
Confused Bells 2

author:Simple Starry Sky WN

It was the first letter I had received from the postman in the school's office after the summer vacation, the first letter from the girl I met on the train.

When the train rattled through a tunnel, when the smoke pipe on the front of the car emitted a series of whistles of black smoke, as the train turned a mountain bay and entered a mountain road, a ray of sunlight pierced the glass through the window and scattered on me, I was awakened by a tremor of the train, and I saw that I did not know when my head was leaning on the girl's shoulder. And the girl flipped through my book and looked at it, completely unaware of my awakening.

I hurried to get my body done and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I'm asleep." ”

"Nothing, I woke up leaning on you, looking at how you were asleep, I didn't wake you up again, I took your book and read it, would you mind?" She reached out her hand to me and handed me the book and smiled.

"It's all right, you see, I'll go and stand at the carriage joint and move my muscles." I hurriedly planned to leave, lest she see the embarrassment I had caused by being too tight away from the girl.

She stood up and gave me way out of the aisle, and I walked toward the bathroom in the carriage.

In the train bathroom, I didn't mean to be convenient, I leaned over the window, took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth, lit it, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out the smoke little by little. Take another sip and spit it out slowly, and in a few moments the cramped bathroom was filled with smoke. When I was coughing twice, there was a knock on the bathroom door outside. I quickly took off my pants and squeezed a little pee into my abdomen, lifted my pants to open the door, and pretended to be just finished.

I turned and planned to go to the junction of the carriages for a while, blowing the cool breeze that squeezed in through the cracks in the doors. When I got there, a young couple was hugging and kissing each other. I saw this and quickly left.

Before I got back to my seat, the girl stood up, holding my book in one hand and holding out the other hand to make a polite gesture, and I smiled at her and went in to sit down.

Trains skirt the mountains, cross rivers, and shuttle between cities and villages.

I leaned against the window and watched the trees near the train speed past me, which made my eyes a little dizzy, and I looked into the distance, the mountains were continuous, and I felt the train running around the mountains.

"Where are you going?"

I heard the girl talk, I didn't turn to look at her, I felt that there were so many people on the train, maybe she was asking someone else. But then I realized I was wrong, until she asked the question again and poked my elbow with her finger as she asked. I turned my face and saw her smiling and looking at me.

"Where are you going?" She asked me again. Her question made me very confused and did not know how to answer, because I did not know where to go, looking at her eyes of doubt and expecting my answer, I felt that I should answer her realistically.

"Actually, I didn't know where to go, I was reading in the waiting room, and I was taken to the train by the crowd, but when I realized, the train was already moving."

Maybe my answer made her laugh, everyone on the train should have their own destination, or go home, or to where they work, or travel, and I really don't have a destination to get on the train.

"Don't want to tell me, haha," she smiled, but seemed a little stiff.

"Really, I'm telling the truth, I didn't even buy a ticket," I explained.

"Then how do you get on the train?" Isn't someone checking in the tickets? She asked me doubtfully.

"I don't know what's wrong, I just know it's crowded, maybe I missed it." That's my guess.

"Then why did you come out?" She let go of my far-fetched answer, and maybe she couldn't find my destination from my answer, so she asked another question.

Her question plunged me into a brief meditation, why I came out, where I was going, questions that even I had never thought about, that now seemed to haunt me. I think this kind of inner entanglement should be my unsatisfactory work and unhappiness in life.

If I think about it, maybe it's a change in my job, everyone should be spiraling in their working career, and I feel like I'm going backwards. I was originally seconded to work in the township government, and I was dedicated to the work arranged by the leaders, which belonged to the kind of old cattle-like energy, and it should be said that I was doing work that others did not want to do. More than ten years of hard work and resentment are only a word of competence for the leadership, and many people have been promoted in drinking big tea and reading newspapers. And because I had no background, just because my superiors said a word, they sent me to school. All my efforts were in vain, and I saw all the falsehoods and petty feelings of these people. My work was back to the ground, and it was frustrating for me. Coupled with my wife's early arrival of menopause, my life fell into a whirlpool. So during that time, I read desperately to keep myself from thinking about the things that bothered me. That's probably my real reason.

But I didn't tell her about my current predicament, why should I tell others about my life, even if you said what would happen, nothing would change.

"I'm writing a novel, I've just started writing it, but I don't know how to continue, I think I'm missing too much, I want to find some inspiration." 」 I saw the girl's expectant eyes, making up half-truths and half-lies.

Of course, I can't tell a stranger my true story, so why make people laugh.

"I think you're a person with a story, and since you don't want to say it, don't say it." She shook her head and said.

At this time, the conductor pushing the dining car in the train aisle was shouting to remind everyone that it was time to eat, while taking out the lunch box from the dining car for those who needed it.

I pulled out the money to buy a box lunch.

The girl asked me to help her remove her suitcase, take out a bag of instant noodles from it, and let me carry the suitcase to it. She drank water and chewed on the dried instant noodles, and I looked down at the box lunch.

The train makes a short stop in a city and then continues. After eating, I looked at everything in front of me boredly, and thinking back to the girl's question, I still couldn't find the answer to where to go.

Later, after talking with the girl, I learned that the girl's name was Xue Ling, who came out to work after high school and had been working outside the home for several years to earn money. This time, because my father was not lightly ill, I had to go home to see.

We talked about reading again, and she said that she likes to read, and if it weren't for the difficulties at home, she would definitely be admitted to a good university.

Then later, she was silent for a while, as if meditating on something. I felt inconvenienced to ask the girl too many things, so I picked up the book and looked at it bored.

"Do you really have no destination?" She asked me again.

I turned my head to look at her and nodded in reply.

She brushed her hair, which had been blown out of the window, and bit her lip again.

"Then can I ask you for a favor?" She looked at me and asked.

"You say"

"I want you to be my boyfriend for a few days," she said shyly and softly, blushing a little after saying that.

I was stunned by her request, this girl really did.

"I can't help this, I have a wife and children." I said hurriedly.

"I'm asking you to pretend, aren't you idle and idle?" We have mountains and water there, it's fun, aren't you uninspired, come to us and see, you don't have anything to do anyway, just be a trip," she said.

I looked at her doubtfully.

"Are you afraid I'll sell you?"

I smiled wordlessly.

"To tell you the truth, when I was working, I made a boyfriend, he began to be very good to me, almost to talk about marriage when I told the family, but I accidentally found out some time ago that he was not only a girlfriend, so I resolutely proposed to him to break up, just when the family said that my father was seriously ill, I decided to leave the place that made me sad, saving the person from always harassing me." 」 I used to go home with my boyfriend, and I was worried that my family would ask about my boyfriend, so I wanted you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a few days. How's that? She asked me in one breath.

"Aren't you afraid of me, a stranger?" I asked her.

"I think you're a good person, and you're a teacher, so I boldly asked you for help."

Looking into her begging eyes, I had to nod.

"I'm not going to stay with you for long, though, and I'll have to go home." I say.

"Haha, you thought I'd keep you for the rest of my life," she joked.

Next, she told me some of her family's situation, and I also briefly talked about my family situation, of course, we made it up together, I was a worker with her, the only son, and my parents were workers.

"By the next stop, we're off, are you ready?" She asked me playfully with a smile.

"Oh," I just smiled.

It wasn't long before the train came to a slow stop at a small station, and we got off the train with our luggage under the guidance of XueLing. Standing at the unfamiliar small station, I saw very few people getting off the train, a couple with two children, a man dragging heavy luggage, a woman holding a small child in a bag, a five- or six-year-old girl clutching the corner of her mother's blouse, the woman nagging her own unfortunate labor as she walked, and the man just urging her to go fast. Two other men, one carrying a large plastic bag containing things, hurried toward the station entrance. Several station guards also stood to the side and talked after the train left. I was carrying a simple bag, and Xue Ling pulled her suitcase and followed her out of the station. At the exit is a small square, where a few taxi drivers beckoning several people out of the station. Two people, in order to please us, actually wanted to help Xue Ling with his luggage.

Snow Spirit waved her hand at them and said no taxi.

Walking through the small square, Snow Spirit took me up to a minibus parked on the side. There was only the driver and a woman with a bag hanging obliquely from her chest.

Xue Ling asked the driver if he was going to Baita Mountain and then asked what time the train would depart, and then she said to me, "Don't move here, I'll go buy something." ”

"I also want to go with you, take the train for so long, and move my legs." I said to her.

"Well, master, I'll put my luggage in the car first, and we'll go buy something." Snow Spirit said to the driver.

"Hurry up, don't be late," said the woman with the slanted bag.

Xueling and I got out of the car and walked toward the square, on both sides of the road were some open gatehouses, and a street extended up the hillside, without the high-rise buildings on our side, and the buildings we saw were no more than three stories.

Xueling told me that this was the city on their side, not as good as our city there, with many cars.

She took me to buy some gifts to her house, saying that the boyfriend was coming to her house for the first time and should bring something, otherwise the neighbors on the street would laugh. I just laughed when I listened. She took me to the shoe shop again, and she picked out a pair of sneakers, "Buy you a pair of shoes, we have a lot of mountains here, and the leather soles you wear are hard, which is not good for your feet." ”

She pulled me to sit down and squatted down, took off my shoes and changed me into sneakers. She made me feel a little confused, and when she paid for me, I quickly took the money out of my purse, and she said that she should buy me shoes as a thank you. My insistence was that I bought myself shoes. I wanted to walk up the street, but Snow Spirit said that the bus was about to leave, and we had to hurry back.

When we got back to the car, there were a few more people in the car, two people dressed as monks, bare-headed, wearing orange monk clothes, feet wearing old Beijing-style cloth shoes, white socks, not like the monks in the movie with cloth to help their calves, they were holding mobile phones listening to songs. There were also four young men like students, who knew from their conversation that they were out on vacation and had nothing to do.

When it was time to depart, the driver took a large plastic cup from the side of the seat and took a sip, and handed it to the ticket seller woman who hung the diagonal bag. The car slowly drove out of the small station, the door of the bus was not closed in time, only to see the woman drink a sip of water, leaning on the door of the car to stretch her head outward and shouting loudly, "Have you gone to Baita Mountain, get on the bus?"

The bus walked up the street of this small town, turned right at the end of the road, and slowly left the town.

The bus was driving on the mountain road, I was sitting behind the snow spirit, the wind blew in through the window, the hair flew backwards, the mountain road outside was very narrow, if the opposite side of the car, the bus would stop to the side, wait for the car to pass before moving forward, otherwise it may turn into the ditch under the road. The mountain road is not only full of bays, but also the road surface is uneven, potholed, and my internal organs are turned over, which makes me feel dizzy and vomit.

"I'm sorry to make you suffer with me." Snow Spirit turned to me and said sorry.

I shook my hand and signaled that she was not polite. She took that small package of paper out of her bag and handed it to me, and I took it and covered my mouth that was about to spit out.

In this way, I endured sitting on this bumpy bus and moving forward, and I regretted that I should not have allowed her to suffer this nameless sin again.

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