
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

author:Scrambled eggs with tomato sauce

The fantasy drama "Mirror. On the day of the premiere of "Twin Cities", netizens complained that the plot was flat, and netizens also joked that the male and female protagonists were fat head fish and wooden fish, hahaha.

Mirror. "Twin Cities" starring Li Yifeng, Chen Yuqi, Zheng Yecheng, Yang Zhiwen, the protagonist and supporting roles are handsome and beautiful women with high appearance, and the costume and special effects make the audience feel the "ability to pay money", but they cannot stimulate the audience's desire to chase the drama. Routine plot, flat protagonist personality, no memory point costume modeling, "Mirror. "Twin Cities" has committed the common disease of most fairy tale dramas, and it is even more uninteresting to have no characteristics.

Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

Mirror. The role of su g (the novel is su mo) of the male protagonist of "Twin Cities" originally had a lot of room to play, as a fish person who encountered inhuman treatment since childhood, he met Zhu Yan (the heroine of "Jade Bone Yao") for the first time to feel the love of people, with an extreme personality, gloom, and a black belly. Su G is the reincarnation of the Sea Emperor who carries the arduous task of leading his clan back to the garden, holding the tragic script of Mei Qiang, but when dealing with Su G, the screenwriter abandons his black, gloomy personality and strengthens his emotional line with Bai Ying, focusing on Li Yifeng and Chen Yuqi have no sense of CP at all, and the operation method of picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons is too inferior.

Heroine Bai Ying, a typical other person's child, looks, spells, and minds are the best in the same age group, the screenwriter's treatment of the heroine is slightly rough, Chen Yuqi's performance method is very wooden, the heroine has become a wooden beauty without expression, lacking soul and thought, but it is a pity that the scarf does not let the eyebrows of Bai Ying.

Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

S+ Big Production "Mirror. The popularity and broadcast volume of "Twin Cities" make the audience wonder if they can't understand it, so sorry for the investor.

The military drama "Ace Troops", which has just ended, still occupies the first place in the list. The new drama "Beginning" performed well, the marketing of the noonday sun was too crazy, the fancy hot search, the production companies had to tighten the belt of the pants for the New Year, and the noon was not the usual road. Hong Kong drama "Family Glory" plot dog blood but let the audience can not stop, the male and female protagonists are called "dog men and women" is not too much ah, they are the biggest villains of the whole drama, the plot is constantly reversed, experienced audience can not guess the plot direction behind.

Mirror. The playback volume of "Twin Cities" is too low, Tencent and Youku jointly broadcast, the two major platforms jointly pushed, the first broadcast on the day of the broadcast exceeded 1Y, the next day was directly cut off by the waist of a large half, the third day fell again, the playback volume deteriorated.

Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

Aiyouteng three major platforms, Tencent is obsessed with large-scale production of ancient puppet dramas. Last year's broadcast of "Ancient Dust" and "Long Song Line" were ridiculed on the street, and the broadcast performance did not match the S+ project. "Divine Work" "A Certain Hairpin Line" cannot be broadcast directly, and "Hao Yi Xing" missed the best time, and it is difficult to broadcast. B-grade small production costume drama "Royal Gifts of Small Servants" became popular, after the small explosion, the male and female protagonists made a name for themselves, but both lost under the cool paparazzi lens, fans suffered a "collapsed house", and the goose in 2021 is too difficult.

S+ is long dead. The quality of film and television dramas has nothing to do with the rating, the script is king, and the film and television dramas that are regarded as classics are based on the premise of good scripts.

Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

At present, there are 4 S+ big-budget puppet dramas in the hands of the goose, Xiao Zhan and Ren Min's "Jade Bone Yao" ("Mirror. The prequel to "Twin Cities"), Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi", "And Try the World", Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi "Star Han Brilliant", Liu Yifei, Chen Xiao "Dream Hualu", friends, which one are you more optimistic about?

Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king
Mirror. The number of broadcasts of "Twin Cities" is deteriorating, S+ big productions are in name only, and a good script is king

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