
Little apricot tree as a child

author:Jay's Lan

In the 1980s, the rural areas of northern Henan were an era of insufficient materials, and in that era of lack of living materials, it was also a rare thing to be able to eat delicious fruits.

At that time, the organization in the village was called the brigade, and the impression was that in the industry belonging to the brigade, there was a forest farm planted with old almond trees, and I was also too young, and it was impossible to know who planted it, what year and month it was planted, but fortunately, Grandpa contracted a few acres of forest land, of course, the apricot trees on the ground were also owned by individuals. Because the branches and leaves of the apricot tree are tall and block out so much sunlight that the wheat produced is not high, some compensation is recovered by selling apricots.

Maybe I was too young in elementary school, and I always felt that the apricot tree was very old, the trunk was thick, but the branches were more abundant, and I began to fork when I was less than two meters, so I didn't have much effort to climb the tree. There are apricot seasons, stay in the forest all day, Grandpa's dozens of apricot trees, no matter how to climb each one, I can summarize my own experience, climb to the branch fork to grab that branch, foot on that position, I have to be handy, even to the time of harvesting fresh apricots, the tree still has delicious apricots left, I know it all, I am afraid that when it is ripe, grandpa will pick it up and sell it, and I can't eat it and leave regrets. And dozens of trees and many varieties, from early ripening, medium maturity, until very late to mature, so in the season when there are apricots to eat, often eat to the teeth, so that when going home to eat, it is particularly uncomfortable, biting things are not moving feeling. At that time, the impression of fruit, apricots are the most delicious, especially ripe, just plucked from the tree, with a pinch of the hand to crack, out of the apricot juice, revealing the rustling flesh, is simply the most beautiful taste in the world, childhood gluttony I did not have a little resistance to such a delicacy.

There is also a kind of thrilling thing, and perhaps people who have not experienced it cannot know the pleasant mood. That is to find small apricot trees under thick wheat seedlings. In the land below the almond tree, people plant wheat, especially in the spring, the wheat grows very vigorously, every year there are many apricots will fall, with people's cultivation, the apricot core will be buried in the ground, the next year will grow small apricot trees, for various reasons the small saplings grow out are very few, may be a lot of fallen apricots are not ripe, or will be unintentionally destroyed by people, or the growth conditions are not enough, and can not really germinate to grow into a small tree, of course, professional cultivation is another situation. And the germination of the small apricot tree is also the season when the wheat is growing vigorously, the small apricot tree will be mixed in the middle of the ridge of wheat seedlings, the same green, lower than the height of the wheat seedlings, small apricot seedlings, even if you are very serious to find, you do not know in the huge wheat field, the small saplings in which specific location, the process of searching you may miss out, especially under the good taste of the apricot tree, always want to find one, and then plant it yourself, let him slowly grow up, become his own unique apricot tree. Whenever I don't write my homework after school, I want to rush to the almond trees in the forest farm, look for it, and look for it. When you find a small grass that looks like a small apricot tree, you will be surprised for half a day, not to mention that after a difficult search to find a sapling, it feels like winning the jackpot. Maybe at that time, I was too small to understand the situation, but I was more concerned about the moment of finding, and forgot the difficult process of searching. In those years of elementary school, I would look for it every time I had time in that season. However, even if you find it, it is difficult to grow into a big tree, and now that you think about it, you may not be looking for an apricot tree at that time, but the surprise that has been under the vast wheat field thousands of times, looking for the happy mood of success after finding it!

Childhood, always so beautiful and short, primary school time is fleeting, slowly growing up, every spring to find a small apricot saplings is also slowly disappearing, the taste of apricots is still so nostalgic.

Later, people did not value the harvest brought by apricots, but disliked the apricot trees that blocked the sun, so that the crop yield was reduced, but changed to concentrate on planting crops, or perhaps the apricot trees were old, the yield was too low, and they were no longer retaining the almond trees, and later all the almond trees were planed off. The tree is gone, the people are growing, and the wonder of the childhood pursuit is gone. And the age has slowly grown, and what remains is to look for small almond trees, to find almond trees, and to miss that time! A remembrance of the carefree life of childhood!