
Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

author:Goblins who can divinate astrology

. Pluto's breakfast.

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

The world forgets a lot, please remember to give the demon a "attention"

○ Demon Words ○

HI, hello everyone, I'm a.

Today I want to talk about Pluto, in fact, about the [theme of Pluto], I have always wanted to write, but it seems that I have not been able to start, because I do not know how to write, three resellers of [Uranus, Neptune, Pluto], I think Pluto is the most difficult to "engage".

Just like on the way to learning astrology, about the eighth house controlled by Pluto, I always feel that this house and this planet are like an endless black hole or abyss, which is awe-inspiring and curious, and always makes people have an unsatisfied curiosity about it, want to find out, but can not fully know why.

Therefore, about Pluto, if I write a technical professional essay, people who can't understand it will feel bored, and I myself feel cold and hard, which does not meet the characteristics of Neptune's weight that I want to express.

However, I have always felt that what is written must make all readers feel, yes, just have a little feeling, then it is not a failure.

When I was reviewing my astrology knowledge these days, I remembered that a teacher once recommended a movie called "Pluto's Breakfast", and after watching it, I finally knew that the time to write this article should be time.

This English song should be able to match this article with a face "When you love someone"

When You Love SomeoneJeff Hartman - Under Cover


Breakfast at Pluto

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

This is a story-based film that adds more themes such as family affection, self-identification, and growth in addition to love.

Maybe the next part is the film review content of this movie, let's see what this movie says? What does it have to do with Pluto, which I'm talking about?

In a small county on the Irish border, the priest and the housekeeper had a relationship, the priest abandoned the housekeeper, and then the housekeeper gave birth to a son alone, and also abandoned the priest's doorstep, and flew away to London. The priest did not dare to recognize the child, so he placed the child at the door of another family for adoption.

The child was named Patrick, who grew up but had a transvestite, liked to dress up as a girl, and loved flashy and beautiful clothes: purple feather shawls, orange knitted tops, Dior tights, ruffled skirts, false suede flared pants, and all kinds of eyeshadows, perfumes, emollients, mascara, more delicate than most girls.

As a result, he has also become a marginal figure who is not accepted by the public and the current social environment, and of course he has another feminine and nice name, Patrick Mimi Brandon, who likes to be called Mimi.

Mimi whispers softly, gracefully, her eyes are damp as a mist, and of course, he likes men. He has experienced three men, from love to relationship breakdown, each of whom has brought him an unforgettable experience, and these loves have even made him on the verge of death several times.

However, I think that his favorite should be the hippie singer, that is, Patrick's first love, when the hippie singer was afraid of "threats, trouble" because he threw away the guns of the terrorist organization, and finally abandoned him and absconded alone, he was alone in the house in a trance, muttering "I think, you will not send me roses, perhaps, there will be no candy, but at the moment I still feel sweet." “

Even so, the memory of his obsession was still that sweet.

Because of this relationship, he is not afraid to provoke the terrorists in Ireland, he does not seek to live, he prays for the end of his life with bullets, as he expresses, "I am tired of the world", of course, this may be his plan, with a state of self-destruction, can live longer.

In the end, the terrorists did not kill him, because the terrorists felt that this insane womanhood and letting him continue to live in this messy world was the most complete punishment for him, or perhaps they did not care to kill a neurosis in their own eyes.

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

Because of the lack of maternal love in his life and the harsh criticism of his adoptive mother, Patrick has a near-perfect fantasy about his biological mother, he heard that his mother was as beautiful as a famous movie star, frantically missing his biological mother, with the "paranoia" of maternal love, he began a journey to London to find his mother.

He gave his mother a very interesting name, called "Lady Miao"[Information Note: "Lady Miao" is the mythical negative creator, a neutral or bisexual angel, every man becomes a woman, every woman becomes a man] This may also be an expression and innuendo of himself.

In the process of searching for his mother, he was displaced, met all kinds of strangers, and continued the second and third tragic feelings of sadism and sadism. He was beaten and nearly killed in the middle of the night; imprisoned as a terrorist and wantonly insulted by others; and insane after rubbing shoulders with "Lady Miao" in the noisy subway. But still, he was used to smiling delicately and muttering softly to himself.

There are two other clips that I am particularly impressed with.

In the first scene, Mimi and Miss Street have an argument, and are relieved by the seemingly elegant and charming gentleman, who is tasteful and well-dressed, but uses a pocket watch to tighten his neck and almost kill him, making him think that he is in Pluto for breakfast for several days, and he is completely unable to return to Earth to live a normal life.

Because going to Pluto for breakfast, wandering the Milky Way, going to the fierce turns on Mars.

Pluto in Mimi's eyes, a mysterious and cold and desolate planet, but with no him and freedom, without any pandering, he can be himself without scruples, because he is paranoid that he should be born a girl, and only on Pluto can he be recognized.

The second clip is the scene and the conversation when the police officer clears the misunderstanding and carries Princess Mimi out of the cell.

Mimi: "Hello Officer, I'm here, the Galaxy turns left, we're going to visit Mars." ”

Policeman: "Now we're going to rest, little one, go to rest, I think we made a mistake. ”

He was as weak as a girl, lying in the arms of the officer and asking, "Officer, if you come home from work and see me lying on the floor, will you take me to the hospital?"

"Of course."

"Will you hold me like this?"

"If I wasn't a transvestite terrorist, would you marry me?"


I think at this time, in the eyes of the police officer, he was really just a "weak woman"

Mimi: "It makes me feel safe here." ”

Officer: "Security?"

"Yes, you see, in the cell, sometimes I think of my feet dangling in the air, my whole body floating, very lonely, I just want to find a home, I will be your best prisoner, I will cook and clean, I will burn all my uniforms..."

When he said all this, it was nothing more than feeling that the cold and hard cell was so secure that it became his beloved little cell, he wanted to stay, he forgot about the hurt, he believed what the police officer said, he would hold him and take him to the hospital, he longed for someone to treat him sincerely, he felt that there was warmth here at that moment, he did not want to be abandoned again.

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

Later, with the help of a police officer, Mimi got a job in London. One day, while he was working, he had a special guest who told him a special story across the door and told him the address of his biological mother, and then disappeared.

And this guest is the priest, Mimi's biological father. Mimi eventually meets his biological mother, who is indeed as beautiful as a Hollywood movie star, and has her own family and children, who have the same name as Mimi's earliest, Patrick.

Of course, Mimi did not recognize her mother in the end. Instead, he went back to the church in the small town on the Irish border and asked the priest who opened the door, "What should I call you?" The priest replied "father", as to which father it represented, I think only Mimi and the priest himself knew.

Mimi ended up living with the priest, who accepted her as a "daughter", who of course did not undergo gender reassignment surgery and was still biologically a boy. But, as she consciously began, her identification with her gender, she was born a girl.

This recognition, she has never changed.

The movie is over, sprinkle flowers.

Self-redemption from Pluto, through the dust and smoke, through the lights and greenery, and finally will always reach its own vast galaxy.

Pluto's four major issues: intense love, the power of darkness, the threat of death (death of physical life and death of consciousness), and entanglement with others in money, emotion, and sexual relationships.

All are perfectly interpreted by this movie, if you want to deeply understand Pluto, it is obvious that understanding this movie will do more with less.


Pluto's interpretation

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

But what kind of planet is Pluto?

Professionally speaking, Pluto is a yang planet, the planet furthest from the Sun. Pluto is also a "superpersonal planet" in the astrolabe. Circumnavigating the zodiac for about 248 years, and going to the zodiac for about 14-30 years, that is, a constellation.

Pluto represents the drive of destruction or the drive of reform, fusion, of things that develop in secret, reproduction, regeneration, and depravity.

In terms of characters, they represent dictators, sages, psychics, devils, etc.

Pluto in the life cycle represents the place where a person's absolute will appears, and also represents a place where a person may face radical change or rebirth.

Pluto is a stronger person, with an extreme personality, a lack of empathy, absolute control over things (Pluto: The Dark Lord, the King of Yama in China), with strong perseverance and good strategy.

Pluto represents sex, violence, crime, the underworld, the darkest side of society and the darkest side of human nature. It also represents the fanaticism of money and power, the control of lust.

Representing the mysterious, supernatural thing, its essence is shapeable and comprehensive. Its nature is negative, dark, wet and cold.

Pluto, which guards the constellation Scorpio, the vantage star has not yet been determined, in Taurus is out of power, and the falling star has not yet been determined.

Its influences include the control of everything invisible in the Netherworld, as well as the traditional conception of the individual, including the unknown world of mankind, the hidden self or subconscious self, the things that remember, the spiritual power of the universe, the potential for creation, the primitive desires and impulses, and so on.

Pluto's position in the astrolabe, as well as phases, are the areas where a person feels most complex in life, and one that you have to address independently.

Pluto also has relative sensitivity to the body, such as excretion and metabolic system, pituitary gland, deformed growth such as warts, tumors, birthmarks, black moles, etc.

The diseases represented are difficult diseases, excretory organ diseases, venereal diseases, reproductive gland problems, cell combinations, regenerative function and immune system disorders, sexual impulses, and ferocious bestiality.

Pluto's positive characteristics are: resolute, energetic, spiritual, therapeutic, enthusiastic, mysterious, resourceful, powerful, courageous, reborn, and secretive.

Negative traits such as: nervous, ruthless, changeable, sexual, greedy, aggressive, stubborn, unsociable, uncooperative, coercive, resentful, ironic, extreme, jealous, coercive, snatching, painful, manipulative.

There are also many versions of the mythical story about Pluto, but what makes me closest to the feeling is from [Inanna's Redemption], interested friends can find it on the Internet for themselves, and will not repeat it here.


Case: Those Pluto people

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

Take two examples of Pluto's heavier weight on the astrolabe.

One is a Japanese writer, Junichi Watanabe. The sun is located in the 29 degrees 56 minutes of Libra, in fact, it is the complete Scorpio, Mercury also falls on Scorpio, Scorpio is controlled by Pluto, and his sun and Mercury are both in phase with Pluto at the same time, which really belongs to Pluto's heavy disk.

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

The sun represents the personality and the will, and Mercury represents his creative field.

It can be understood that the works of Junichi Watanabe have always run through the concept of "absolute love", he believes that love is a state of physical and mental tension, and extramarital love often becomes the main content of Watanabe's novels. Pluto is good at snatching and scrambling, so Pluto heavy people are also prone to falling into a kind of third-party paranoid love.

Death is also a common ending in Watanabe's novels, such as "Paradise Lost" in which Hisaki and Rinko swallow potassium cyanide at the peak of love; at the end of "Shadowless Lamp", the young doctor Naoe Eisuke plunges into the snow-covered Shikotsu Lake; in "Soul Break Akan", the teenage painter Junko disappears on the slopes covered by ice and snow. Such an ending reveals the writer's perception of death— a sense of nothingness.

In addition, Junichi Watanabe's depiction of death has an important feature, one of which is that in Watanabe's pen, love and death are often linked, that is, love death is an important form of Watanabe's expression of death.

Of course, Junichi Watanabe once said that his works are actually his life, but these are very much in line with the theme of Pluto.

The other is Michael Jackson, whose astrolabe is related to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter.

His story does not need me to repeat it, not his fans, and there is a snowflake-like message on the Internet. His life and his achievements are regarded by the world as geniuses, classics and legends, but at the same time his life has always lived in glory and suffering.

Although he does not have a detailed date of birth, his life can still be traced from the phases and structure of the planets, such as the belief that his astrolabe has Jupiter and Pluto, which is enough to discuss the possibility that he will gain world influence.

Pluto's Breakfast: Maybe there won't be any more roses and sweets, but I still feel sweet

However, the two things that impressed him more deeply were that he was burned in an accident and the damage to his back, and the second was the case of child sexual abuse that shocked the world, and of course, the truth of the case was later rehabilitated.

Those who have known him will understand that the ups and downs and fixed numbers of his life are simply a true portrayal of Pluto, and the four themes of Pluto are interpreted on him without bad scores and vivid.

Anyone interested in Pluto or Scorpio can go and see Jackson's story.

After the observation of multiple astrolabe cases, it was found that people with heavy Pluto are also more likely to have peak achievements, what is the reason? You can carefully consider the description of Pluto in the text, of course, if you want to be rigorous, you also need to calculate the pattern synthesis to verify.

My understanding of Pluto's interpretation is that rather than treating pain, crisis, and dark nightmares as shame, lesions, or bad things to avoid, it is better to see them as a transitional stage in the process of change, rebirth, and freedom.

Second, we know that we cannot grasp or transcend what we condemn, deny, or suppress, and often deal with unpleasant things and scenes with an attitude of avoidance.

But the secret is in the hands of the exerciser, and we must pay attention to and accept the theme of Pluto, admit that these are parts of life, like Mimi in [Pluto Breakfast], through the dust, through the world, through prejudice, not defined by any external form, limited, not affected by any force, let the healing happen naturally, to reach their own vast stars.

In fact, writing is a very troublesome, very laborious thing, I grew up afraid of writing, but often forced by myself into a specialty.

My Pluto is retrograde in the 3rd house, and it has phases with important stars and important house positions, which has a very heavy influence on my life cycle.

Therefore, I am actually a very contradictory, obsessive person, who will inexplicably deepen a lot of people and things that are not important, as well as relationships, and abuse their emotions.

However, after self-understanding, I have always been learning to change and grow, trying to play my strengths and avoid my weaknesses, but in the end, it is also to protect myself.

So, try to get to know your Pluto, and start here.