
Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

author:Friendly pets

Dogs are deeply trusted by people because of their loyalty, careful observation of human film and television works about dogs, people are touched by their loyalty, "The Story of Loyal Dog Hachiko", "The Mission of a Dog", "The Strange Adventure of Man and Dog", "Ten Agreements between Dogs and Me", "Guide Dog Little Q", "Miracle of Dog Love" and so on Dog stories that have earned a lot of people's tears are also expressing the loyalty of dogs, and many of these touching stories are actually based on true stories. In addition to these dogs that have been put on the screen, in fact, there are many such loyal dogs in real life...

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog hid under the car in the crematorium parking lot

There is a loving guy in the northeast who has rescued a lot of stray dogs, so he also has a lot of fame in the local stray dog rescue circle, so he often receives some kind people's help calls, asking him to help rescue some stray dogs, on the same day he received a call from a local staff member of a crematorium, saying that there was a dog in the parking lot of the crematorium where they worked, and he had been hiding under the car in the parking lot, always unwilling to leave.

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog began to feel uneasy when he noticed that the boy was approaching

After receiving this call for help, the caring boy came to the crematorium with the staff of the rescue station, and then the boy contacted the helper while looking for the stray dog, hoping to find the dog's hiding place as soon as possible, and soon after, the boy found the dog under an Audi car, and when the boy first found the dog, it was lying behind the butt of the Audi car, and there was a ham sausage next to it that did not know which kind person left it. When the guy crouched down, the dog probably realized that the guy had come looking for him, so he looked up warily and looked at the guy.

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The guy feeds the dog ham sausages to please the dog

Seeing that the dog was vigilant, the boy still decided to feed the remaining ham sausage to the dog first, in order to reduce the vigilance of the dog, but when the boy picked up the ham sausage and wanted to feed it, the dog refused to eat at all, just when other staff wanted to grab the dog, the dog directly hid inside, and then no matter how the staff tried to find the dog was unwilling to come out, and looked at them with pleading eyes, it seemed that they could let it go, so that it could continue to stay here...

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog refused to eat but hid deeper

After finding that it was impossible to take the dog away, the guy and the staff could only return to their car to get anti-bite gloves, as well as an old piece of clothing used to keep the dog warm and soothe it, and then several people tried to drive the dog out of the vehicle who had been shivering in the car, during which a staff member was also anxious to check whether the dog was injured and was almost bitten by the dog...

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog looked at the guy uneasily

After the dog was driven out of the bottom of the car by the staff, during the period, it went around several cars continuously, and after passing through the bottom of several cars, it was finally restricted by the staff to a tree next to the parking lot of the crematorium, and then it took a lot of effort, and the guy and the staff caught the dog together...

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog wants to run away

On the way back to the rescue station, the guy and the staff also because the dog appeared to be a little special, combined with some information provided by the helper, there was also some speculation about the dog's life, the guy guessed that the dog should be because the owner died, it followed its owner's relatives and friends wanted to send the owner the last journey will stay there, and finally become a stray dog. However, no one can provide accurate information about all this, so the guy also said that this is just his personal speculation, but looking at the dog's condition, he feels that this dog should be quite smart...

Northeast: Stray dogs hide under the crematorium car and do not leave, guys: dogs want to send their owners on one last journey

The dog kept trying to hide in the car

The dog in the car has been trying to find a place to hide after being taken to the car by them, during which I don't know if it is because of the fright, or if no one wants to be so close to it for too long, and the dog has wanted to hide in the staff sitting next to it in the back seat several times...

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#Stray Dogs##Dogs##Stray Animal Rescue##Caring for Stray Dogs##流浪动物 #