
A sentence of "I am Luneng"! It is comparable to "my father is Li Gang" in that year

author:PP Sports

On the morning of January 17, just as the eyes of domestic football were all focused on the national football training in Shanghai, a microblog sent from Jinan quickly ignited the powder keg of Chinese football public opinion.

Blogger I Am Meiza exposed on Weibo, and player Cheng Yuan was beaten after getting drunk in a bar. (See picture)

A sentence of "I am Luneng"! It is comparable to "my father is Li Gang" in that year

As the matter continues to ferment in the media and social networks, more details have come to light. According to the Beijing News, Cheng Yuan wanted to escape after beating the woman, but was dragged back after being subdued by 6 security guards at the bar.

Cheng Yuan was covered in the face by a friend with clothes as he left the bar. After the incident was exposed, he took the initiative to go to the police station for questioning.

Yesterday, the Licheng District Branch of the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau announced the punishment result of Chengyuan's beating incident, and he will be placed under administrative detention for ten days and fined 500 yuan. It is reported that the victims are not satisfied with this. The victim's sister said: The sister's previous preliminary examination was a slight injury, but the follow-up appeared blurred vision in the left eye and pus in the nose, and she went to the doctor again on the 18th. They will review the punishment decision based on the results of the subsequent injury appraisal and the nature of the incident. According to the analysis of well-known lawyers, in the most serious cases, Chengyuan may face criminal penalties.

And they revealed that Cheng Yuan had apologized to the victim at the police station and promised to apologize publicly, and then changed his mind, saying that it was inconvenient for him to publicly apologize if he did not have a contract with the team now.

A sentence of "I am Luneng"! It is comparable to "my father is Li Gang" in that year

As soon as this matter came out, various media people expressed their views on this matter and expressed their views on this matter one after another.

Zheng Jin, a host of Shandong Radio, said that the Chengyuan incident shows that players need to be cautious when drinking, and alcohol will seriously affect their careers.

Li Xuan, a media person, also expressed a similar view, believing that the Football Association would punish Chengyuan.

Commentator Han Qiaosheng even shouted that the punishment for Chengyuan was too light, and warned the athletes to take it as a warning and stay away from alcohol.

A sentence of "I am Luneng"! It is comparable to "my father is Li Gang" in that year

For the Chengyuan beating incident, the JR of the Tiger Poker community has a stomach to say:

Tiger pounced JR@Eollte

He (Cheng Yuan) also talked about a little sister before me

Tiger JR@0000000000

Meritorious service for the team without you, go out to pit daddy you first

Tiger pounces on JR@ wants to live a pig of emotional addiction

Six security guards can't run, still want to play well?

Tiger pounced JR@ milk cute rabbit peach sauce

Wang Xiaoping: The season is over, Lao Tzu still has to work overtime

The tiger pounced JR@ Aslan moment

Chengyuan's behavior is likely to further endanger the reputation of chinese football as a whole. Originally, many people had a deep-rooted belief that studying sports or sports students were mixed societies, which would only further deepen their prejudices

As a Luneng youth training product, The first to appear in the field of vision of the fans of Cheng Yuan, is regarded by many people as Han Peng's successor, and at that time Shandong Taishan's front line is in the stage of green and yellow, so Cheng Yuan is placed high hopes by the club and fans, from the youth team to stay in the Portuguese League, as many talented players in China, Cheng Yuan's resume is definitely smooth sailing, and even he has won the reserve team shooter king three times, superb shooting skills and good physical fitness, Let people see the future hope of Shandong Taishan Front.

A sentence of "I am Luneng"! It is comparable to "my father is Li Gang" in that year

But since then, with the emergence of newcomers such as Guo Tianyu, Chengyuan is no longer the future answer on the team's front line. Coupled with his too much indulgence in the various honors of the reserve league and unwilling to honor his talents, he lost himself, and Cheng yuan, who rarely had the opportunity to play, was no longer the "star of hope" in the hearts of fans, and the former genius also fell, becoming another story of "injury zhongyong".

After the beating incident broke out, according to people familiar with the matter, Cheng Yuan was actually a person with a very good personality. In the team, he gets along well with everyone. But this vicious incident of alcoholism and injury will surely cast a shadow over his career. After the expiration of his contract with Taishan, Cheng Yuan originally had the opportunity to join Qingdao Manatee to compete in the Chinese First League, but now it seems that it has become a dream bubble.

Perhaps, today's "I am Luneng" sentence reminds us of the phrase "My father is Li Gang" many years ago...

This article is transferred from Tiger Soccer

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