
Beijing Xinminheng Group Temple is indescribable And the aftertaste is endless

author:Beijing Xinmin Hengrui Xin BYD

Beijing Xinminheng Group Temple is indescribable And the aftertaste is endless

Beijing Xinminheng Group Temple is indescribable And the aftertaste is endless

Event time: January 22, 2021

(Some models do not participate in this activity)

Location: 500 meters south of Xisanqi Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing

Pay 99 interest to get the admission ticket:

Make popcorn, sugar gourd, handwritten couplets, snare games, New Year lantern DIY, guess the riddle

1 Upgrade Ceremony: The top 20 of the smart charging pile are upgraded for a limited time

Beijing Xinminheng Group Temple is indescribable And the aftertaste is endless

2. Intention gift: pay 99 intention gold in advance to send admission tickets to the store + New Year gift package (couplet + Chinese knot + Fuzi + Year of the Tiger mask)

3. Car fixing ceremony: send duvet + fascia gun to the car

4. New Year's Gift: aika Car retains funds to buy a car and enjoys 600 car purchase red envelopes

5. Indicator gift: Enter the store with 12.26 indicators to test drive dmi models, and share the circle of friends to collect 28 likes, you can get 500 yuan Jingdong card*

Enter the store with jp old car / pure electric indicators into the store to test drive all models to get 100 yuan Jingdong card

6. Collection of praise: Forward the activity link to the circle of friends to collect praise 55 to send dried fruit gifts

7, the old with the new gift: the old with the new to enjoy 1000 yuan Jingdong card

8, financial gifts: low down payment, zero interest rate, super long 60 periods

9. Replacement gift: Replacement up to 20,000 free professional evaluation is higher than the market price

10. Worry-free gift: 1000 exclusive VIP services Starbucks Coffee + Group regularly organizes a variety of free rider activities

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