
MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home

author:Up the network

MetaLand is a new continent that exists in the digital age metaverse, MetaLand is the epitome of the development history of the human digital age metaverse, where global players can deeply participate in the five stages of opening up, pioneering, construction, urbanization and modernization, and obtain value appreciation through planting, land development, real estate development, house demolition, commercial construction, investment and asset management.

MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home


1. Open up

Each player starts from scratch, builds a new world system and cosmic kingdom, and opens the stage of survival and development. MetaLand's first phase of the online opening stage of the grass house NFT, wooden plough NFT, iron plough NFT, steel plough NFT pre-sale, after the game is launched, players live in the grass house to avoid the cold to obtain the continuation of survival, through the wooden plough / iron plough / steel plough, combined with seeds, millstone processing to obtain bread, so as to obtain sustained income.

2. Pioneering

Thatched huts and bread are not enough to meet the needs of players' production and life, players need more land, richer production and life projects to enrich the game experience, and reclaim the undeveloped land into usable land.

3. Construction

MetaLand has developed through two stages of development, opening up and pioneering, and has the foundation for building an urban society. Players who own or lease the corresponding land can develop concrete properties for sale or lease for income, or they can buy them back from Metaland at the original price.

4. Urbanization

The main mission of the urbanization stage is to build various commercial facilities, make full use of the land, and complete the construction of urban ecology. Depending on the plot, the type of business, the development cycle and the size of the construction team, the player pays the corresponding amount of bread.

5. Modernization

All the urban infrastructure has been completed, and the old concrete houses have to be completely demolished and converted into flat floors and villas. Players who own commercial or commercial operations can demolish and transform concrete houses, different numbers of concrete houses can be combined into flat layers or villa grades, lots, different values, in addition, there is a certain difference in the rate of return of income from flat floors and villas.

MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home

DAO and Guild

The development route of the DAO and the guild

Players form guilds to participate in MetaLand, guilds provide members with teaching, research, hosting, publicity and other services, can help players get a better game and value experience, as the stage continues to advance, players can participate in Metaland governance through the guild.

Pioneering, pioneering, and construction stages

MetaLand's governance is mainly carried out by the Metaland creation team. The reason is that the metaland guild organization gradually formed, grew and matured at these stages, and the rights and interests of the guild were gradually expanded, and by the end of the construction stage, it had the framework and voting mechanism to govern the entire Metaland economy, and the technical aspect also needed to be contributed by the MetaLand team as the core technical force.

Urbanization phase

Players began to build commercial facilities, players in a distributed and collaborative way to operate all kinds of business, the entire Metaland as a node to play a governance function, players in the same industry, players in the same region, players in complementary industries can carry out a variety of cooperation, so as to combine resources with THE DAO to achieve value growth. The role and voice of the guild in Metaland have also gradually increased, thus gradually assuming the responsibility of governing Metaland.

Modernization phase

Guilds will play a more important role in gradually implementing a decentralized governance model for multiple guilds.

The formation of the guild

Players can choose to become "Guild Players" or "Individual Players" when registering, where "Guild Players" have the right to create guilds and "Individual Players" can participate in becoming guild members.

MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home

In MetaLand, the early guild was mainly founded by the MetaLand team to provide technical support and services for the members who joined the guild, and the daily affairs of the guild were jointly decided and managed by the guild members to reflect the superiority of blockchain games. Later in life, guild players can create their own guilds, with a maximum of 100 guilds per guild. The establishment of the guild requires a certain amount of bread in the early stage to purchase the guild's activity space, infrastructure, technical capabilities, etc., and at the same time, the guild also needs to be registered and maintained regularly to ensure the good operation of each guild. The rest of the individual players can participate in the activities of the guild by joining other people's guilds and share in the benefits of the guild.

The equity structure of the guild

Guilds are divided into three levels, from low to high: Junior Guild, Intermediate Guild, and Advanced Guild

MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home

The operation of the guild

The guild includes the president, vice president, and guild members.

President of the Guild

The president is responsible for unified organization and management, and the president of the association can appoint 5 people as vice presidents. The guild president and vice president can send messages to all guild members to keep the latest guild information up to date and effectively among guild members.

Vice President of the Guild

The five vice-presidents jointly assist the president to formalize, professionalize and systematize the management of the guild. Avoid the situation of leaderlessness in the temporary affairs of the president, prevent the emergence of dictatorship and dictatorship, and let the guild better serve the majority of members.

Guild member

All decisions and production of the guild are decided by all the members of the guild, and the president and vice president only play a role in assisting the operation of the system. Guild skills are specially open to guilds, and when new guild skills are learned, the experience points gained by guild members increase. The same effort, the more the gain, the exclusive privilege that only the members of the guild can get.

Guild progression and revenue sharing

MetaLand automatically upgrades the guild level based on the experience points earned. However, if you want to advance to the guild, you need to consume a certain amount of guild funds and time, you need to reach the highest level of the previous class and get all the experience points of the corresponding level, you can upgrade the guild by upgrading the guild guardian stone NPC, that is, by earning more bread = guild promotion. As guilds progress, more guild base resources can be used: for example, the maximum amount of experience you can earn each week increases; the maximum amount of public guild funds held increases; the upper limit of personal guild coins increases; you can sign a contract with guild NPCs; you can unlock new guild icons, and so on. Through guilds, each player can also get higher revenue and a better technical gaming experience.

MetaLand and all Metaman have joined forces to build their own digital home

Join MetaLand and unite with Metaman around the world to build our own digital home!

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