
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

author:Financial technology dynamics
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

  Guangzhou, January 18 (Reporting by Chen Zuhua, Chief Reporter of CCTV China Dream Network Television, He Yuanshen, Liu Chuang)

  Recently, Mr. Chen Qiaodun, a national labor model, a national patriotic model of supporting the army, and the chairman of Guangdong Qiaosheng Group, led the party branch and trade union of the company to send Spring Festival condolences and condolences to nearly 300 sanitation workers in Lilin Town. More than 20 people attended the event, including Deng Xiaotang, deputy mayor of Lilin Town, Liu Huiquan, deputy director of the Sanitation Center, the heads of the third department of Lilin Town and Jiabao Company, and representatives of sanitation workers.

  After a brief and warm condolence to the sanitation workers. Chairman Chen Qiaodun, on behalf of the Municipal Model Workers Association and the Municipal Private Association, personally led the party branch and trade union employees of the company to comfort many demobilized veterans and military martyrs in Lilin Town.

Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

  "I'd rather one person be dirty, in exchange for ten thousand people clean", regardless of holidays, regardless of the wind and the sun, the top of the high temperature, braving the heat, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, actively improving the living environment of the majority of citizens, highlighting and enhancing the taste and civilized image of the town, is this group of lovely urban "beauticians".

Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

  Zhang Yunxing, now 89 years old, was an old veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1950, the eldest son died of illness at an early age, and the second son, Zhang Junqiang, died gloriously in the Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack.

Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

  Huang Zhengxing, who is 90 years old this year, joined the army in 1951 and participated in the Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town
Before the Spring Festival, Qiaosheng Group of Guangdong Province extended condolences to veteran soldiers, families of military martyrs and front-line sanitation workers in Lilin Town

  Chairman of Guangdong Qiaosheng Group Co., Ltd

  Commemorative medal for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

  National "Model Worker"

  National "Model of Patriotic Support for the Army"

  National "Advanced Individuals for The Military and the People to Jointly Build Socialist Spiritual Civilization"

  Winner of the National "May Day Labor Medal"

  He was awarded the honorary title of "Third National Defense Star" by the National Defense Mobilization Committee of Guangzhou Military Region

  Awarded the first "Patriotic Private Entrepreneur of Patriotic Support" by Guangzhou Military Region

  Won the 2018 "China Good People List" award

  Winner of China's "Guangcai Cause Medal"

  He was awarded the honorary title of "National Township Entrepreneur" by the Ministry of Agriculture

  Awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Individual Supporting the Development of Old Areas" by the China Council for the Promotion of the Elderly

  Won the "Outstanding Labor Model" medal in Nanyue

  Won the 2019 "Southern Guangdong Xinxiangxian" award

  Vice President of China Association of Individual Workers

  Executive Vice President of Guangdong Patriotic Support for the Army

  President of Huizhou Model Workers Association

  2008 Beijing Olympic Torch bearer

  258 mainstream news media, including One Hundred Media of the Belt and Road, CCTV Legal System and Economy Column, Xinhua Rule of Law Network, China Dream Network Television Channel, China Dream Magazine, Lookout China Magazine, Love Me China Magazine, People's Network, Xinhua Net, China Net, Phoenix Net, Today's Headlines, International Online, China Finance and Securities Network, Sina, Sohu, NetEase, Baidu and other 258 news mainstream media publicized and reported on the event.

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