
China's ice and snow tourism industry entered a period of rapid growth The number of ice and snow tourists in the 2020-2021 snow season was 230 million

author:Bright Net

Beijing, January 19 (Xinhua) -- The Beijing Winter Olympics have brought major opportunities for the prosperity and development of China's ice and snow industry, and the development of China's ice and snow industry has achieved remarkable results. In the 2020-2021 snow season, china's ice and snow tourism number of 230 million person-times, ice and snow tourism revenue of 390 billion yuan, ice and snow tourism industry has entered a period of rapid growth.

This is mentioned in the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Report Collection (2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") released by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee on January 19.

China's ice and snow industry is developing rapidly

Since 2015, the development of China's ice and snow industry has achieved remarkable results. The report pointed out that by the beginning of 2021, there were 654 standard ice rinks in the country, an increase of 317% over 2015; there were 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts of various types, an increase of 41% over 2015. In the 2018-2019 season, there were 75 national ice and snow events, and international events such as the Beijing World Women's Curling Championships, the Snowboard Jumping World Cup, and the World Figure Skating Grand Prix have settled in China, and ice and snow events have flourished.

China's ice and snow tourism industry has entered a period of rapid growth, with 230 million ice and snow tourists in the 2020-2021 snow season and 390 billion yuan of ice and snow tourism revenue; the ice and snow equipment manufacturing industry has developed and grown. As of 2019, there are nearly 20 ice and snow equipment industrial parks and towns under construction or proposed across the country; the ice and snow exhibition industry has developed rapidly, forming a number of well-known ice and snow exhibition brands at home and abroad such as the International Winter Sports (Beijing) Expo.

China's ice and snow tourism industry entered a period of rapid growth The number of ice and snow tourists in the 2020-2021 snow season was 230 million

The picture shows a snow machine manufacturer in the ice and snow sports equipment industrial park of Zhangjiakou High-tech Zone. Courtesy of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee

The Science and Technology Winter Olympics project has achieved fruitful results

The "Report" mentioned that the Beijing Winter Olympics from the beginning of the preparation of the idea of empowering the Winter Olympics with scientific and technological innovation, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Beijing Municipality, Hebei Province, the State General Administration of Sport and other relevant departments and localities to set up a scientific and technological Winter Olympics leading group, set up and organize the implementation of the "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" key special projects.

As of November 2021, 80 key projects have been launched. Since the launch of the special project, around the venues, operation, command, security, medical, meteorology, transportation, broadcasting and other key scenarios, 112 new technology achievements of 37 projects have been applied in the test match, and will serve the Operation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. These achievements will be further applied to various fields of economic and social development and urban operation through the application demonstration of various scenarios of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and will be further applied to various fields of economic and social development and urban operation, forming a rich legacy of science and technology.

The Beijing Winter Olympics brand is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

Since its official launch in February 2017, the market development work of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has widely attracted social funds and social forces to participate in the preparation of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and raised the necessary funds, materials, technologies and services for the preparations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

According to the report, 45 sponsoring companies have been signed for the Beijing Winter Olympics, including 11 official partners, 11 official sponsors, 10 official exclusive suppliers and 13 official suppliers. Market development creates opportunities and platforms for Chinese enterprises to enhance their strength and go global, and fully combines the brand value of the Beijing Winter Olympics with the actual needs of enterprise development to achieve win-win development.

By the end of 2021, the Beijing Winter Olympics have developed more than 5,000 licensed products in 16 categories, opened more than 190 licensed commodity retail stores in 19 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities such as Beijing, Hebei, Tibet and Xinjiang, and set up licensed commodity sales channels covering 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities on more than 280 pairs of high-speed trains. Licensed goods have become a platform for the promotion and display of ice and snow sports, highlighting the characteristics of the Beijing Winter Olympics. (End)

Source: China News Network

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