
Use "wisdom" to escort "happiness" Zhang Qinghe: Changsha food safety has a method of warfare

author:Power Hunan
"There is delicious food" is one of the connotations of the internet celebrity Changsha, here is how to create a food safety environment with a sense of happiness?
Use "wisdom" to escort "happiness" Zhang Qinghe: Changsha food safety has a method of warfare

Zhang Qinghe: Member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Changsha Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Changsha, an Internet celebrity city with the label of "delicious", has bred a new consumer brand here; it has been awarded the "happiest city" for 14 consecutive years, and both tourists and citizens can find heartwarming "urban fireworks" here.

In the view of Zhang Qinghe, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Changsha Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the reason why Changsha can become a net red city and a happy city, from the perspective of food safety and market supervision, lies in the fact that "there is good food and can eat well", which is the "happiness code" of the city, and it is also the original intention and motivation of the city to create a national food safety demonstration city.

Food safety, which is also the proof of interpreting the happiness of Changsha.

"There is good food, can eat well"

"Culture and History Expo • People" (hereinafter referred to as "People"): In recent years, Changsha has become the "top" Internet red city in the country, from the perspective of market regulators and food safety, what is the connotation of "Internet red city" in your eyes?

Zhang Qinghe: The reason why Changsha can become an Internet celebrity city is that "there is something delicious and can eat well."

"There is delicious" refers to Changsha's net red catering economy, Changsha has a number of net red brands, their vigorous vitality lies in the root of Changsha's local culture, the food culture and Huxiang culture to achieve organic combination. Through the output of the brand and the implantation of cultural creativity, we will create a new consumer brand that everyone knows.

For these rising new consumer brands and more market players, Changsha continues to optimize the business environment, on the one hand, Changsha adopts a notification and commitment system for qualified operators, so that enterprises can easily achieve "access is quasi-operation", on the other hand, Changsha market supervision department will also cooperate with taxation, industry and information technology departments to establish a linkage mechanism to provide face-to-face, point-to-point help to enterprises.

"Being able to eat well" is to make everyone eat safely and at ease. Supervision and service is dialectical and unified, in addition to the daily supervision means, Changsha will also take the initiative to guide and train relevant enterprises, guide enterprises to establish their own management and inspection work mechanism, so that they can perform the main responsibility of enterprises.

Changsha is a city full of fireworks, with a huge number of morning night markets and small vendors. To this end, Changsha has innovated the "three small" comprehensive treatment, promoted the transformation and upgrading of the "three small" from "small, scattered and low" to "fine, special and beautiful", and was promoted by the Food Safety Office of the State Council as "one city, one policy" in the country.

At present, Changsha has 3 food industrial parks and 186,000 food production and operation units of various types, and the food industry has become a 100 billion industrial cluster in Changsha.

"Grasp the details" of the whole chain of supervision

People: Food safety is related to "people's livelihood", how can Changsha let the people harvest happiness?

Zhang Qinghe: "Eating with confidence" is an important component of happiness. Only by doing a solid job of "farmland to table" full chain food safety supervision in the overall situation, and grasping the details of source breeding, food production and circulation, catering services and other links, can the people harvest a more tangible sense of happiness.

In the food production process, Changsha mainly promotes the quality improvement and upgrading of food enterprises with intelligent transformation. "Changsha people's morning starts from a bowl of rice noodles", Changsha promotes the transformation and upgrading of "small workshops" and standardizes the development of "small workshops" through centralized production and processing and cultivation of leading enterprises, so that rice noodles from the production environment to cold chain distribution and even sales terminals are guaranteed.

Edible agricultural products are necessary for everyone, and a food circulation safety traceability system of "traceable source, full control, risk prevention, responsibility investigation, and public inspection" has been established in Changsha to form "Changsha characteristics". In Changsha, all farmers' markets and fresh supermarkets have set up rapid inspection rooms for edible agricultural products, and a strict rapid detection system for risk prevention and control of edible agricultural products has been established.

Young people love takeaways. In March 2020, Changsha launched a city-wide activity to create standardized delivery stations for takeaways, and 79 have been built so far, which is the first innovative measure of online catering food safety in the country. It can be said that it has opened up a "safe passage" of "online" + "offline" + "on the road".

Changsha has also introduced a third party to improve the food safety risk prevention and control mechanism, such as guiding insurance brokers and insurance companies to participate in the formation of a co-insurance body food liability insurance model. At the same time, it has also strengthened public opinion supervision and social supervision, such as hiring food safety experts, food safety special supervisors, and establishing a team of 10,000 food safety guardian volunteers.

In the consumer service link, starting from 2020, Changsha has realized the "24-hour" three-dimensional full-space consumer rights protection service. Not only are there 12315 and 12345 hotlines with 24-hour wiring, but there are also 12315 national online platforms that can enter consumer feedback 24 hours a day.

People: In terms of food safety supervision and law enforcement, what are the characteristics of Changsha's "tactics"?

Zhang Qinghe: Food safety issues are constantly changing, in recent years, Changsha has carried out a lot of "dare to be the first" exploration, innovative food safety supervision concepts and practices, such as the introduction of credit supervision, wisdom supervision, origin of the out of the market access and market access linkage mechanism, as well as execution linkage, discipline articulation system mechanism and other innovative measures.

In administrative law enforcement, the innovation and practice of the system and mechanism of execution linkage and discipline linkage are aimed at promoting the coordination and efficiency of food safety governance departments, the precision of technical support, and the institutionalization of problem governance.

Changsha has set up a liaison office for the execution of the procuratorate and the public security bureau in the market supervision bureau, set up the province's first joint office station for the execution, discipline and punishment, strengthened the use of the "two laws convergence" network platform, and built the country's first execution connection food inspection laboratory, and the relevant experience has been promoted by the State Administration of Market Regulation, the Ministry of Public Security and relevant departments.

Wisdom and credit supervision are the future of food safety

People: Escorting the development of The Internet celebrity Changsha, what areas of food safety protection in the future are worth paying attention to?

Zhang Qinghe: The construction of smart Changsha is in full swing, and the future of food safety supervision lies in smart supervision and credit supervision, which can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of food safety supervision. Changsha uses technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data to develop practical and effective regulatory systems such as a food safety traceability system, a safe meat intelligent transaction supervision platform, and a rural collective meal food safety management platform.

For example, Changsha's "Assured Meat Intelligent Trading Supervision Platform" was also rated as one of the "Top Ten Smart Supervision Projects" of the national market supervision system in 2020. From the regulatory end, you can directly see the meat purchase and sales information of each operator, as well as the entire process from meat wholesale to sales, just like we have built a smart, information-based "highway".

On December 28, 2021, Changsha just signed a relevant data sharing agreement with Alibaba. Previously, Changsha has established a 10-billion-level database by aggregating data resources related to food production and operation and supervision, and has provided more than 40 million data information queries for 13 departments. These will provide intelligent support for the construction of a full-chain food safety traceability system.

In 2021, Changsha also innovated and established a "1+N" professional model for credit risk classification management, which is used by big data algorithms to scientifically judge the credit degree of enterprises, which can not only promote the hierarchical classification management of credit risks, but also reduce the probability of risk occurrence through prior intervention.

People: As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, how did you use the CPPCC platform to make suggestions for food safety?

Zhang Qinghe: The "Internet + CPPCC" of the CPPCC Cloud and the "Online + Offline" of the CPPCC Studio are all aimed at bringing the members closer to the people's hearts and the people's will, which is also the wisdom to perform their duties.

As a member of the provincial CPPCC committee, the first thing is to make good use of the CPPCC cloud platform. When participating in the duty of the members, some suggestions and opinions of the members and citizens on the creation of a national food safety demonstration city in Changsha were widely collected; after the "wisdom recommendation" function of the micro-suggestion was launched, it took the initiative to receive micro-suggestions related to food safety. The second is to make good use of the committee studio platform. In the follow-up, I will use the Provincial CPPCC Democratic League Sector Committee Studio as a platform to popularize some food safety related knowledge.

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