
Lai Qingde's visit to Honduras also carried out internal propaganda on "deepening diplomacy."

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Huaxia Graticule

Lai Qingde's visit to Honduras also carried out internal propaganda on "deepening diplomacy."

In Honduras' general election on November 28, 2021, left-wing Liberal Reconstruction Party candidate Castro (center) was raised by her running partner Nasraya and declared himself victorious. (Associated Press)

Lai Ching-te, deputy leader of the Taiwan authorities, will serve as a special envoy and lead a delegation to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new Honduran president, Castro, on January 27. Tsai Ing-wen entrusted Lai Qingde with the tasks of "three deepening", namely "deepening friendship", "deepening cooperation", and "deepening the international participation of democratic Taiwan".

Deepening the way of friendship is nothing more than to continue to promote economic, trade, scientific and technological medical cooperation between the two sides. In desperation, Honduras, under the governance of former President Yenandez and the "Drug Lord Trader" alleged by the Us "New Yorker" magazine, drug lords are rampant, the people's livelihood is poor, and it is the poorest country in Central and South America.

Although under the coercive pressure of the United States, the opposition party candidate Castro postponed the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Chinese mainland after winning the election, but the "diplomatic relations" between the Taiwan region and Honduras are like unexploded bombs that will explode at any time. Can the long-broken People's livelihood economy of Honduras be revived through the assistance of economic, trade, science and technology and medical care between the two sides? Taiwan and Honduras have not seen the results of deepening cooperation and deepening friendship in the past 80 years, can Lai Qingde's 6-day trip reap the results of miraculous work?

Two days ago, the Associated Press reported that "Guatemala hired Trump supporters, lobbied the United States, and Taiwan paid the bill", laughing at the international. Could it be that this model will become a new model for Lai Qingde to deepen the friendship of Honduras? Deepening friendship, the premise is that the interests of the two places overlap and coincide, and long-term cultivation and payment are needed. Taiwan's "diplomacy of throwing money" and lobbying and tossing and turning can only solve the short-term crisis, and it is difficult to hope for long-term peace and stability.

Honduras is the forbidden place in the backyard of the United States, and the United States has prevented Castro from acknowledging Chinese mainland, only because he does not want to see the backyard fire, and he definitely does not love Taiwan. If Lai Qingde attends the inauguration ceremony of the new president of Honduras, he will be able to hook up with the United States, and the so-called "deepening the international participation of democratic Taiwan" is nothing but ridiculous and pitiful masturbation and self-deception!