foundation liquid at once when applying makeup, we must follow the principle of a small number of times, first start from the current position to paint, and then tap and press, this step with fingers, puffs or makeup eggs are OK, pay attention not to be too close to the position of the silkworm, otherwise it will appear very dull.

Three make-up techniques create a clear, natural look that won't conceal it

2. Dispensing method

This technique is suitable for local concealers, such as smaller imperfections such as acne scars and freckles, so do not use such a directional blemish as a tear trough. Specifically, you can use a brush to dip the concealer, or you can use the concealer stick directly to press vertically with the face, pause for a few seconds, and then gently blend the surrounding areas.

Three make-up techniques create a clear, natural look that won't conceal it

3. Fill diffusion method

This method is suitable for covering the tear trough such as a flaw, because the tear trough always makes the face have a tendency to sag, so we have to do the opposite, first use the concealer brush to dip in a color that is brighter than the skin, first fill the tear trough part, and then use the fingers, upward, that is, the direction of the corner of the eye to wipe it open, so that it shows an upward spreading trend, so that not only can it be covered, but also the whole face can appear more juvenile and young.

Three make-up techniques create a clear, natural look that won't conceal it

Finally, i.e. I will send you a small tip to cover the dark circles, that is, use orange lipstick to apply at the dark circles, pay attention not to paint too much, and then blend open, this method is mainly based on the principle of color complementarity, in the visual balance, pro-test effective!

I'll share it here today! Hope it helps you in need! Remember to like the collection! Follow us and don't miss out on something! We'll see you next time!

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