
Zeng Wei, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, led the team to carry out fire safety inspections

author:Chongqing Jiangbei Fire Fighting

In order to do a good job in fire safety management at the end of the year and the beginning of the year and to ensure the continuous stability of the fire safety situation in the whole district, on January 19, Zeng Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and executive deputy district governor, led a team to carry out special inspections of fire safety. Relevant responsible persons of the District Government Office, the District Emergency Response Bureau, the District Commission of Commerce, the District Cultural and Tourism Committee, the District Fire Rescue Detachment and other departments attended.

Zeng Wei, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, led the team to carry out fire safety inspections

In the ninth street of Guanyin Bridge, Zeng Wei and his party successively went to Hema Fresh, PLAY HOUSE and other crowded places, listened to the report of the person in charge of the place on the fire safety management, and checked whether the evacuation channel was unobstructed, whether the safety indication signs, fire fighting facilities and equipment were intact and effective, whether the fire prevention measures in the operation room were in place, and whether the electrical wiring was in line with the specifications. The person in charge of the place is required to strictly implement the main responsibility, strengthen fire safety inspection and employee fire safety training, and prevent fire accidents.

Zeng Wei, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, led the team to carry out fire safety inspections

Subsequently, the inspection team came to the Hongqi Hegou gas station and checked whether the fire inspection and inspection system in the station was in place, whether the lightning protection and anti-static devices and explosion-proof facilities met the requirements, and whether the hand-pushed fire extinguisher was intact and effective. In view of the problems found in the inspection, the inspection team asked the person in charge of the unit to immediately rectify and ensure that the fire hazard was eliminated in the bud.

Zeng Wei stressed: The end of the year and the beginning of the year is a period of frequent and frequent fires, and all departments, towns, and streets must raise their political standing and tighten the string of safe production. First, it is necessary to seriously study and judge the current fire situation in the whole region, and do a good job in the fire safety inspection work of key units and key places; second, we must supervise and urge all units and enterprises to implement the main responsibility, strengthen hidden danger investigation and risk control; third, increase the intensity of fire safety publicity, formulate targeted training programs according to different industries and different groups, comprehensively improve the fire safety awareness of the masses, and ensure that the fire safety situation at the end of the year and the beginning of the year continues to be stable.

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