
Rodman: O'Neal has an opinion on me, and I'm the only one who can prevent him from scoring four or five points per game

author:Live it
Rodman: O'Neal has an opinion on me, and I'm the only one who can prevent him from scoring four or five points per game

Live Bar January 19 news Recently, NBA star Dennis Rodman was interviewed and asked which of the interior players he has played against, O'Neal, Mourning and Carl Malone, is the most difficult to defend.

Speaking of O'Neill, he said: "O'Neill has an opinion on me. I was the only one who could prevent him from scoring four or five points per game. ”

Rodman and O'Neal have played each other 16 times in their careers, Rodman has won 13 times and O'Neal has won 3 times. Rodman averaged 7.5 points and 16.8 rebounds per game; O'Neal averaged 26.8 points and 12.8 rebounds per game.

Speaking of Mo Ning, he said: "Mo Ning, he just really and sincerely hates me and grits his teeth, because I can beat him every time and he can't lift his head. He's strong, but I've never been afraid to sit with him. ”

Rodman and Mourning have played each other 26 times in their careers, with Rodman winning 18 times and Mourning winning eight times. Rodman averaged 5.5 points and 15 rebounds per game; Mourning averaged 19.3 points and 10.2 rebounds per game.

When it comes to Malone, he gives praise one after another. He said Malone was very tough and he loved Malone.

(Bacchus, Dionysus)

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