
More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

author:Idiot Thirteen

1, the Republic of Slovenia is referred to as Slovenia, located in Central Europe, is a member of the European Union. With an area of only 20,273 square kilometers and a population of only 2.05 million, it is a small country without compromise.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Although the country is a Central European country, due to its geographical border with Italy in the west and Croatia in the southeast, Slovenia is deeply influenced by these two countries historically and culturally, and more than half of the inhabitants are Roman Catholic.

2, the ratio of the Slovenian flag is 1:2, which is composed of three colors of white, blue and red placed horizontally. In the middle of the white and blue horizontal lines is the coat of arms of Slovenia.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

The coat of arms is a shield with the image of Triglav, the highest peak in Slovenia, on a blue background with a white middle, below which are two blue wavy lines representing the Slovenian part of the Caspian Sea and the Slovene River, above which are three hexagonal golden stars arranged in an inverted triangle, taken from the armband of the national hero Count Selje.

3, the entire education system in Slovenia is divided into three levels, the first is basic education, which is a compulsory foundation for all Slovenian citizens, from the age of 6 to the age of 15.

The main subjects to be studied by students in the early stages at this stage are mathematics, mother tongue, foreign language, physical education, music, geography, history and art. In the later courses, physics, chemistry, biology and other disciplines were added. Of course, tuition fees are free at this stage, even including free health insurance and medical examinations.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

If young children live within 4 km of the school building, they must be provided with transportation. Schools must also provide paid meals, but children from low-income families can buy food at a lower cost.

After completing basic education, students must pass a national examination to enter the next level of secondary education, and at this stage, students are free to choose three paths: vocational education, general education and professional education.

Students who choose professional education will directly enter the employment of enterprises cooperating with the school after completion of their studies, while students who choose the first two paths must pass another examination after completion to allow them to go further in their academic journey.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Although this period is no longer compulsory education, in fact, the tuition fees of students are still borne by the local government' financial expenditure.

Finally, there is the higher education stage, although limited by the population, there are only 4 universities in slovenia, but the quality of teaching is not bad, of which the University of Ljubljana, located in the capital, is one of the world's top 500 universities. Of course, at this time, the tuition fee needs to be borne by the students themselves.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

University of Ljubljana

Excellent education has made the literacy rate of Slovenians very high, and it can be said that the illiteracy rate in the country is close to zero. The country's completion rate in upper secondary education is also outstanding, at over 90 per cent, but the total number of students in higher education in Slovenia is declining year by year, with almost 36,000 pupils in the past decade, a decrease of almost a half.

4, Slovenia's public health system is one of the most developed in Central and Eastern Europe, the country's laws authorize the provision of compulsory health insurance to all citizens, all newly hired employees must be registered by the employer to pay health insurance, employer and employee each pay half of the amount. In addition, the employer must also pay additional work-related occupational disease insurance, which is borne by the employer alone.

The State Insurance Fund does cover most medical services, which also allows Slovenians to enjoy free medical care for most diseases, but there are longer waiting periods in public hospitals in non-emergency situations, so there will also be other voluntary supplementary insurance in Slovenia for reimbursement of visits to private clinics, and of course this expenditure will increase accordingly.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Slovenian traditional architecture

In addition to the high number of people seeking medical treatment, another large reason for the long waiting time for medical treatment is the serious shortage of doctors in the country, especially in remote areas.

This is partly due to the above-mentioned decrease in the number of higher education students in the country, and on the other hand, due to the financial crisis that has occurred in the country since the economic crisis of 2008, which has prevented the welfare of doctors from improving. Even in order to alleviate this contradiction, the Slovenian government has proposed a way to extend the retirement age of doctors, which naturally makes the country's medical staff complain.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Dental clinics in Slovenia during the outbreak

Overall, however, Slovenia's public health system is well established, with the latest data released by WHO showing that life expectancy in Slovenia has reached 81.2 years, much higher than the world average life expectancy.

5, Slovenia has more women than men, women account for 51% of the country's total population, so it is no exaggeration to say that there is no concept of "single sticks" in the country.

But even then Slovenian girls do not have a "sense of marriage crisis", compared to the shackles of marriage, young men and women in Love Slovenia mostly choose to live together, and Slovenian law stipulates that living together for more than two years is considered a de facto marriage, so it is a strange thing for them to get married.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Since the marriage certificate is not important, the house and car that must be bought to get married are naturally not important, so the men and women who live together or marry in Slovenia almost all choose to rent a house, after all, the large amount of money to buy a house is not available to many young couples.

6, of course, Slovenian young men and women can do this because Slovenian parents basically do not interfere in the married life of their children. Parents do not object regardless of who their children associate with or cohabit with, or what the economic and other conditions are.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

Correspondingly, the parents of Slovenian children who buy a house or live in the future will not provide any financial assistance unless they encounter difficulties.

7, here is another point to mention: it is normal to produce "fruits of love" during cohabitation, according to the data, in the past decade, Slovenian "out of wedlock" babies accounted for nearly ten percent of the newborn population.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

And because slovenia has a very low birth rate, the government encourages childbearing, and vigorously subsidizes newborns, so the cost of raising children in Slovenia is very low, so this makes a large proportion of babies born out of wedlock raised by "single mothers", and "fathers" who are not married to single mothers do not even have legal custody, so that they are not allowed to visit their own flesh and bones.

8, there are not many Chinese in Slovenia, only about 400 people, but there are many local Chinese restaurants, more than 40. If calculated according to the proportion of Chinese and the population of the host country, there is no doubt that Slovenia should be the country with the largest number of Chinese restaurants in Eastern European countries.

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

The reason behind this is that Slovenia's economic development after independence is relatively fast, people's daily consumption level is higher, and businessmen from Zhejiang smell business opportunities, ready to do import and export trade, sell small commodities to make money.

However, it was found that the local import goods were completely controlled according to EU standards, and the import and export trade could not be done, so in order to avoid returning money, they had to start a restaurant. However, it accidentally captured the taste buds of the locals and took root, which was decades!

More women and fewer men, the current situation in Slovenia, take you to see the real Slovenia

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