
May you illuminate the whole starry sky

author:Anime Kid 01

On the way home, a cluster of golden light appeared from time to time in the darkness of the alley, which was... A ray of light shone and jumped, reflecting on the ancient mossy wall, reflecting the bright light. Fire, that's fire.

May you illuminate the whole starry sky

The image comes from the Internet

Everywhere was fire, or embers after the fire had been extinguished, Vulture struggled in the darkness, and finally let out a helpless sigh, wafting out a faint incense, and each cluster of fire jumped and jumped, reflecting people's faces.

It's the winter solstice! I suddenly realized that winter was really coming. And the people who rest in the underground, are you okay? I remember asking my grandmother when I was a child, "Who is this fire for?" Grandma told me, "Don't burn to anyone, it just reminds us of people underground." I remember the warm fire, the dazzling light, the primitive breath, since when did I forget all this?

May you illuminate the whole starry sky

I don't know when people began to stop being superstitious: I don't know when people stopped believing in Gods, Gods, Bodhisattvas... I wonder when people began to stop believing in karma? It cannot be denied that this is science. But since people no longer believe in all this, people have begun to believe that good people are good for rewards, and evil people cannot end well; Do not believe that there is a pair of eyes in heaven looking at themselves and supervising themselves; Not believing that the earth is a blessing of nature: people are beginning to be unafraid of heaven, not afraid of the earth, and apart from the cold yardstick of law, there are no longer bounds, no more standards of good and evil. So people began to be indifferent, began to indulge, began to be cold...

The fire of the winter solstice! Burn it! At least at this time, people can think of people who have been buried underground, can remember the glorious history of their ancestors, can think of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness, at least at this moment, people will doubt what they have done, will doubt whether they are worthy of their ancestors, worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of conscience; At least at this moment, people will think of human sophistication, will think of the cold and warm of the world, will think of love...

May you illuminate the whole starry sky

The fire of the winter solstice, burning, right? May you light up the whole sky.

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