
Offer pragmatic strategies to paint a bright future

author:Information News

Motions are an important way for the CPPCC to perform its functions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs. During the 15th CPPCC Municipal Committee, the vast number of CPPCC members, democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the liaison group of non-party personages, and various special committees and working committees closely followed the development center and focused on the people's feelings and people's livelihood, submitting a total of 1620 proposals and filing 1531 cases. Under the great attention of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government and the unremitting efforts of the organizers, the quality of proposal handling has continued to improve. 98 percent of the committee members expressed satisfaction or basic satisfaction with the handling of the motions, and 2 percent expressed understanding.

Implementing the motions and suggestions is an inevitable requirement for strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC in the new era, and it is also an inherent requirement for improving the efficiency of government work. In the past five years, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to and led the handling of demonstration proposals, established a system for the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to lead the handling of key proposals, and last year also held a consultation meeting on the supervision of key proposals to vigorously promote the implementation of the proposals; the CPPCC has always closely integrated the proposal work with the work of the party and government centers and the overall work of the CPPCC, and jointly carried out the work of handing over proposals, supervising, and commending and rewarding with the municipal government; the undertaking units insisted on arranging and promoting the handling of proposals with their daily work, forming a continuous connection between the upper and lower levels. The working mechanism of left and right connection, internal and external integration. Under the attention and coordinated promotion of all parties, the handover of proposals has become increasingly accurate, the effectiveness of joint supervision has been highlighted, and the virtuous circle of democratic deliberation has been effectively improved, which has effectively improved the quality and efficiency of proposal handling.

Development is an eternal theme. In the past five years, the participating units of the CPPCC and the vast number of CPPCC members have continued to enhance their awareness of performing their duties and their ability to participate in politics, focusing on the innovation-driven core strategy and the strategy of industrial strengthening, focusing on The economic construction, industrial transformation, and urban-rural integration of Yixing City, etc., and building wise words and pragmatic strategies have been valued and adopted by the municipal government and relevant departments. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Science and Technology Bureau and other departments attach great importance to proposals such as "basing on innovation and striving for the initiative, seizing opportunities in building a new development pattern", "promoting the high-quality development of the real economy", "establishing a biomedical industrial park in Yixing Environmental Protection Science and Technology Industrial Park", and taking the lead in studying and issuing documents such as "Opinions on Promoting High-quality Economic and Social Development", "Yixing "14th Five-Year Plan" Manufacturing High-quality Development Plan", "Opinions on Further Deepening the Policy of Supporting Funds for Industrial Development in Yixing City" and other documents. Multi-dimensional efforts to promote high-quality economic development in an all-round way. The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and other departments conscientiously handled the proposal of "further strengthening the construction of the talent team in Yixing City", continued to upgrade the policy brand of "Tao Du Talents", polished the "Zi Xingyi" Xiangxian brand, launched the "Talent Hui Xingyi, Xi Hope You Come" talent introduction brand, and created a good ecology for talent innovation and entrepreneurship in an all-round way. The Municipal Transportation Bureau, the Management Committee of Yangxian Eco-tourism Resort and other units actively handled proposals such as "on building the most beautiful tourist scenic road of 'Yilu intoxication' in YinanShan District" and "accelerating the pace of construction of Yima Expressway", weaving a dense and strong transportation network, and solidly promoting the construction of "Beautiful Yixing". The Municipal Public Utilities Administration timely adopted proposals such as "improving the construction of flood prevention and drainage system and promoting the healthy development of the city", scientifically revised and adjusted the "Yixing Urban Flood Prevention Plan", and effectively improved the city's disaster resistance and emergency response and regional water control capabilities. The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Municipal Party Committee Agricultural Office and other departments have actively fought for proposals such as "building a model of Yixing in a characteristic pastoral village" and jointly introduced supportive policies to activate the endogenous power of rural revitalization.

The people have hope, I have something to do. In the past five years, all participating units of the CPPCC and the vast number of CPPCC members have always practiced the concept of people first, closely followed social undertakings, people's livelihood and well-being, social governance, etc., and made suggestions for a happy and livable home. The undertaking units echoed the suggestions of the committee members and focused on solving the problem. The Agricultural Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Water Conservancy Bureau and other departments have studied and implemented proposals such as "strengthening the accurate poverty alleviation work in weak villages in Yixing City", set up a special support fund at the municipal level, and effectively accelerated the pace of the construction of "strong villages and rich people". The Municipal Education Bureau took the opportunity to handle proposals such as "strengthening the management of off-campus education and training institutions in Yixing City" and "standardizing the implementation of school sunshine enrollment" to promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy and the balanced distribution of educational resources. In addition, proposals such as "strengthening the rapid detection of food safety in farmers' markets" and "installing elevators in an orderly manner in old residential areas" have been effectively implemented, boosting the sense of gain and happiness of the masses. The Municipal Civilization Office, the Urban Management Bureau and other departments have actively adopted proposals such as "creating a civilized city and improving the quality of citizens" and "improving the management level of Yixing City" to help consolidate the achievements of city creation and start a new journey of striving to create a national civilized model city. The Municipal Public Security Bureau, the People's Court, and the People's Procuratorate attach great importance to proposals such as "continue to strengthen the crackdown on debt evasion and help enterprises that pay for creditworthiness to get out of the strange circle of mutual insurance", and actively build a high-quality financial ecological environment... Many wise words of the CPPCC have been successfully transformed into measures to promote development and improve people's livelihood, and have converged into a powerful force to promote high-quality development.

(Source: Yixing Municipal People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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