
Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly

author:Handeo Immigrant - Rocky

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Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly

If you want to have a perfect retirement, go to Europe, especially Northern Europe. Recommend to you a few countries with the best retirement protection.

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly


Sweden's average life expectancy is among the highest in the world, and its high-quality lifestyle and quality make it a very attractive retirement mecca. With very high healthcare penetration and a high level of doctors, it's no surprise that it's one of the best options for retirees. The four seasons in Sweden are not particularly obvious, and the coolness and flowers of summer make you feel like a paradise, the fresh air and friendly people here make us feel sincerely warm. In winter, activities such as finding the Northern Lights, reindeer sleigh rides and snowmobiles are fun.

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly


The most enviable thing in Denmark is the medical treatment there, as a Chinese, a trip to the hospital is too expensive, but in Denmark, the medical treatment is free. In Denmark, the elderly have a basic government subsidy of 60,000 yuan per year, and 30,000 yuan of additional government subsidies. If there are children in the family, they can enjoy a monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan until she reaches the age of eighteen. Denmark is arguably the most well-off country in the world, of course, at the cost of paying a lot of taxes. Denmark is also often referred to as one of the happiest places in the world, and people generally live a long life, with the average life expectancy of the country's people already exceeding 80 years.

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly


Austria is one of the first countries in the world to establish social insurance, has a perfect, institutionalized and standardized social security system, and its constitution stipulates that Austria belongs to the social welfare state. The high health index and quality of life here can be a perfect retirement mecca.

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly


Switzerland is known as the "roof of Europe". It is rich in tourism resources and has the reputation of the world's parks. Bern is the seat of the Federal Government, has a long history of neutrality, is a permanently neutral country, and many international organizations are headquartered in Switzerland. Switzerland is a highly developed capitalist country. Its GDP per capita has always been among the highest in the world, second only to Luxembourg and Norway in Europe. Switzerland is also one of the most stable economies in the world. The long-term nature of its policies, a secure financial system and a system of bank secrecy make Switzerland a safe haven for tax-safe investors. Thanks to the well-developed financial sector, the service sector is also occupying an increasingly important position in the Swiss economy. In addition, a strong and solid banking system, high per capita income levels, a universal health care system and a compulsory pension system have made Switzerland a veritable "country best for old-age care".

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly


Norway is located in western Scandinavia. Norway's territory is long from north to south, with a long and tortuous coastline and many coastal islands, and is known as the "Country of Ten Thousand Islands". The capital is Oslo. Norway has been ranked as the most livable country by the United Nations for six consecutive years since 2001 and has been ranked first in the Global Human Development Index from 2009 to 2013. The nursing home here pays attention to the material life of the elderly and cares more about the spiritual world of the elderly. The environment of the nursing home is quiet and the air is fresh, and you can always hear the cheerful piano sound and the chorus of the elderly. Many nursing homes will open speech competitions, song and dance performances, computer courses, foreign language training and other activities for the elderly, they pay more attention to the spiritual world of caring for the elderly, many private nursing homes are equipped with psychologists, music therapists, priests and other types of work. Norway's old-age welfare policy not only allows Norwegians to "rely on the old age", but also allows those who are still in good spirits to "do something old", coupled with the excellent natural environment quality here, the average life expectancy of Norwegians is long, up to 82.7 years for women and 78.2 years for men.

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly

EU passport

Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, France

Can be used with the Dubai Travel Green Card

Europe is the most suitable country for the elderly

If there are any issues related to immigration, please welcome to exchange.

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