
Shandong 1 emergency search! Three close contacts went to baths, banks, beauty salons, etc

author:Poster News

Notice of Jinxiang County, Jining City on the urgent search for close contacts of close contacts

On January 19, 2022, the Jinxiang County Center for Disease Control and Prevention received a push letter from the Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Ningming County, Guangxi Province, informing Wang, Meng and Zhang at the Yuntian Freight Yard in Aidian Town, Ningming County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Province, and that they were all identified as close contacts of Zhong Mouzhen, a confirmed case of the new crown. After receiving the letter, our county immediately transferred the three of them to the centralized isolation medical observation point, and the nucleic acid test results were negative. After epidemiological investigation, in accordance with the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the specific activity trajectory of the three people in Jinjin is hereby notified, looking for relevant personnel who have close contact with them:

First, Wang's activity trajectory

At about 6:30 on January 16, drive the truck back to Jinxiang County, arrive at the Zhongxin Service Station (Doutang Sancha Junction South Road West) at about 9:00 to change the oil, stay for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, arrive at the Northeast Ziguang Car Wash Line (South side of Yuzhen Cold Storage in Jinxiang County) around 11:00 to wash the car, stay for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, return to the guanzhuang community home in Gaohe Street, Jinxiang County around 13:00, and take a bath at Jinping Lake (60 meters south of the Road West of the Gaohe Street Community Health Service Center Road) at about 16:20. Stay for about 1 hour, about 17:40 at the Mei Ge Dai Xi beauty salon (188 meters north of the intersection of Gaohe Street Road West) haircut, stay for about 30 minutes, arrive at jinxiang County People's Hospital at about 19:00 to collect nucleic acid (the result is negative), stay for about 10 minutes, return to the Guanzhuang community home around 19:30, and then do not go out.

Stayed at home on January 17 and did not go out.

At about 9:30 on January 18, drive to the mother's home in Wangzhuang, Mahe Village, Gaohe Street, send your mother to Jinping Lake to take a bath at about 10:40, wait for your mother on the car in front of the bath shop, wait for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, about 12:30 at the ATM machine of the Jinxiang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China (west of Baishi Middle School), and eat at the Sheep and Sheep Deyi Mutton Soup Shop in Jinxiang County (the first floor of the façade room of No. 105 Binjiang Haoting Community) around 12:50, staying for about 20 minutes. Return to my mother's home around 14:00, arrive at the Jinxiang County Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Brigade Vehicle Management Office around 16:00 to review the car, stay for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, return home at about 18:00, and then do not go out.

On the morning of January 19, he did not go out at home, and in the afternoon, he was picked up by the negative pressure truck of the county hospital to the centralized isolation medical observation point in Jinxiang County.

Second, the trajectory of Meng's activities

At about 17:00 on January 16, I went to Jinxiang County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to do nucleic acid (the result was negative), and then rested for one night in the car (the truck was placed in the west of the Highway Bureau, opposite the medicinal materials company).

At about 10:00 on January 17, I went to Jinxiang County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to do nucleic acid (the result was negative), drove a truck around 11:00 to wash the car at the North Futong Car Wash Shop on Nandianzi Road, parked the car at the West highway bureau around 11:30, the open land opposite the medicinal materials company, did not eat at noon, rested in the car until about 15:00, walked back to Jinxin Garden home, and then did not go out.

At about 10:00 on January 18, he went to Jinxiang County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to do nucleic acid (the result was negative), and then returned home without going out.

On the morning of January 19, he did not go out at home, and at about 15:30, he went to Jinxiang County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to do nucleic acid (the result was negative) and returned home. At 16:30, the negative pressure vehicle of the county hospital will pick up and drop off to the centralized isolation medical observation point in Jinxiang County.

Third, Zhang Moumou's activity trajectory

At about 9:00 on January 15, the truck arrived at the Jinxiang Zhongxin Service Station (Doutang Sancha Junction South Road West) to repair the car, arrived at the Chinese Medicine Hospital at about 10:37 to collect nucleic acid (the result was negative), and then drove to the river embankment near the Laihe community to stop and rest in the car for one night.

At about 9:00 on January 16, get off the bus and walk back to your home in Laihe Community, and at about 13:00, drive to Jinxiang Kaisheng Bath (the north gate of Kaisheng Market) to take a bath, stay for about 1 hour, and then return home without going out.

At about 16:40 on January 17, I arrived at Jindu Mall by car to shop, and then returned home without going out.

At about 14:00 on January 18, I drove to the Wang Pi Street Community Service Center to collect nucleic acid (the result was negative), and then returned home without going out.

At about 7:30 on January 19, the truck arrived at The Junjin Biotechnology loading in Shan County, arrived at the courtyard of the Jining Jitu Expressway Economic Development Zone toll station at about 14:00 to unload the goods, arrived at the home of Laihe Community at about 21:30, and was picked up by the county hospital negative pressure truck to the Centralized Isolation Medical Observation Point in Jinxiang County at about 23:10.

For the health of you and your family, please report to the epidemic prevention and control department of the town, village, community or county to which you belong at the first time, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to implement prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, centralized isolation, home health monitoring, and epidemiological investigation.

The broad masses of the people are invited to pay attention to the official authoritative release, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and do not create rumors. At the same time, it is necessary to further improve the awareness of prevention, so as to "wear a mask, a meter line, frequent ventilation, frequent killing, no gathering, and use public chopsticks", and take the initiative to vaccinate the new crown virus vaccine and strengthen the needle throughout the process. Once fever, dry cough, fatigue and other symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the nearest fever clinic for treatment, and take the initiative to inform the 14-day activity trajectory and contact history, do not take public transportation on the way to the doctor, and wear a mask throughout the process. The broad masses are invited to cooperate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and those who refuse to cooperate in violation of relevant regulations will be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with law.

Jinxiang County Center for Disease Control and Prevention Tel: 0537-8716698

Jinxiang County Center for Disease Control and Prevention

January 20, 2022

Source: Volkswagen Daily WeChat public account

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