
Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

author:Cultural Life Newspaper

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Good prayers, blessings of kindness

Qing Xie Lianbi's "Auspicious Four Screens" appreciation

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

This group of "Auspicious Four Screens" was composed by Xie Lianbi (Chu Ru, Chu Yu), a famous painter of the Qing "Zhao'an School". One of the founders of the "Zhao'an School" was Xie Zhenqiao, the descendant of Xie Zhenqiao was Xie Lianbi, the descendant of Xie Lianbi, Xie Xizhang, and the descendant of Xie Xizhang was Mr. Shen Xichun, a famous contemporary painter and painter of the Fuzhou Academy of Painting.

The four screen strips made by Xie Lianbi create four artistic conceptions with four animals of duck, cat, chicken and crane, condensing the cultural connotation and aesthetic taste of traditional national art, creating an elegant and auspicious living room atmosphere, and symbolizing people's beautiful prayers and kind blessings.

Screen strips are unique forms of expression of Chinese calligraphy and painting, usually four feet, five feet, six feet of rice paper foliage, can be four screens, six screens, eight screens and so on. The content of the four screens can be spring, summer, autumn and winter, flowers at four o'clock, wind and rain, flowers, birds, fish and insects, Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum... It can mean the birthday of Fulu, loyalty and filial piety, and auspiciousness, and it can also mean many children and many blessings, many blessings and many longevity, and everything is as expected. So, what is the meaning of Xie Lianbi's "Four Screens of AuspiciousNess"?

Spring River plumbing

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

The ancient imperial examinations on the mainland were divided into the courtyard examination, the township examination, the meeting examination, and the temple examination. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the temple examination was divided into three grades, the first three, the first name Yuanyuan, the second name Bangyan, the third name Tanhua, the rest of the Shi Jinshi and the first; the second A number of names, giving Jinshi birth; the third A number of names, giving the same Jinshi origin.

In traditional art, artists often use the harmonic sounds of duck and nail, and through the depiction of ducks swimming on the water, with different scenery, implying the students' high school science and technology. It is said that such "duck, a picture" is divided into single, double duck, the picture is divided into single, double reeds, reeds are divided without crab claws, with crab claws is to wish the students high school "one first one" champion, if the general duck with reeds, is to wish the students can pass the "second class" and "three top", of course, this is also a very good wish.

The first screen in "Four Screens of Auspiciousness" made by Xie Lianbi is to wish the students how many first places to pass the examination? I am afraid that only when the students are in the "title of the gold list", they know it coldly and warmly.

Rich and old

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

In mainland folklore, the cat is a symbol of auspiciousness. The common "cat butterfly diagram", cute cats always play with colorful butterflies, surrounded by a cluster of peony flowers that symbolize wealth.

Xie Liangbi's "Four Screens of Auspiciousness" of the "rich and noble" cat lies quietly under the banana of Dicui, nestled in the blooming peony flowers, squinting its eyes, waiting for the butterflies to arrive, and the typical "rich and noble old figure" jumps on the paper. Since "耄耋" is the mainland's honorific title for eighty- and ninety-year-old people, "cat butterfly" is harmonious with "old age", so it is obvious that the auspicious meaning of this picture is longevity and wealth.

It is said that cats have nine lives, which can be used to symbolize the blessing of a person with a great life. And the cat in the "Old Picture" also has a male and female distinction, and the male cat symbolizes the fortune and treasure, and the luck is blessed; The mother cat symbolizes a wide range of good relations and thousands of guests. As for how to distinguish the male cat and the female cat in such a picture, it all depends on the needs of the hanger.

Sing wake up the east fence

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

Chicken and "auspicious" harmonic, so people gave auspicious meaning. The rooster crows is an image of light, from the "Chicken Singing, The Dynasty is Both Yingyi" in the Book of Poetry, to Chairman Mao Zedong's "A Singing Rooster is White under the Heavens", the aria about the chicken song has been endless since ancient times.

The ancients clouded, chickens have "five virtues", "Wenwu Yong Renxin" is also. According to the "YoumingLu", the Jin dynasty Song Chuzong raised a chicken in front of the window, and his chicken was so rich in wisdom that he even opened his mouth to talk to him, so That the Emperor made great progress in his words, so there was an allusion to the "chicken window" to refer to the study. In addition, every year on the first day of the first lunar month as an auspicious day, folk paste chicken paper cuts or pictures on the interior or door, implying auspicious doors or auspicious entrances.

Xie Lianbi's "Four Screens of AuspiciousNess" of "Singing to Wake Up the Eastern Fence", the picture is chrysanthemums blooming, the golden rooster singing, Xie's painting of the self-titled poem: "Independent and Ang Angzhi unswerving, frost deep dew heavy responsibility cheering; faintly remnants of the moon flowers are sleeping, singing how many plants of the eastern fence?" "Chrysanthemum and chicken are harmonized with "ji", which is naturally also the meaning of "daji daji" and "auspicious star gaozhao".

Loud pop pine

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

The last screen of Xie Lianbi's "Four Screens of AuspiciousNess" takes the Tang Dynasty poem "Leaning On The Pine listening to the crane" as "The Picture of the Loud Sounding Pine", which shows pine trees and red-crowned cranes.

The ancients regarded the crane as a longevity fairy bird, and also believed that the red-crowned crane had more fairy wind dao bones, and its longevity was as immeasurable as that of the turtle. Later generations often use "Crane Shou" and "Crane Age" as the word of blessing for life, and successive generations of painters prefer to paint with Song Crane, with the titles of "Song Crane Changchun" and "Crane Shou Song Ling", implying that people live a long and healthy life.

The ancients even spiritualized and personified the crane, using the white crane as a metaphor for a virtuous person with noble character, and calling those who were self-cultivating and clean and sometimes praised as "crane singers". As a result, Coats took the crane as his companion, and the crane gradually became a symbol of the high sentiments and ambitions of the famous men.

Xie Lianbi painted Bi Songhe and inscribed: "Jin Gan Can Qi Crane, loudly just like The pine." Ding Ugly Winter Chu Ru Xie Liangbi", the four screens ended with the time of painting.


Labor is the most glorious

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

As we all know, Mr. Chen Zifen is a traditional flower and bird painter, and a large number of his heirloom works are mostly white paintings or ink paintings for flowers and birds, and a small number of figure paintings are mostly ancient costume themes.

This figure painting appears in the face of a contemporary laborer, which is a vivid example of Mr. Chen Zifen's artistic creation keeping pace with the times and devoting himself to a fiery life, and it is also one of his few rare modern theme works.

This work has returned to Singapore, and many senior collectors have seen it, some people think that the broom appearing in the painting should be called "The Great Cleaning"; some people think that the broom, shovel and bucket should be called "Fat"; I took out the first issue of Singapore's "Art World" in 1991, pointing out that the title of this work was "Labor" when it was published in Singapore.

Perhaps, this was created by Mr. Chen Zifen on the "May Day International Labor Day" of a certain year. Therefore, call "Labor" good, labor is the most glorious!

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

The biggest feature of this work is that the picture is fresh and clear, full of vitality and the atmosphere of the times. An important feature of New Chinese art, that is, the creation of traditional painters has been given a new meaning in the new era, thus showing a new look. In this work, Mr. Chen Zifen interprets the unique spirit of the times with the brushstrokes of Cangrun and Pu Mao, creating a new expression language of Chinese painting; with the sketch brushwork, he completes the depiction of the moving human body structure and the static labor tools, and outlines the handsome image of the laborer in a few strokes.

Among them, with the boneless method, the wet pen smudges the character's clothes and pants and labor posture, so that the color and ink blend; with the simple and general light color outline, the shoes and buckets are depicted, which achieves the effect of strong embellishment through small parts, so that the whole picture is not monotonous.

The composition is through a large blank space, implying the freshness, vastness and infinity of the working environment. It can be seen that Mr. Chen Zifen's ability to condense life and the ability to summarize the high degree of generalization in his works are very human.

Labor is the traditional virtue of the people on the mainland, and the hard work of many laborers in ordinary posts has created today's happy life; the hard work of thousands of ordinary laborers has led to the prosperity and harmony of our lives today. Heaven rewards hard work, labor is glorious, pay tribute to the laborers!


Shibashi crossed

Mr. Zheng Naijue's "Shibashi Longevity Chart" appreciation

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

From the picture point of view, Mr. Zheng Naijue's "Shibashi Extension Chart" has several interesting points of view:

First: this work is "embellished" in the "blank space of the cover of the inscription". This made me suddenly want to say: the literati pay attention to articles everywhere, anglers set up poles when they encounter water, and painters draw when they see paper (painting is Minnan dialect, that is, painting). The painter saw two strokes of paper, not all because of the "Luoyang paper expensive", but only when he encountered the itch of the paper, his diligence was evident.

Second: the "golden moss" on the shoushi of this painting is real gold! This is extremely rare in Chinese painting, which shows that Zheng Lao not only worked hard for this work, but also spared no effort.

Third: when Elder Zheng painted the inscription, his self-evaluation of this work was "This picture is quite charming, and it is interesting", and it is obvious that Mr. Zheng lao is quite satisfied with this diagram. Fourth: This picture was made at the time of Mr. Zheng Naijue's "Eighty-Eight Spring", which belongs to the late miaobi!

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

In China's thousands of years of history, Ganoderma lucidum has many almost mysterious titles and confusing auras. In ancient times, Lingzhi was called "Yao Cao"; Erya was called "Rui Cao"; Shennong Materia Medica was called "Shen Zhi", and it was noted: "Mountains and rivers cloud rain, four hours and five elements, yin and yang day and night essence, to give birth to the five colors of Shen Zhi"; Qin Shi Huang era called "Huan Yang Cao"; The Eastern Han Dynasty Zhang Heng's "Xijing Fu" was called "Ling Cao"... It was not until the Ming Dynasty li shizhen compiled the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that he returned to reality, saying that Lingzhi could "benefit the heart, increase wisdom, and eat for a long time and never grow old..."

The magical legends of Lingzhi in history are endless. According to legend, Lingzhi was incarnated by the spirit of Yaoji, the young daughter of the Yan Emperor, and Yaoji "died before she could do it, and her soul depended on the grass, and it was a stem zhi". Folk also have the legend of "Chang'e" eating Lingzhi running to the moon: according to legend, Houyi shot down nine suns and saved the world' life, and the Queen Mother Gave Lingzhi as an elixir to Houyi, but was secretly eaten by Houyi's wife Chang'e, and as a result, Chang'e floated lightly and ran to the moon.

The plot of the White Lady stealing the millennium Lingzhi to save Xu Xian is more mysterious, saying that it is a white snake who has been practicing for a thousand years and obtaining human form - Bai Suzhen and her sister Qing Snake meet the scholar Xu Xian in the broken bridge, and a love affair arises, and the green snake conveys affection from it, and Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian eventually become dependents. Coinciding with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the couple invited the moon to drink and spend a good night together.

The White Lady was overwhelmed by the power of wine, and appeared the prototype, which scared Xu Xian to death. In order to save Xianggong, the White Snake and the Green Snake fight to protect the mountain fairy child to seek the immortal grass, and Xu Xian survived after taking the thousand-year-old Lingzhi. In addition, the legends about eating Lingzhi can ensure immortality, and even immortals are numerous and numerous.

Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"

Ganoderma lucidum has appeared since ancient times as symbols of immortality, auspiciousness, auspiciousness, wealth, beauty, ruyi, and longevity. Ganoderma lucidum and vase are combined, called "peace and ruyi"; bats, small animals, and ganoderma lucidum are combined as "Fushou Ruyi"; wannian and Ganoderma lucidum are called "all things are as good as they want"; bats, peaches, and Ganoderma lucidum are combined as "Fushou Ruyi"; Ganoderma lucidum and winter melon are co-painted, which means "Furu East Sea", and co-painting with pumpkin means "Shoubi Nanshan".

Mr. Zheng Naijue wrote the "Zhishi Longevity Chart" at the age of 88, which should be based on the self-condition of Lingzhi and Shoushi, and the "ShibaShi Wonderland" in his heart is at the end of the pen, and the deep meaning of the painting is allegorical with clear brush and ink.

Mr. Zheng Naijue is known as Gong pen in the world, and his outstanding contribution to the art of Chinese painting is to develop and enrich the traditional expression methods of gongbi flower and bird painting, so that it has made pioneering progress in the combination of work and writing, and part-time work belt writing.

This "Shiba Shi YanNian Diagram" belongs to the work and writing phase in terms of painting technique, and the part-time work belt is written - The Ganoderma lucidum is expressed with a pen, and the stone is expressed with freehand.

We look at the smooth and ancient Gongbi Ganoderma lucidum in the painting, dyed with big red, showing yin and yang, light and shade through the shades and shades of color, highlighting the texture of Zhirui; with rouge to hook lines and paint edges, so that the cap of Ganoderma lucidum appears a round of cloud-like rings in the slight curl, thus generating an auspicious meaning and a ruyi Rui. Below the Ganoderma lucidum, the freehand da shou stone is made of heavy ink, the pen and ink are vigorous, the ink is colorful and moist, the bony protrusion is rugged, and the Canggu Qikun is strong.

Finally, the golden moss is pasted, which adds color to the shoushi and makes the whole picture full of natural interest, beautiful and dazzling, full and full. The overall effect of this painting is that the part of the work is accurate and vivid, and the part written is natural and decent; the main and secondary aspects of the picture are clear and harmonious. Blending the heavy color of the brush with the boneless freehand, and sublimating the content and artistic conception between the square inches, is the most valuable thing in this work.

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Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"
Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"
Yiyuan Handbook | Ancient literati also loved to play "harmonic terrier"


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