
Ambassador of Chile to China: I look forward to closer cooperation between Chile and China in the field of ice and snow sports

Source: People's Daily

"Seeing such excellent preparations, I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics and The Winter Paralympic Games will be a complete success." China's efforts for the Winter Olympics will make China a model for winter sports. Chilean Ambassador to China Louis Schmidt said in an exclusive interview with reporters recently.

Schmidt said: "China's preparations for the Winter Olympics are orderly", the venues and services provided are amazing: the Shougang Ski Jump is "very stunning", the National Speed Skating Hall "Ice Ribbon" is "a great spectacle"; the High Standard Facilities and Services of the Olympic Village are "perfect and thoughtful".

Schmidt is an unabashed skier. "I often ski with my family and skated 10 times in Zhangjiakou in 2021, which I enjoyed!" Schmidt said that in the past, it took more than 3 hours to drive from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, and now the high-speed rail is less than 1 hour a way, and the convenience has been greatly improved; in the past, it was necessary to bring skis and other equipment, and now the venue provides equipment, which can be "slippery", and the comfort is significantly improved. "I love winter sports, and Zhangjiakou's playing field has reached the world's advanced level."

Schmidt very much agrees with China's concept of "green Olympics" and greatly appreciates the 100% green power supply of the venues of this Winter Olympic Games. "Sport is closely related to human health, and the Olympic Games should be truly green and clean." Schmidt said that Chile also attaches great importance to the sustainable development of clean energy and green industries, and clean energy such as photovoltaics, wind energy and hydropower has accounted for 30% of the national energy matrix, making efforts to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible.

"Through the platform of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chilean athletes and people have seen that China has world-class winter sports venues and facilities." Schmidt said that Chile has a long and narrow territory and many high-quality ski resorts. From the capital, Santiago, it takes less than an hour's drive to reach the ski slopes on the outskirts of the city. Chileans love winter sports. "It is expected that Chile and China will cooperate more closely in the field of ice and snow sports, and Chilean athletes can also come to China for training."

Schmidt said That China's goal of "bringing 300 million people to ice and snow sports" has been achieved ahead of schedule. Inspired by the Beijing Winter Olympics, more and more Chinese people participate in winter sports, which can promote the development of culture and sports; after the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "Olympic effect" will continue to play a role in promoting the popularization of winter sports.

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