
On the 20th, 13 new cases were confirmed locally and 24 cases imported from abroad in Taiwan

author:Taiwan Net, China

According to Taiwan's "Lianhe Pao" on January 20, the Taiwan Regional Epidemic Command Center announced today that there were 37 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus on the island, 13 local cases and 24 cases imported from abroad; there were no new deaths in other confirmed cases.

The command centre said that today's new local cases are 5 males and 8 females, ranging from 5 to 80 years old. Of these, 4 were related to the Xidi Zhongli Restaurant case.

Today, 13 new cases were imported from overseas, including 13 males and 11 females, aged between their 10s and 50s, imported from the United States (10 cases), Vietnam (3 cases), France and Australia (2 cases each), Paraguay and Saudi Arabia (1 case each), and the other 5 cases were investigated. The entry date is from January 5 to January 19, 2022.

According to statistics, as of now, the cumulative number of confirmed cases on the island is 18,041, respectively, 3,238 cases imported from abroad, 14,749 local cases, and since 2020, there have been 851 deaths, including 838 local cases. (Taiwan Network Juanzi)

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