
Li Chungang, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Driving industrial development along the route, it is recommended to add Tianquan Interchange to the Qiongluxing Expressway

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Ye Haiyan

The construction of the second major expressway corridor in Chengdu and Ya'an, the Qionglai to Xingjing Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the "Qionglujing Expressway") via Lushan, is imminent. The project starts from the north side of Kongming Township, Qionglai City, and ends in Qinglong Town, Xingjing County, with a total length of 104.83 kilometers, of which about 28 kilometers are in Tianquan.

Li Chungang, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Driving industrial development along the route, it is recommended to add Tianquan Interchange to the Qiongluxing Expressway

Li Chungang

Li Chungang, member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Tianquan County Writers Association, saw that the construction of the expressway will bring development opportunities to Tianquan County. On January 19, during the "two sessions" in Sichuan Province, Li Chungang said in an interview with a cover news reporter that it is recommended to support the addition of Tianquan interchange on the Qionglai-Xingjing Expressway via Lushan.

"The economic foundation of Tianquan County is relatively weak, and the relatively backward traffic environment still restricts the leapfrog development of Tianquan." The construction of the Qiongluxing Expressway will strengthen the connection between Tianquan and the Chengdu area and shorten the time and space distance with the Chengdu Economic Zone. In order to give full play to the effect of the Qiongluxing Expressway, Li Chungang suggested adding a Tianquan landing interchange between the Qiongluxing Expressway Lushan Interchange and the Leying Hub Interchange.

Li Chungang believes that the benefits of increasing the interconnection of Tianquan and Quanquan are two points: one is to improve the structure of the road network and enhance the resilience of the road network, and the other is to help enhance the development of industries along the route and stimulate the vitality of county economic development.

Li Chungang, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Driving industrial development along the route, it is recommended to add Tianquan Interchange to the Qiongluxing Expressway

Leying to Xinchang tea bamboo pepper industry ring line

"Restricted by natural conditions, ecological environment and other factors, at present, Tianquan County and the surrounding Districts and counties such as Baoxing, Lushan, and Xingjing are not smooth, and some sections of the road are seriously affected by natural disasters and have insufficient ability to resist disasters." Li Chungang proposed that after the completion of the Qiongluxing Expressway, it will form a regional skeleton traffic network with the Yakang Expressway and the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, completely change the traffic conditions in the region, especially after the addition of the Tianquan landing interconnection between the Lushan Interchange and the Leying Hub Interconnection, the interconnection of the expressway and G351 and G318 will be realized, which can improve the road network structure in the northeast of Tianquan County, enhance the transportation rescue and disaster relief support capabilities, and enhance the resilience of the road network.

Li Chungang mentioned that the Qiongluxing Expressway is an important node of the Red Memory of Tianquan County and the Integration Ring Road of Tea Mountain Fruit Corridor, involving nearly 30,000 people traveling in 3 townships, and is a Tianquan agricultural product production area, with broad prospects for industrial development. "After the Qiongluxing Expressway adds interconnection in the northeast of Tianquan, it will greatly improve regional transportation services and emergency rescue capabilities, drive the rapid development of the Sichuan-Tibet Logistics Park, and effectively add kinetic energy to the construction of Tianquan County into a 'bridgehead' for the first city of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and a 'pilot area' for green development demonstration cities."

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