
In the "Can't Do It" reflection window, see how the "Can't Do It" thing can be done

author:Golden Sheep Net

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Specializing in solving "urgent difficulties and anxieties" and specially picking "difficult and complicated diseases", the "can't do anything" reflecting the window in the government service hall of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Liaoning Province is on fire.

After New Year's Day, Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporters went deep into Dandong to explore how the "can't get things done" reflective window.

Open the record book of the reception service hall, through the contact information above, the reporter made a return visit to some of the people who had reflected the problems in this window. Listening to their "strange" stories, while sharing their joy in accomplishing things, the reporter also felt that "things can't be done" reflected the weight of the window in the hearts of the people.

In the "Can't Do It" reflection window, see how the "Can't Do It" thing can be done

On August 13, 2021, the staff of the "Can't Do It" reflected that the window staff received the visiting masses. Courtesy of respondents

How do I get things done?

At the beginning of July last year, Yang Li of Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, came to the "Can't Do It" reflection window. She said that she had never been to Dandong, but found out that she had her pension insurance account here and asked the social security center to deal with it.

After inquiry, it was found that there was also a "Yang Li" in Dandong City, who began to pay social security in 2017. She was born in the same month of the same year as Yang Li of Jinzhou and attended the same school in Benxi City, Liaoning Province. Due to the school's incorrect registration of Dandong Yangli's ID card number, Dandong Yangli has been using Jinzhou Yangli's ID number since then. Later, Dandong Yangli found the error and went to the public security department to change the number, but did not change to the social security department, resulting in the information of the two people in the social security system being completely consistent.

The "Can't Do It" reflection window checked its information by checking the files item by item, and corrected it, helping Jinzhou YangLi change the information at the same time, but also for Dandong Yangli to retrieve 20 years of service.

The reporter's interview found that the things that the masses finally accomplished through the "can't do things" reflected by the window, without exception, are all "difficult and complicated diseases" that were difficult to handle at the normal window before.

In 2019, Yang Weiqun wanted to handle the transfer of pension insurance relationship from other provinces to Dandong, and needed to push the insurance payment data to the Dandong Social Security Center through the inter-provincial transfer platform.

"Can't do things" reflects that the window staff took the initiative to contact the social security department of other provinces, through telephone, WeChat and other ways, after three days of uninterrupted communication, the social security system of other provinces finally corrected the data, and the Dandong Social Security Center handled the pension insurance transfer and continuation business for him for the first time. Two days later, Yang Weiqun specially came to the "can't do anything" reflection window and thanked the staff in person.

In the past year, the "Can't Do It" reflection window has received wide praise from the local people. "I have two years to retire, but there is no social security, two or three years ago I went to the social security bureau and broke my leg, and I found an acquaintance and did not run out of a result." Today I went to the Social Security Bureau, I really did not expect the staff to take me one by one window like a relative, busy for most of the day finally found out, but also gave me a gift, apologized, made up the card, can retire normally, have a pension. happy. This is the circle of friends sent by Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Dandong, on July 1, 2021, after "getting things done" at the "can't do things" reflection window.

More than 20 years ago, a number of state-owned enterprises in Dandong were transformed, and a large number of employees with working years were bought out, and Mr. Zhang was one of them. At that time, in the process of handing over the file, his company not only wrote his name wrong, but also filled in other information. A few years ago, Mr. Zhang thought that he was about to retire, so he went to the social security center to handle the pension insurance procedures, and when he handled it at the regular window, he found that his personal insurance information could not be found. In the past few years, he has been looking for acquaintances and trusting relationships to find his social security relationship. In June last year, Mr. Zhang found a window for reflecting "impossible things" and repeatedly emphasized that he was a state-owned enterprise that bought out employees and had participated in social security.

"Can't do anything" reflects that the window immediately dispatched the employment center file agency department, the social security center pension insurance and other departments responsible comrades, held a coordination meeting, according to mr. Zhang provided by the original unit and his own information, one by one check, item by item comparison, confirm that the original enterprise in Mr. Zhang bought out, Mr. Zhang's name was written wrong, other information is not complete.

In the "Can't Do It" reflection window, see how the "Can't Do It" thing can be done

On January 5, 2022, the staff of the Dandong Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security sent a new washing machine to Lu Fusheng. Courtesy of respondents


On the third floor of the government service hall of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the reporter met the citizen Lu Jingshuang, and the story she told was equally unforgettable.

At the beginning of 2021, Lu Jingshuang came to this window. She did not run social security for herself, nor did she run errands for her family, but used her rest time to help her neighbor Lu Fusheng reflect on the problem.

Lu Fusheng, a 63-year-old employee of the collective enterprise, suffered from scoliosis, cerebral infarction and other diseases, and was sick at home for more than 20 years. In recent years, Lu Fusheng's illness has worsened, he has basically lost the ability to take care of himself, and he is dependent on his 87-year-old mother, and his life is very difficult. In February 2018, because the original unit had long been bankrupt, personal files could not be found, and when he reached retirement age, Lu Fusheng could not handle the retirement procedures, and the mother and son were anxious.

After the staff of the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau learned about the situation, they took the initiative to go to the door to understand the details with me, visited Lu Fusheng's former unit colleagues, went deep into the street, community and archive departments to which the original unit belonged, and finally found the file from the street database, but the personal information in the file was seriously missing, and after multi-party verification and comparison, lu Fusheng completed the procedures, and Lu Fusheng can now receive a pension of 1783 yuan per month.

The reporter squatted in the hall and found that compared with the normal window, there were not many people who came to this special window to reflect the problem. Guan Liping, head of the administrative examination and approval section of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that the main purpose of setting up this special window is to solve the problems left over from history and the cases that should be handled but have policy bottlenecks, standardize procedures, and solve the common problems that should be handled but have policy bottlenecks. Let the masses do not rush to do things, have land to find, and have someone to help.

Dandong's "can't do things" reflects that there are many mechanism innovations behind the window as a support. In November 2020, The Dandong Municipal "Human Resources and Social Security Service Express Action" system was fully launched, on this basis, the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau innovatively proposed a service model of 1 platform, 4 systems and 5 modules, and launched the "self-help office, online office, one-window office, palm office, nearby office, door-to-door office", so that information runs more and the masses run less errands, which has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the "can't do things" reflection window.

"Our original intention of setting up the 'can't do things' reflection window, in addition to helping the people to effectively solve some difficult problems, but also through this window to force the normal window, if the 'can't do things' reflection window found that the normal window can do but did not do, we have to pursue responsibility." Lu Xuekun, director of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that at present, the government service hall of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau relies on the panoramic data monitoring system to monitor all business flows in the statistical platform in real time, and also specially sets up a reminder function to prompt the bright yellow light that is less than 30% from the completion time limit, and the red light warning for the overdue unfinished business.

In the "Can't Do It" reflection window, see how the "Can't Do It" thing can be done

On March 24, 2021, a member of the public showed reporters the reply he received at the "Can't Do It" reflection window. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yongquan

Window "from small to large"

In 2021, the "Can't Do Things" reflection window of the Government Service Hall of the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau was awarded the "National Human Resources and Social Security System Quality Service Window" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; the collective won the title of "Most Beautiful Person" in Liaoning in 2021, and the Story of the 2022 Liaoshi Spring Festival Gala was put on the stage; the Dandong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government took this as an example and set up a "Can't Do Anything" reflection window in 36 municipal organs and units in the city...

During the investigation, the reporter learned that the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau also arranged the story of the "impossible to do things" reflection window into a situational party class on the stage, so that the traditional classroom became a vivid scene, so that the party history study and education and the "can't do things" reflection window of the spirit of serving the people are integrated, and it is more into the ear and the heart.

"Thank you, you solved the big problem for me!" Holding the hand of the "can't do it" reflection window staff, Gao Yanling, a 76-year-old Dandong resident, said.

This is a scene from the "Window" of the situational party class of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on January 7.

Gao Yanling is a retired worker from other provinces who has lived in Dandong for a long time. For more than two decades, she has been paid retirement wages by the social security departments of other provinces, but every year she needs to apply for a survival certification in a different place. In 2021, due to the replacement of the pension survival certification form by the social security agency of other provinces, without indicating the specific address, telephone number and other information, the elderly could not contact the social security department of other provinces after the survival certification in Dandong, and the pension was suspended. After the old man repeatedly communicated with other provinces to no avail, he came to the government service hall of the Dandong Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. In the elevator, the old man thought more and more uncomfortable, could not help crying, the staff took her to the "can not do things" reflection window, after a detailed understanding of the old man's appeal, the staff in less than an hour to help the old man complete the off-site certification procedures, for the elderly issued a pension.

The 30-minute situational party lesson, interspersed with several touching little stories, sparked bursts of applause. These real people and real events from work have touched the cadres and workers of the human resources and social security system, and some people secretly wipe their tears from time to time.

"The reason why the story of the 'can't do things' reflection window is arranged into a situation party lesson, is to further educate and guide every party member cadre and worker in the city's human resources and social security system, resolutely practice the 'window is me, I am the window' service commitment, guard, love and implement the 'can't do things' reflection window, and truly practice the 'big feelings' of the original mission through the convenience service 'small window'." Lu Xuekun said.

The reporter's investigation learned that after the "can't do things" reflection window was fired, in order to deepen the concept of serving the masses at the window, the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau also extended this experience and practice to the county (city) district human resources and social security bureaus and their subordinate public institutions, so that the "can't do things" reflection window can be seen everywhere.

Mr. Wang of Dandongfeng city is a retired soldier with an ID date of birth in July 1961. In July 2021, when he went to the Fengcheng Social Security Center for retirement procedures, he found that the date of birth recorded in his personal file was June 1960, which did not match the date of birth on his identity card, and according to the policy of "the first time of birth recorded in the file shall prevail", he should go through the retirement procedures in June 2020, at which time he has been late to receive a pension of one year. After hearing this news, Mr. Wang was immediately anxious, and he stomped his feet on the spot and demanded that he be reissued with the retirement benefits he deserved before.

In August 2021, he heard that the Fengcheng Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau had set up a "can't do it" reflection window to reflect the problem. The window will learn more about the situation, verify his file information, and on the same day, it will work with the Fengcheng City Social Security Center and the Fengcheng Veterans Affairs Bureau to jointly study solutions, and after comprehensively considering the provisions on the management of veterans' files and the extension of the handling during the epidemic in 2020, determine the retirement according to the date of birth recorded in Mr. Wang's file, and reissue the retirement benefits from July 2020 to the present, and issue him a one-time supplement of 28,000 yuan. When Mr. Wang received the replacement pension, he was excited.

In the past year, the Dandong Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has expanded the "can't do anything" reflection window from a "small window" to the "big window" of the province's human resources and social security system and the city's departments, sending warmth to the people with real work. (Reporters Yu Li and Bai Yongquan)

In the "Can't Do It" reflection window, see how the "Can't Do It" thing can be done

On August 13, 2021, a member of the public was consulting at the "can't do anything" reflection window in the government service hall of the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Courtesy of respondents

Edit: Zhenglong

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

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