
Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?

In World War II, more than sixty countries around the world were affected, causing more than 90 million deaths, and guns were blind, and countries would also have losses of senior generals.

Lieutenant General Leslie James McNair (United States)

A graduate of the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point, McNair became Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army in 1942 and contributed greatly to the U.S. Army's operational concealment and camouflage tactics. In 1944, McNair was transferred to the French front to command the "Battle of Normandy", which was known as the turning point of World War II, but was mistakenly killed by the US bombers themselves in July of the same year, and was posthumously awarded the rank of general by the United States.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


General Nikolai Fyodorovich Vatutin (USSR), General Ivan Denilovich Chernyakhovsky (USSR)

Vatutin served as Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, Commander of the Voronezh Front, Commander of the Southwestern Front, and Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. On one occasion during a visit to the front line in Ukraine, General Vaduddin was shot in the thigh by Ukrainian nationalists and died. It is regrettable that at that time, when the Soviet Union was fighting abroad, the Ukrainian nationalists still engaged in this kind of thing that benefited the enemy and did not benefit themselves.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


From June to July 1942, General Chernyakhovsky graduated from the Artillery Academy in Kiev, and from June to July 1942, he served as commander of the 18th Army and commander of the 60th Army, commanding the battles of Kastornoye and Kursk, and then transferred to the commander of the Third Belorussian Front, becoming the youngest commander of all the fronts, and was praised by Stalin as a talented general. Sadly, on the eve of victory, this talented general died at the Battle of Stepburg-Königsberg.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


Admiral Bertram Ramsey, Air Admiral Trevord Lee Mallory, Admiral Tom Phillips (United Kingdom)

Bertram: Early in World War II, he was commander of the Port of Dover and successfully commanded the Dunkirk evacuation. In 1944, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for the Normandy landings and was promoted to admiral in the same year. On January 2, 1945, on his way to a military conference in Brussels, Belgium, he was killed when his plane crashed during takeoff.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


Trevord: Former commander of the British 12th and 11th Fighter Groups, with a remarkable record. In November 1942 he became Commander-in-Chief of british Fighter Command, and was promoted to Air Force General. In late 1943, he was appointed Air Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, commanding the Tactical Air Force to secure air superiority in the Normandy landings. In November 1944, he was transferred to the commander-in-chief of the air forces of the Southeast Asian Allies, and died in a plane crash while accompanying his wife to the post.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


Tom: Admiral Tom joined the Royal Navy in 1903 and in the 1930s served as Director of naval planning. On the eve of the outbreak of World War II, he served as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy. In October 1941 he was appointed Commander of the British Eastern Fleet. On 10 December 1941, the battleship Prince of Wales was sunk by the Japanese in the Battle of the Malay Sea and killed.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


Marshal Fedor von Bock (Germany)

It is worth mentioning that most of Germany's senior generals died by suicide and post-war trials. Bock was born into a military family in Kusterlin, Brandenburg, the son of a former general and a mother of a military family. Bork studied at the Grossleigh Hitfield Military Academy and then the Potsdam Military Academy. In 1898, Bork graduated with honors from the military academy with the rank of second lieutenant. On 5 May 1945, Marshal Bock died in a British bombing.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?

Marshal of the Blog (a bit like Rommel)

5. Isoroku Yamamoto (Japan)

Isoroku Yamamoto, formerly known as Isoroku Takano, was a major general in the Imperial Japanese Navy who served as commander of the Combined Fleet of the Japanese Navy during World War II and was also the mastermind of the U.S. attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Midway. In April 1943, he flew to the front line to inspect, but due to intelligence leakage, he was shot down by a fighter sent by the US army and killed.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?

Is6 Yamamoto

Marshal Italo Balbo (Italy)

General of the Italian Air Force, one of the leaders of the Italian fascists. Pioneer aviator, leader of the Blackshirts, ruler of the colony, Mussolini's designated successor and personal friend. He is a typical figure of Italian fascism in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1940, during a plane trip to the African battlefield, Balbo was shot down and killed by the anti-aircraft guns of Italy's own warships. Also have to say that Italy is really cattle.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?


7. Zuo Quan and Zhang Zizhong (China)

Zuo Quan was a senior general of the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, with the rank of major general in the Nationalist Army, and was a first-term student of the Whampoa Military Academy. In December 1925, he rushed to the Soviet Union and graduated from the Frunze Military Academy at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. After returning to China in 1930, he worked in the Central Soviet Region and participated in various anti-"encirclement and suppression" battles and the Long March. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as deputy chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army and chief of the general staff of the front, commanding the Eighth Route Army to carry out guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines in south China, smashing the Japanese army's many cruel "sweeps" and shocking the Japanese army, and the Japanese army once offered a reward of 50,000 oceans to the left power chief of staff.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?

General Zuo Quan

Zuo Quan, in particular, made outstanding contributions to guerrilla tactics, and the Nationalist army sent people to learn guerrilla tactics from the chief of staff of Zuo Quan. In May 1942, the Japanese army carried out a "iron wall encirclement" sweep of the Taihang Mountain base area, and when the command organ was transferred, the chief of staff of the left power retreated to cover the personnel and the masses of the organ, but unfortunately was hit by enemy aircraft and died heroically.

Who were the most senior generals lost in World War II?

General Zhang Zizhong

Zhang Zizhong, a lieutenant general in the Nationalist Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was posthumously recognized as a general, and was the highest-ranking Chinese general killed on the battlefield of World War II. Born in the Northwest Army, he was appointed commander of the 29th Army of the National Revolutionary Army in June 1931. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he participated in the command of the Linyi Defense War, the Battle of Xuzhou, the Battle of Wuhan, and the Battle of Zaoyi. In 1940, he fought with the Japanese army in Xiangyang for several days, unfortunately died, it is said that he was hit in the head by a Japanese soldier, and when he died, he always looked at the enemy in a fighting posture, which was very tragic. After his death, the Japanese army admired the courage of General Zhang and buried the bones of General Zhang Zizhong.

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