
The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

author:Read Time Magazine

Standing up to the establishment of learning as the first, the establishment of learning to read as the basis.

Today, Xiaobian shares 20 kinds of good business books in Tsinghua University's #Tsinghua Selection Book List for readers.

1. "How to Read a Book"

[Beauty] Mortimer J. Adler

By Charles Van Doron

Translated by Hao Mingyi Zhu Yi

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

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This book is a reading guide that introduces the methods and techniques of reading, and the broad vision that reading should have. Since its introduction in 1948, it has received much praise in the Western world and has been reprinted many times. It is a masterpiece that teaches people how to read it. Under the cover of each book is a skeleton of its own, and as an analytical reader, it is your responsibility to find this skeleton.

"How to Read a Book" appears in front of you, the muscles are wrapped in bones, and the clothes are wrapped in muscles, which can be said to be dressed up. You don't have to uncover its coat or tear off its muscles to get the skeleton under the soft skin. But you must look at How to Read a Book with a pair of X-ray eyes, because that's the basis for you to understand a book and master its skeleton.

2. "There is a Tree in the North"

By Ouyang Ting

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

January 2021 China Good Book.

This book is a work that makes you stop and gaze at a tree. Taking 12 months as a clue and taking Beijing and its surrounding environment as observation objects, the author wrote a series of nature notes and phenological observation records. All things are amiable, this book takes us to feel the richness of nature, showing the deep communication between people and nature.

This book of natural observations and urban phenology notes written after living in Beijing for a long time is not only limited to plants such as flowers and plants, but also birds, rain, clouds, wind, etc., with hot and affectionate words, showing the beautiful natural pictures of everything as a whole in the four seasons of the year. Following the author's meticulous observation and delicate writing, we see that in the huge city, outside the space inhabited by man, there are many other species that coexist in this environment.

3. The Drunken Botanist

By Amy Stewart

Translated by Liu Su

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

New York Times best-selling author

Amazon Horticultural Encyclopedia Sales Book No. 1

International Culinary Professional Association Jury Recommendation Award

North Carolina Book Award

The book is a passionate toast recited on top of a botany-wine wedding — sake begins with grains of rice, Scotch whisky from barley, tequila from tequila, rum from sugar cane, and bourbon from corn. This fascinating book of biology, chemistry, history, etymology, and bartending — with over 50 recipes and planting tips for gardening enthusiasts — will make you a favorite guest at any cocktail party.

4. The Origin of Western Science

By David Lindbergh

Translated by Zhang Putian

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This book is an authoritative textbook on Western science before modern times, and it is also a very good historical reading of science. It combines the philosophical, religious, and institutional context of the European scientific tradition and devotes a book to an in-depth and simple introduction to scientific achievements from ancient Greece to the late Middle Ages, trying to avoid understanding ancient achievements from today's scientific point of view.

The first edition of the book came out in 1992 to rave reviews. In 2007, the author made important revisions to the book, with additions and adjustments to almost every page, especially on Byzantine science, Mesopotamian astronomy, medieval alchemy and astrology, and the chapter on Islamic science and the last chapter on the contribution of the Middle Ages to the development of science in the 16th and 17th centuries.

5. Mathematics, Science, and Epistemology

[Hungarian] by Lakatos

Lin Xiashui Xue Diqun Fan Jiannian

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

On the one hand, Lakatos criticized the inductivism, confirmation principles and static logical analysis of logical empiricism, and examined the process of scientific development historically and dynamically; on the other hand, he also disagreed with Popper's naïve falsificationism and its demarcation criteria, and put forward the holistic "exquisite falsificationism" or "scientific research program methodology", making important contributions to the philosophy of science.

Mathematics, Science, and Epistemology consists of three parts: Philosophy of Mathematics, Critical Essays, and Science and Education. Caratos argues that rebuttal plays a decisive role in mathematics, that the formulation of conjectures does not guarantee that there are no counterexamples, and that the process of mathematical development is a process of replacing the original more naïve conjectures with deeper, more comprehensive, and more complex conjectures. He believed that mathematics had no basis in necessity, that the truth of mathematical axioms was difficult to guarantee, and that mathematics must therefore be regarded as "quasi-empirical."

6. "Letter to young mathematicians"

By Ian Stewart

Translated by Li Longsheng

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

Ø Recommended books of the 9th Wenjin Book Awards;

Ø An upgraded version of Hardy's Confession of a Mathematician;

Ø Suitable for teenagers, young people and adults who are confused when facing study, professional choice, career choice and work.

"Letter to Young Mathematicians" is an introductory book to understand the subject of mathematics. It provides an extremely vivid and interesting perspective for the general public to understand mathematicians (people who are interested in mathematics) and mathematics. The author hardly uses formulas, but he can grasp the essence of mathematics with some very interesting examples, explain the reason clearly, and show the author's skill. This book explores the various basic problems and ideas about mathematics encountered on the road to learning mathematics in the form of letters, and lets the reader understand the changes in mathematics in their eyes as they move from beginners to researchers of mathematics.

7. "From One to Infinity"

By George Gamov

Translated by Zhang Putian

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This book is one of the most influential popular science classics in the world today, and has influenced many students. Topics cover the entire field of basic scientific knowledge. With illustrations drawn by the author himself, it is easy to understand and interesting to read.

It has led millions of readers into the world of science. Many people read this book when they were teenagers and truly appreciated the wonders and mysteries of science for the first time. With his humorous tone and superb teaching skills, the author explores the macroscopic and microscopic worlds, number theory, the relativity of space and time, entropy, genes, atomic structure, nuclear fission, and the origin of the solar system. Whatever your level of scientific knowledge, you'll get a lot of fun and inspiration from this unusual book.

8. "The Master from Germany"

[de] Lüdiger Savransky

Translated by Jin Xiping

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

Heidegger was a true master, and no one had reserved a niche for religious experience in non-religious times like he did, and he had found a way of thinking that would both stick to things and prevent them from degenerating into obsolete. He wrote one of the most exciting chapters in the history of the German spirit.

This book is a good book to understand the essence of Heidegger's thought. In plain language, the book tells stories and reasons at the same time, introduces Heidegger's family background, childhood and youth life, and tells and comments on the development of Heidegger's entire thought step by step according to the chronological order of Heidegger's writings. The book is not only a biography of Heidegger's thought, but also a history of philosophical and political thought of the 20th century.

9. "The Centennial Course of Deng Xiaoping and the Communist Party of China"

Zhang Shu

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Deng Xiaoping officially joined the Communist Party of China in France in 1924, and his life was closely linked to the founding and development of the party. Focusing on 29 special topics, this book tells about the important events of the founding and development of the Communist Party of China under the witness of Deng Xiaoping, reviews the role he played in the major turning points and decisions of the party, vividly presents Deng Xiaoping's revolutionary demeanor as a revolutionary of the older generation and an outstanding Communist Party member, and deeply interprets the profound connotation and important significance of Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guiding ideology that the Communist Party of China must adhere to for a long time.

This book focuses on the theme of party building, and the whole book is divided into three parts, namely, the first, the middle and the second, telling the history of party building and development in the three historical periods of the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up and socialist modernization.

10. Political Ethics with Chinese Characteristics: The Chinese Communist Party's Exploration of the Legitimacy of Governance

Dai Mucai

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The study of political ethics with Chinese characteristics is a weak field in the study of mainland ethics and political science. Deepening this research is not only a practical requirement for the mainland's socialist modernization drive, but also a theoretical requirement for the development of the mainland's political ethics. In order to realize the transformation from a revolutionary party to a ruling party, and to govern scientifically, democratically, and according to law, the COMMUNIST Party of China must thoroughly study the issue of the legitimacy of its ruling power.

11. The Republic

[Ancient Greece] by Plato

Translated by Guo Bin and Zhang Zhuming

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

"The Republic" is Plato's masterpiece, which was written in the author's prime, shocked the past and the present, and had a far-reaching influence, not only as a manifesto of the author's political thought, but also as a governing outline for a politician who has folded people.

Plato firmly believed that philosophers could be politicians and could rule the world. The book deals with justice, the state, property, happiness, philosophers, truth, knowledge, ideas and other aspects of the book, and has been a regular book for Western intellectuals for more than 2,000 years.

12. "On the Question of the Role of the Individual in History"

[Russian] by Plekhanov

Translated by Wang Yinting

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

This book is the work of the philosopher Plekhanov on historical materialism, which mainly refutes the populist view of heroic history and clarifies the Marxist question of the role of the individual in history.

13. "Talk about methods"

[Fa] by Descartes

Translated by Wang Taiqing

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

Talk about methods was first published by Descartes in 1637.

The book focuses on his methodological ideas and is accompanied by three appendices: Geometry, Folding Optics, and Meteorology.

14. "Blue Bird"

By Maurice Maitrink

Translated by Zheng Klu

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

The 1911 Nobel Prize in Literature finale praised the fairy tale drama around "what is happiness, how to find happiness and happiness everywhere"; this fairy tale drama is not only written for children, but also for parents, a beautiful parent-child book that integrates appearance and content.

The story tells of Titir and Mittir, a pair of children of a poor woodcutter before Christmas, dreaming that the fairy asks them to find a blue bird that symbolizes happiness for the seriously ill girl. The fairy gave them a magical diamond and, accompanied by magical companions such as light, water, and bread, embarked on a journey to find the blue bird. They have experienced countless hardships, overcome all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and finally understood: the blue bird is around. This is a six-act play, and the story conveys that only by willingly giving happiness to others can you get happiness yourself.

15. Selected Translations of Mudan

Translated by Mudan

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The selection of Mudan's translations of pushkin, Chutchev, Blake, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Longfellow, Eliot and other masterpieces of Western classic poets shows the literary achievements and appearance of Western modernist poetry in a relatively rich way.

Mu Dan (1918-1977), whose original name was Zha Liangzheng, used the pen name Liang Zhen, a modernist poet and translator. After graduating from Southwest United University in 1940, he stayed on to teach. In 1949, he went to the United States to study and entered the Department of English Literature at the University of Chicago. He received a Master of Arts degree in 1952. After returning to China in 1953, he became an associate professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at Nankai University. In 1958, he was politically persecuted and transferred to the library. He died of a heart attack in 1977.

16. "The Little Prince"

[French] saint-Exupéry

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"The Little Prince" is the genius of the famous French writer Saint-Exupéry. The story uses the first-person "I" to introduce the pure, melancholy, question-asking little prince, and learns about the little prince's wandering experience in the conversation, and the story contains many true meanings of life that are worth thinking about. The book is almost perfect in content and form, like a piece of natural beauty.

17. Gothic Architecture and Scholastic Philosophy

By Owen Panofsky

Translated by Chen Ping

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Panofsky's famous pamphlet is one of the most important works of spiritual history (conceptual history) in the West of the 20th century, and an exciting expedition across the history of art and the history of ideas, the main theme of which is to explore the interrelationship between Gothic architecture and scholasticism.

In this book, Pan compares the Gothic architecture of the heyday of the Middle Ages with the scholastic philosophy of the same period to show that both Gothic architecture and scholasticism created similar stylistic features under the control of a common "spiritual habit". The book was widely received upon publication, and his adventures were refreshing to show off, especially for art historians and architectural historians.

18. "Zhuangzi's Notes on the Present"

Chen Gu should be annotated

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The book is a vernacular translation and commentary of Zhuangzi. This edition uses horizontal simplified characters and incorporates new research on Zhuangzi.

The "Taoist Interpretation Book Series" is a series of books on the study of Taoist thought by Mr. Chen Guying, a professor of philosophy in Taiwan, and 5 kinds have been published so far. The series of books annotates the classic works of The Taoists in vernacular, and strives to be easy to understand and readable while being accurate.

Extended Book List:

19. The Tea Codex

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

2017 "China's Most Beautiful Book"

2018 "The World's Most Beautiful Book" Honor Award

The Tea Classic is a comprehensive treatise on the history, origin, current situation, production technology, tea drinking techniques and tea ceremony principles of tea production, and is known as the encyclopedia of tea. Since the advent of Lu Yu's "Tea Classic" in the Tang Dynasty, the literati who love tea in the past generations have written a number of tea science works on tea planting, tea picking, tea making, tea selection, tea boiling, tea tasting and tea utensils, tea ceremony and other aspects. This book is based on the Wenjinge edition of the Siku Quanshu, and includes eight kinds of tea books around the above themes.

Selected Chinese "tea" theme calligraphy and painting treasures: 45 grams of rice paper full-color printing, picture design and binding methods break through the tradition, so that readers can feel a different reading experience in the poetic leisurely reading atmosphere created by ancient calligraphy and painting.

20. "Native China, Fertility System, Rural Reconstruction"

Written by Fei Xiaotong

The Tsinghua selection list is coming! These 20 should not be missed

This book includes three representative works by Mr. Fei Xiaotong: "Native China", "Fertility System" and "Rural Reconstruction". These three books are Fei Xiaotong's representative works that summarize Chinese society from a cultural point of view, which concisely reflects his concentrated thinking on this issue and comprehensively and systematically presents his local social research.

Source: WeChat public account "The Commercial Press"

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