
The entertaining life of "Character" Bonjaman Mendy

author:8BET Gbagbo Sports.

Bunjaman Mendy can play bad to death with his career, which many people expect. But it's somewhat surprising to be a suspect on 7 rape charges. His lawyers still insist that it was retaliation for the unsuccessful blackmail of multiple women, but if you know about Mendy's less than 28 years of entertainment, you can also understand that he may be doomed to have a relationship with such a scandal.

The entertaining life of "Character" Bonjaman Mendy

Born to play coffee, do not know what discipline is

Born and raised in the southern suburbs of Greater Paris, Bonjaman Mendy has varied personalities, although black players in France generally come from lower-income families. The more typical serious faction is Henry's kind, who does not smile much except for celebrating goals and victories, and always has a cold face from childhood to adulthood and the harsh social environment. Mendy is the antithesis of the serious, because he seems to have a natural belief that nothing in the world is serious, including career, money, law...

Whether it's at the club Paraiso, where he first started football, or le Havre, which set him on a career path, or even at a school where he impressed his teachers with his poor grades, Mendy's impression is hardly associated with a rapist. Everywhere he went, he must be the sweetheart of the club, the pistachio of the dressing room and the class, and his presence is almost synonymous with joy, jokes, generosity, music. No one remembers him arguing with his teammates, he was always warm and kind to everyone.

Yet almost from the time he started his career, his coaches knew one of Mendy's problems: He wouldn't use an alarm clock at all. The club would tell him how to set the alarm and get up on time, and Mendy would gladly accept guidance, but Mendy would be late or even absent every 2 days because he overslept and didn't hear the alarm.

Anigo, Mendy's first head coach at Marseille, quickly discovered the problem: for Mendy, nothing in the world was serious. He thinks that Mendy's personality is a bit like Ribery, maintaining a very innocent and even childish side that is not contaminated, but the problem is that no one can help Mendy correct his shortcomings. After arriving in Marseille from the cold Le Havre, Mendy immediately enjoyed the warm southern nights, initially accusing Paye of not giving a good head to the youngsters, and later found that such blame was really unreasonable, and how Mendy wanted to play had nothing to do with Paye.

For the problem of late training, the club set a very severe penalty for Mendy, and imposed incremental fines according to the number of late arrivals. But even if the total monthly fines exceed 15,000 euros, Mendy still doesn't care. But on the other hand, if Mendy comes to train, his training attitude is always extra invested, and in the game, he is a desperate three-lang. So almost all the coaches ended up compromising, after all they wanted was a good performance of the player on the pitch and then sold him for a price.

Mendy certainly doesn't care about a fine of 15,000 euros a month, sometimes paying 20,000 or even 30,000 euros for a meal and chartering a private jet to go to another city for a party. He always has a large group of people around him, some small, there are no former youth training partners who are mixed in, there are men and women. Last year, during the investigation, the police did not allow Mendy to organize a party in his private house, but he still couldn't help but make one in August, more than 20 men and women participated, and the police heard the news and rushed to ...

The entertaining life of "Character" Bonjaman Mendy

Monaco earned blood, Manchester City swallowed bitter water

"This is a guy who doesn't say no to other people." This is the impression Mendy left during his time at Monaco in Ligue 1. If a friend asks for it, he will not refuse, and if a friend asks him to have fun, he will not refuse. Monaco also checks on players, and Mendy spends most of his time in his hotel, but multiple pizzas are often delivered to his room at 3 or 4 a.m. At that time, the founder of Monaco, Campos, who also dug Mendy from Marseille, talked to Mendy many times, and Mendy always accepted the advice carefully, but after saying it, it was equivalent to not saying it.

Once a Monaco official met Mendy late in a restaurant and told him that he had to hurry back to rest and make sure the next day's training. Mendy also accepted it seriously, leaving the restaurant with his friends, only to not go to training the next day. Being able to sell Mendy to Manchester City for 57 million euros is certainly a masterpiece of Monaco management, not only making a lot of money, but also sending away an unmanageable trouble.

Mendy was injured after joining Manchester City, but then worked hard to achieve a quick comeback and was named in the 2018 World Cup squad. In Russia, Deschamps prayed every day that Lucas Hernandez would not be injured or suspended, because Mendy had actually come to the World Cup with an injury, and he would always be late even for recovery training or physiotherapy. However, every time Deschamps took time out of his precious time to talk to him and give him advice during the World Cup, he accepted it very seriously.

Former Marseille manager Anigo once said that Mendy is the kind of player you can hardly dislike. This is also the view of many staff of the Monaco club. Because he is really warm, generous, and unlike those big stars who are not kind, Mendy will often give gifts to the members of the coaching staff or the ordinary staff of the club on a whim, he really cares about everyone, and any ordinary person can have a laugh, and his presence will definitely make people happy. If the club organizes an event, such as meeting the fans, he must be the one who is as responsive as possible to the fans. In addition, Mendy is actively involved in public welfare activities, such as on the issue of marine litter.

Since Mendy's 7 alleged rape cases have not been made public and the verdict has not yet been handed down, it is impossible to judge arbitrarily. But to be sure, Guardiola has decided to give up Mendy very early on, not only because of his frequent injuries (which are of course related to irregularities in life), but also because of his disciplinary problems that clubs like Manchester City cannot accept.

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