
The inaugural meeting and the first general meeting of the Nanhe District Self-media Association were held

author:Network Information Hebei

On January 18, the inaugural meeting and the first general meeting of the Self-Media Association of Nanhe District of Xingtai City (hereinafter referred to as the Association) was held, and Wang Genxi, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Minister of Propaganda, attended the meeting and made a speech. Zhang Qingfeng, director of the Cyberspace Administration of the District Committee, attended the meeting.

The inaugural meeting and the first general meeting of the Nanhe District Self-media Association were held

The meeting listened to the work report of the preparatory group of the association, deliberated and adopted the "Charter of the Self-media Association of Nanhe District of Xingtai City", voted to produce the first president, vice president and secretary general, and announced the election results on the spot.

The meeting pointed out that the association should actively sing the main melody, as a positive force in the self-media industry in Nanhe District, it should have the overall situation in mind, keep up with the general trend, give full play to its advantages, form a momentum, undertake the social mission of transmitting truth, goodness and beauty, carry forward positive energy, and sing the main theme on the Internet.

The meeting stressed that the association should play a coordinating and leading role, unite and lead the members of the association and the vast number of "self-media" workers, strictly abide by Internet laws and regulations, formulate and implement industry norms and self-discipline conventions that are in line with reality, and persistently strengthen industry self-discipline and supervision. It is necessary to innovate content production, excellent communication means, and creative industry development, launch excellent works with political height, ideological depth, and temperature in expression, tell the story of Nanhe well, and convey Nanhe's voice.

The meeting demanded that the association should adhere to its original intention, promote the healthy development of "self-media", guide and lead all members of the association to actively practice the core values of socialism, strengthen learning, improve their media literacy, organize and carry out network cultural publicity activities that are beneficial to social progress and spiritual civilization, and create more positive energy products that guide, infect and inspire people with original content.

Source 丨nan and netinfo

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