
Eat nuts for 3 months to get high blood lipids? That's not necessarily true, it depends on how you eat it


According to the "News Hyperlink" of the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, recently, a woman in Nanning insisted on eating nuts every day, and after 3 months, she was found to be high in blood lipids during the physical examination.

Eat nuts for 3 months to get high blood lipids? That's not necessarily true, it depends on how you eat it

Ms. Nanning is suspected of suffering from high blood lipids due to eating nuts

Do eating nuts really make you high in blood lipids? Is the phrase "a handful of nuts and a handful of oil" accurate? If you eat nuts and gain weight, why do nuts appear frequently in the diet recipe? Near the Spring Festival, many people have prepared a variety of nuts at home, can they still eat them with confidence?

Eat high blood lipids? Unlikely

In the news, the lady eats "a pack of nuts" every day, and at the same time eats some peanuts and walnuts to "add meals". But a closer look reveals that the information is very limited. What is the net content of a packet of nuts, and is the taste salt-baked or plain? Is it a single nut or a mixed nut... The details are unknown. In this case, the conclusion that "eating nuts for 3 months to get high blood lipids" is too arbitrary.

Ruan Guangfeng, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center of Kexin and a member of the expert committee of the China Internet Joint Rumor Dispelling Platform, also said that diet is only one of the many factors that induce high blood lipids.

The standard name for hyperlipidemia is "hyperlipidemia". When the blood lipid level in the human body is too high, it will directly cause some serious diseases that endanger human health. Hyperlipidemia is divided into two categories: primary and secondary, the former is related to congenital and genetic, and the latter occurs more often in metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, liver and kidney disease, hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, etc. In addition, there are many factors related to high blood lipids, including age, sex, season, smoking, diet, physical activity, emotional activity, etc.

In fact, fat and cholesterol in food are not the main sources of blood lipids and blood cholesterol. Therefore, compared with familial genetics, chronic diseases, lifestyle and other factors, the impact of diet on high blood lipids is relatively small.

Lipids, weight loss, nut benefits

Nuts are rich in nutrients, and although they are high in fat, most of them are unsaturated fats, such as the famous omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered a good fat. In addition, nuts are also rich in dietary fiber and protein, as well as E- and B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Many studies have found that eating nuts in moderation can alleviate dyslipidemia, promote healthy blood lipids, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, eating nuts does not raise blood lipids by itself.

It is precisely because of the unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber contained in nuts, although there is a saying of "a handful of nuts and a handful of oil", but as long as it is eaten correctly, nuts can also help us lose weight.

Some studies believe that unsaturated fatty acids are more easily oxidized than saturated fatty acids, and have a greater thermogenesis effect, which can reduce the storage and accumulation of body fat. At the same time, the dietary fiber contained in nuts can enhance satiety, added to the meal and eaten with other foods, which has the effect of reducing eating, especially large almonds, small almonds and hazelnuts.

Of course, if you eat three meals a day as usual, the calorie intake is not reduced, and the nuts are also eaten as snacks, then the effect of weight loss cannot be achieved naturally.

Eat nuts for 3 months to get high blood lipids? That's not necessarily true, it depends on how you eat it

Conversion of 10 grams of nuts (Image source: Jingyitong)

Eating it right makes nuts wholesome

For nuts to be good for us, it's important to "eat right." In addition to the timing mentioned above, it is also important which nuts to eat and how many nuts to eat.

At present, there is no evidence to prove which nut is better and healthier, and Ruan Guangfeng suggested that various nuts can be eaten together and eaten instead.

What's more, when buying nuts, you should try to choose plain nuts that are not flavored with sugar and salt. At the same time, you should also eat less fried nuts - adding a layer of flour on the outside is delicious, but the fat content is greatly increased, which is not conducive to weight control and blood lipids.

As for intake, instead of believing in the advertising "one pack a day is the healthiest", look at the specific weight. Mainland dietary guidelines recommend that the average adult consume 25 to 35 grams of soy nuts per day. If it is a small nut such as peanuts, pistachios, and almonds, it is equivalent to 7 to 8 nuts; if it is a large nut such as walnuts and macadamia nuts, 2 to 3 are enough. Although nuts contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids, once consumed too much, it is not conducive to health.

Producer: Bai Zhonghua

Reporter: Liu Hejia Yang Yang

Editors: Marius Peng Yuji Liu Fei

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