
55+2 new in the local area! Henan's control efforts have been upgraded again! How to prevent "material transmission"?

author:Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

55+2 new in the local area! Involved in Henan, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong! Xi'an ushered in zero new additions

From 0 to 24:00 on January 18, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 87 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 32 imported cases (15 cases in Shanghai, 5 cases in Beijing, 4 cases in Shandong, 2 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases in Sichuan, 1 case in Fujian, 1 case in Yunnan), including 2 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (all in Sichuan); 55 local cases (33 cases in Henan, including 29 cases in Anyang City, 3 cases in Xuchang City, 1 case in Zhengzhou City; 14 cases in Tianjin, including 13 cases in Jinnan District and 1 case in Xiqing District; 7 cases in Guangdong, including 6 cases in Zhuhai City and 1 case in Shenzhen City; 1 case in Beijing, in Haidian District), Including 2 cases converted from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (both in Tianjin). There were no new deaths. There were 5 new suspected cases, all of which were imported from abroad (all in Shanghai).

31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 37 new cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 35 were imported from abroad and 2 were local (1 in Beijing, in Chaoyang District; 1 in Guangdong, in Guangzhou).

There were 1+1 new indigenous cases in Beijing

According to the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on January 18, there was 1 new locally confirmed case (reported yesterday) and 1 asymptomatic infected person (who was positive for nucleic acid test reported yesterday), with no new suspected cases; 5 new imported confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infected person, with no new suspected cases.

Indigenous cases of COVID-19

Confirmed case: Currently living in Baiwang Jasmine Garden Phase I, Yongfeng Road, Malianwa Street, Haidian District, and is a colleague on the same floor of the unit that reported the confirmed case on January 15. On 15 January, he was isolated at home as a high-risk group, and on 17 January, he developed fever symptoms and tested positive for nucleic acid. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging tests, it was diagnosed as a confirmed case on 18 January, with a clinical classification of mild, and has been transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment.

Asymptomatic infected person: currently living in Shigezhuang Village, Pingfang Township, Chaoyang District, and came to Beijing to work in November 2021. On January 17, he went to the nucleic acid testing point in Chaoyang District for nucleic acid testing, and on January 18, the nucleic acid test result was positive and he was transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment. Based on epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging tests, he was diagnosed with asymptomatic infection on 18 January.

The control of Wenfeng District in Anyang City, Henan Province has been upgraded again

55+2 new in the local area! Henan's control efforts have been upgraded again! How to prevent "material transmission"?

Wenfeng District, Anyang City, Henan Province, issued an announcement, and the control efforts were upgraded again. According to the announcement, in accordance with the requirements of the emergency meeting of the district committee, stricter measures will be taken to control the social aspects of Wenfeng District from January 19.

1. In principle, the time limit for leaving the community with the work certificate is 5:30 to 7:00 a.m., and the time for entering the community is limited to 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Except for emergencies during other time periods, all personnel are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving.

2. The curfew is implemented after 7 pm in the jurisdiction, electric vehicles and pedestrians are strictly prohibited from going out of the community on the road, and pedestrians are isolated at home and do not leave the house.

3. All business units are closed, and it is strictly forbidden for any business unit (except special people's livelihood) to open the door without authorization, otherwise heavy penalties will be imposed until the business license is revoked.

Epidemic situation in many places, to prevent "material transmission to people"

Within 10 days, after Tianjin announced the first confirmed diagnosis of local "Aomi Kerong" infected people, within 10 days, "Aomi Kerong" has spread rapidly to many parts of the country. Recently, the traceability of circulation in Beijing, Zhuhai and Shenzhen has shown that confirmed cases may be infected with the virus through overseas items. When the more stealthy "Omi kerong" superimposes the "material inheritance", what is the challenge for us? Last night, "News 1+1" connected With Zhao Wei, professor of the School of Public Health of Southern Medical University, and Bian Zuodong, deputy director of the Department of Market Supervision of the State Post Bureau, to pay attention to the epidemic in many places, and to prevent "material transmission to people"!

How to disinfect imported international mail express mail after arriving in China? At least 4 steps!

Bian Zuodong, deputy director of the Department of Market Supervision of the State Post Bureau: Such requirements are mainly stipulated according to the characteristics of the processing process of international mail express. After the international mail express arrives in China:

1. The first is the disinfection of the container by the relevant agency of the airport.

2. Before going through the customs clearance procedures in the customs supervision area, the general parcel or postal bag will also be disinfected. Bulky mail shipments are disinfected on a piece-by-piece basis. Small pieces, letters and mail will be intubated disinfection, that is, the disinfectant is inserted into the pouch through the tube for spraying.

3. After customs clearance, postal courier enterprises open and open postal bags in the distribution processing link and disinfect them piece by piece.

4. Spray disinfection will also be carried out again at the end of the outlet, and at least four disinfection treatments will be carried out.

5. In addition, some enterprises will also adopt ultraviolet disinfection methods to carry out more rounds of disinfection. However, considering that these express shipments may overlap during the disinfection process, because they are placed on the ground or placed on a conveyor belt, the disinfection may not be complete. In particular, the shape of mail express mail is different, including bags, boxes, and mail. Therefore, we take disinfection with full coverage of each side of each piece, which reflects the comprehensiveness of disinfection.

How to ensure the delivery safety of the last mile of international express mail?

Bian Zuodong, deputy director of the Department of Market Supervision of the State Post Bureau: In the final delivery process, the main measures we take require couriers to implement basic health protection requirements such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, measuring body temperature, and not gathering. At the same time, it is necessary to hold a certificate and hold a health code to work. We have organized practitioners to do a good job in the vaccination of the new crown virus vaccine, and now the whole process of vaccination rate in the whole industry has reached more than 98%. In addition, we also encourage qualified areas to use the smart express box delivery method to achieve contactless delivery.

Knock on the blackboard! International mail express mail correctly opened way, recipient fast collection

Bian Zuodong, deputy director of the Department of Market Supervision of the State Post Bureau: Considering that the Mainland's Postal Law has relevant provisions, that is, postal courier companies cannot open and open other people's mail express mail, and for the disinfection of internal parts, we need our senders or recipients to do it. We prompt the recipient to wear a mask when receiving express mail, especially when receiving international mail express mail, try to carry out outdoors when opening and disassembling, disinfect the inner parts at the same time, and wash your hands carefully after processing, for which we also encourage enterprises to take the way of notification or paste corresponding tips to inform users.

In past cases, is there clear evidence that the coronavirus can be "passed from thing to person"?

Professor Zhao Wei, School of Public Health, Southern Medical University: As early as October 17, 2020, during the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in Qingdao, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention clearly isolated and cultivated the new coronavirus from the cod outer packaging bag transported in the cold chain, and there is a relatively clear evidence of live new coronavirus infection. This is also the first time in the world that it has been confirmed that the items transported through the cold chain are "passed from thing to person", with clear evidence. This evidence was also published in the Journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and reviewed by scientists, so the evidence of "material transmission" in this case should be more accurate and sufficient.

If the item tests positive for the new crown virus, will it definitely be transmitted to people?

Professor Zhao Wei, School of Public Health, Southern Medical University: The reports we have seen are that the article is positive for nucleic acid, and this "positive for nucleic acid" does not mean that there must be a live virus on the surface of the article. Because when the virus is present on the surface of the object, if it is stored for a period of time, it will lose its vitality. However, the nucleic acid of this virus still exists, so there is a positive nucleic acid test on the surface of the article. If the virus of the positive article is to be transmitted to people and cause people to have clinical symptoms, at least three conditions must be met:

1. There must be a source of infection, that is, the virus on the surface of the object must be a living virus, not a corpse of the virus.

2. There must be a suitable transmission route. The virus should enter the human body through the correct transmission route, and for the new crown virus, it is through the respiratory tract.

3. There must be susceptible people, that is, people who come into contact must have no immunity

Only the simultaneous fulfillment of these three conditions will cause the exposure to lead to infection in the person.

(CCTV News, Beijing Daily, Health Times, Tianjin Broadcasting, Henan News Broadcasting)

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