
The special issue of the two sessions and the people's livelihood are hotly discussed| improve the system, and make the culture benefit the people and the people more close to the people

author:Hebei News Network

Public cultural service facilities such as libraries, cultural centers (stations), and museums in urban and rural areas are constantly improving, and various forms of cultural activities to benefit the people are continuously delivered to the people, and massive digital cultural supply is reached online at a "touch". Looking at all parts of the province, public cultural services continue to be "upgraded", and a modern public cultural service system network that is becoming more and more perfect, covering five levels from the province to the village, is unfolding.

This year's government work report proposes to improve the urban and rural public cultural service system, implement cultural projects to benefit the people, and launch a number of high-quality works. How can Hebei Province promote the construction of a public cultural service system in an orderly and efficient manner, continuously extend the tentacles of cultural services, and let the people enjoy high-quality cultural products? The deputies and members attending the provincial two sessions launched a heated discussion on this issue.

The special issue of the two sessions and the people's livelihood are hotly discussed| improve the system, and make the culture benefit the people and the people more close to the people

Recently, citizens read and selected books in a "city study room" in Ningjin County. Since 2021, Ningjin County has continuously promoted public cultural services, deeply implemented cultural projects to benefit the people, and created a number of "urban study rooms" in urban communities and commercial areas with concentrated crowds. (Expansion film) Hebei Daily reporter Zhao Yonghui photo

Focus on full coverage and promote the construction of a public cultural service system

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the level of standardization and equalization of public cultural services in Hebei Province has been comprehensively improved, the public cultural facilities at the provincial, municipal, county, township and village levels have basically achieved full coverage, the reform tasks in the public cultural field deployed by the central government have been successfully completed, and the construction level of public cultural service systems in more than 60 counties and urban areas in the province has reached the national or provincial demonstration standards.

In the overall promotion of the high-quality development of public cultural services, public cultural facilities are like "bones". Only when the bones are strong can the body have strong support. Na Shuchen, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in the next step, Hebei Province will adhere to the principle of making up for shortcomings and strengths, and promote county-level public libraries, cultural centers and grass-roots comprehensive cultural service centers to meet the standards and improve quality. Expand the use of space for public cultural service facilities, promote public cultural institutions to go out to carry out "embedded" services, introduce social forces, and innovate and create a number of new cultural experience spaces such as "urban study rooms", "rural book bars" and "cultural stations" in neighborhoods, business districts, communities, scenic spots, etc., and integrate public cultural services into the daily lives of the people.

At the end of 2021, Tangshan Successfully passed the acceptance and was officially named "National Public Cultural Service System Demonstration Zone" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Finance. In cities, public libraries and cultural centers have achieved full coverage; in rural areas, grass-roots comprehensive cultural service centers have achieved full coverage, 357 new rural cultural auditoriums have been built, and 30 demonstration sites of township (street) comprehensive cultural stations have been named. Tangshan Grand Theatre, a first-class theater in China, brings the world's outstanding literary and artistic performances to the public. "Before the construction of the Tangshan Grand Theater, if the public wanted to see high-level performances at home and abroad, they could only go to major cities such as Beijing and Tianjin. Witnessing the city's cultural venues from scratch, from there to fine, Pan Tiezhu, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and president of the Tangshan Performing Arts Group Song and Dance Theater, felt a lot. He said that only by having high-standard cultural venues can we introduce and carry out high-standard performances so that the masses can enjoy spiritual food at a higher level and at a higher level. He suggested that we should continue to promote the construction of a public cultural service system for the grassroots and benefit the people, increase the government's purchase of public cultural services, and let the masses share the latest achievements in the development of culture and art.

The public cultural service system is connected into a line and wired into a network, and it is becoming more and more dense. A few days ago, the General Office of the People's Government of Hebei Province issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Cultural Services", which proposed that by 2025, the construction of urban and rural public cultural facilities will generally reach the standard, the integrated construction of urban and rural public cultural service systems will step to a new level, the awareness, participation and satisfaction of public cultural services will continue to increase, and the overall level of public cultural services in the province will be significantly improved.

The special issue of the two sessions and the people's livelihood are hotly discussed| improve the system, and make the culture benefit the people and the people more close to the people

The dance teacher of The Weixian Cultural Center in Hebei Province instructed the students to practice dance. In recent years, in order to satisfy and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the grass-roots masses, the Weixian Cultural Center in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, has carried out a series of public welfare activities of "Literature and Art benefiting the people and the masses 'ordering'", and set up various free literary and artistic training activities such as dance, vocal music, and opera, and the masses can choose courses according to their personal preferences. Up to now, more than 4,000 people in Weixian have participated in the public welfare literature and art training for the benefit of the people. Photo by Zhu Xudong, Xinhua News Agency

Extend the service tentacles and let the people share the cultural achievements

"Send culture to the grassroots" public welfare activities, "mobile" museums... The continuous extension of the cultural service tentacles of Hebei Province has enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses and better met the diversified and high-quality cultural needs of the masses.

"The most fundamental starting point for cultural benefits is to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses." Wang Feng, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Provincial Writers Association, said that in 2021, the Provincial Writers Association organized a series of activities to "send literature to the grassroots", inviting well-known writers and scholars inside and outside the province to go deep into Baoding, Cangzhou, Tangshan and other places to conduct literary training for grassroots authors and literature lovers. This year, while continuing to carry out activities, we will enrich the content and form of activities, and combine the forms of public lectures, theme creation, grass-roots key writer creation training meetings, symposiums and works discussion and revision activities to continuously enhance the sense of cultural acquisition and happiness of the grass-roots masses.

In April 2021, a series of activities for the province's red culture to enter the campus kicked off, and 20 museums and memorials with revolutionary themes entered the campus to carry out various forms of cultural activities. By the end of 2021, the province's red culture has held 251 activities on campus, walked into 230 campuses, and the audience is more than 391,200.

"Breaking the 'wall' of the museum and promoting the museum culture to the vast social space outside the museum by means of touring exhibitions and publicity, the museum culture has more room for extension, and the equalization of public cultural services has been implemented." Li Baocai, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Museum Division of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, suggested that the characteristic cultural resources of the museum be integrated, the way of running the museum should be explored, the public cultural service chain of the museum should be extended, and the growing multi-level and diversified public cultural needs of the masses should be met.

"In the process of jointly promoting the high-quality development of public cultural services, the government and social forces need to work together." Member Na Shuchen said that in the future, Hebei Province will further promote the socialization and development of public cultural services. Through the improvement of government procurement of services, project subsidies, targeted funding, loan discounts and other policy measures, to attract social capital into the field of public culture. Encourage social forces to participate in the construction of the public cultural service system by investing in or donating facilities and equipment, establishing entities, funding projects, sponsoring activities, and providing products or services. Promote the government's purchase of public cultural services, support the operation of public cultural venues entrusted to social forces in whole or in part, and encourage social forces to participate in the operation of grass-roots public cultural facilities, the creation of activity projects, and the distribution of service resources.

The special issue of the two sessions and the people's livelihood are hotly discussed| improve the system, and make the culture benefit the people and the people more close to the people

Trainees practiced dance at the Weixian Cultural Center in Hebei Province. In recent years, in order to satisfy and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the grass-roots masses, the Weixian Cultural Center in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, has carried out a series of public welfare activities of "Literature and Art benefiting the people and the masses 'ordering'", and set up various free literary and artistic training activities such as dance, vocal music, and opera, and the masses can choose courses according to their personal preferences. Up to now, more than 4,000 people in Weixian have participated in the public welfare literature and art training for the benefit of the people. Photo by Zhu Xudong, Xinhua News Agency

Innovate service methods and improve the happiness index of the people

Many netizens have found that public cultural services in Hebei are becoming more and more "digital". Open your mobile phone to pay attention to the "Leyou Ji" WeChat Mini Program, not only can you book tickets for scenic spots around the province, but also visit many museums online and tailor personalized travel routes.

"Digitalization has built a supply-demand docking carrier, realized the interaction between supply and demand, and made public cultural services within reach." Member Na Shuchen introduced that in accordance with the relevant planning of the construction of the province's public digital culture service system in the "14th Five-Year Plan", Hebei Province will optimize and upgrade the Hebei public culture cloud platform, establish a hierarchical distributed digital culture resource product library with Hebei characteristics, innovate digital management and service models, and let the masses put forward needs at the "fingertips", obtain services in the "cloud", and feedback in the "palm".

In the face of the trend of the times of digital development, Hebei Province continues to explore the digital, networked and intelligent development model of public cultural services. The network platform makes a link to realize the zero distance between public cultural services and the people. However, how to accurately meet the needs of the masses. Yao Guiping, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Kangbao County Cultural Center in Zhangjiakou City, suggested that the regional characteristics of digital public cultural supply should be highlighted, so that the people can have a deeper understanding of the cultural connotation of their hometown. Launch an interactive and menu-based service model of "supply by demand" to make public cultural resources come alive.

Tourism has both economic and social attributes, and the implantation of public cultural services into tourism can deeply benefit the lives of the people.

During the 2021 Lantern Festival, Baoding Lianxiang Taihang Water Town Scenic Area launched a series of online and offline cultural activities of "Golden Bull Sending Blessings and Happy Lantern Festival". Experience the folklore of the city offline, watch the folklore exhibition, and issue the "Douyin Painting Love Hometown" collection order online, attracting millions of netizens to participate in one day. "The online topic sharing of these characteristic folk culture activities not only promotes the integration of culture and tourism, but also allows tourists to enjoy characteristic public cultural services, which is a useful exploration of the high-quality development of public cultural services in scenic spots." Chen Liang, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and chairman of Hebei Baiyue Cultural Tourism Group, suggested that tourism public service facilities should be included in the overall consideration of public cultural service facilities, and a stable tourism public service investment mechanism should be established. At the same time, scenic spots should pay more attention to social benefits, and better play the role of tourism in disseminating national image, inheriting national culture, undertaking public education, and improving the quality of citizens. (Hebei Daily reporter Cao Zheng)

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