
National Health and Construction Commission: The decline in the birth population is the result of the combined influence of multiple factors

author:The Paper

The Paper

On January 20, Yang Jinrui, deputy director of the Department of Population and Family of the National Health Commission, said at a press conference that the decline in the birth population is the result of the combined influence of multiple factors.

First, the scale of women of childbearing age, especially women of childbearing age during the period of vigorous fertility, has declined. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, women aged 20-34 during the boom period decreased by an average of 3.4 million per year, and in 2021, compared with 2020, there were 4.73 million fewer. This is an important factor driving the decline in the number of births.

Second, young people's concept of marriage and childbearing has changed significantly. At present, as the new main body of marriage and childbearing, the post-90s and post-00s grow up and work in cities and towns, have a longer period of education, face greater pressure on employment competition, and the phenomenon of delay in marriage and childbearing is very prominent. Delayed marriage increases the likelihood that women will not marry for life, further inhibiting fertility levels. At the same time, the willingness to have children continues to decline, and the average number of children intended for women of childbearing age was 1.76 in 2017, 1.73 in 2019, and 1.64 in 2021.

Third, the high cost of fertility education has aggravated fertility concerns. With the development of economic and social development, the cost of fertility and parenting education under the influence of multiple factors such as housing, education and employment remains high, which increases the fertility concerns of young people. Relevant support policies are not well connected, and public services such as childcare are not sound, making many young people hesitant and discouraged on fertility issues.

In addition, the covid-19 pandemic has also had a certain impact on the marriage and childbirth arrangements of some people.

Editor-in-Charge: Zheng Jingxin

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