
Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

author:Morning mom food

"The festival begins with the spring and ends with the cold", tomorrow's cold means that the new year is coming, and we are about to usher in the spring and warm blossoms. The cold winter season is the best time to supplement, but after the big cold, the supplement should be appropriate, not blind, because the winter and spring alternate, entering the "transition" stage.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring
After the cold, the yang qi begins to rise, the diet needs to be adjusted, mainly to be at ease, during this time we must remember to "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", so as to do a good job in the end of the winter supplement, but also for the next year's spring to do a solid foundation.

Big cold eats 3 meats


Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Fish meat is actually not only the cold to eat more, usually can also be eaten often, because fish is a low-fat, high-protein meat, rich in a variety of nutrients, very important for health.

【Steamed Basha Fish】

Ingredients required: Basa fish Vermicelli Minced garlic

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1: Cut the washed dragon fish into small pieces, cut it well, then marinate it, add a small spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of pepper, add a little cooking wine, two spoons of soy sauce, and finally a spoonful of starch stir well, marinate for 20 minutes

2: Soak the vermicelli, cut the garlic into minced garlic, cut the millet pepper into rings, and cut the green onion into green onions.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

3, next adjust a sauce, minced garlic inside add 3 spoons of steamed fish soy sauce, a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and then a little sesame oil stirred evenly, if too thick you can add some water.

4: Then pour half of the sauce on top of the vermicelli, stir well and spread the vermicelli, then spread the marinated fish on the vermicelli and drizzle the remaining sauce.

5: Steam in cold water for 10 minutes, sprinkle some green onions and millet peppers on top of the steam, and pour hot oil on it.


Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Lamb is the most popular in winter, can resist the wind and cold, but also can warm the body, plus the taste of lamb is very delicious, eat also relieved.

【Homemade grilled lamb chops】

Main ingredients: Lamb chops Chili noodles Cumin powder Salt

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1, wash the lamb chops with water, soak in water for 2 hours, the middle needs to change the water, the blood of the lamb chops to it to soak out.

2, the soaked lamb chops are divided into two pieces into an electric pressure cooker, then add water, water is not over the lamb chops on the line, add a piece of cinnamon 3 star anise, a few slices of ginger, a pinch of peppercorns, add two small spoons of salt to increase some of the bottom flavor, press for 40 minutes.

3, when the time comes, take out the lamb chops, control the water on the surface, then prepare the appropriate amount of salt, evenly sprinkle on the lamb chops, then sprinkle with cumin powder, massage evenly, and finally sprinkle with chili noodles.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

4, after smearing, drizzle with some cooking oil, and then brush it evenly, so that you can lock in the lamb water, and the lamb chops are also particularly tender.

5, after all the treatment, the lamb steaks into the tin foil to wrap it up, put into the preheated oven in advance, up and down the heat 200 degrees first baked for 20 minutes, time to take out, and then brush some oil and spices, open the tin foil to continue baking for 10 minutes.


Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Chicken should be the most economical of all meats, especially chicken breast is the favorite of many slimming people, very little fat content, and rich in high protein, if paired with pineapple, then sweet and sour, appetizing and greasy.

【Pineapple chicken breast】

Main ingredients: 1 piece of chicken breast, pineapple to taste, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1, first cut the pineapple into strips, then cut into small pieces, and soak the cut pineapple in salt water. Cut the green and red pepper into cubes.

2: Cut the chicken breast into small cubes. Add a small spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, half an egg mixture, a spoonful of starch, stir the starch well, then marinate for 10 minutes.

4, Mix the sauce, add 3 spoonfuls of tomato sauce to a small bowl, add a small spoonful of salt, a spoonful of white vinegar, two spoonfuls of sugar, a spoonful of starch, half a bowl of water, stir the sauce evenly and set aside.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

5, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, put in the chicken nuggets to fry, use chopsticks to flick it, prevent the chicken nuggets from sticking together until the surface of the chicken nuggets is golden brown, you can control the oil and fish it out.

6, leave the bottom oil in the pot, first put the green and red peppers in, fry for a few seconds, then add the pineapple to continue to stir-fry for 10 seconds, pour in the prepared sauce, stir-fry the spices evenly, boil the sauce and then add the chicken nuggets, stir-fry evenly after you can get out of the pot.

Big cold eat 3 dishes


Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Pumpkin is known as "treasure melon", contains a variety of nutrients, rich in vitamin A, crude fiber, etc., satiety is particularly strong, but also can lose weight.

【Sake stuffed pumpkin】

Main ingredients: Pumpkin wine stuffed red dates goji berries lilies white sugar

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1, Prepare some goji berries and lilies, first soak it in water for a while, wash a few red dates and set aside.

2, after washing the pumpkin, cut off the outer skin, cut the pumpkin from the middle after peeling, then remove the pumpkin, and then cut the pumpkin into inverted triangles, cut it slightly sharper, so that it is easy to swing.

3, the tip of the part is facing down, put into the bowl at a time, and then put the rest of the scraps into it.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

4, after the water boils, put in the pumpkin, steamed on high heat, when the time is almost the same, use chopsticks to prick it, can easily pierce it through, turn off the heat to take out the pumpkin. Find a plate to buckle on the pumpkin, turn it over, remove the bowl, and then we make the soup.

5: Pour some water into the pot, add a spoonful of sugar, two spoonfuls of sweet wine (mash), bring them to a boil over high heat, then add goji berries, lilies, and a few large red dates, and continue to cook for 1 minute. Finally, drizzle some water starch and stir until slightly viscous to turn off the heat.


Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Spinach is known as "nutritional model student", the nutritional components contained are more comprehensive, can improve metabolism, but also increase resistance, and spinach is also affordable, suitable for cooking methods more.

【Spinach Egg Roll】

Main ingredients: egg spinach, carrots

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1, wash and peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices, then steam them on the pot, cut thin and steam them faster. After steaming, mash the carrots while hot.

2, Prepare a handful of spinach, wash and blanch the water, so that you can remove the oxalic acid in the spinach. Blanch the spinach into minced pieces, the finer the better.

3: Beat 3 eggs into a bowl, add a small spoonful of salt and stir well. Then brush a layer of oil in the pan, heat the oil and scoop two spoonfuls of egg liquid, quickly turn the pan and spread it into an egg cake.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

4. Spread the carrot puree evenly over the egg cake, then spread the spinach crush on top of the carrot, press it tightly with a spoon, and slowly roll up the egg cake from one end. Roll up and cut into small pieces and plate.

5: Add a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce and a spoonful of sugar to the bowl and stir well. Pour the oil in a saucepan, then add the minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, then add the sauce and stir-fry well. Finally, drizzle in water starch and fry until it thickens.

6, The sautéed sauce is directly drizzled on the vegetable roll and can be served.


Yam is really a very nutritious food, often eat yam can strengthen the spleen and stomach, help digestion. Many elderly people eat yam all year round because they really understand the benefits of yam.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

【Yam Sweet Potato Cake】

Main ingredients: yam, sweet potato, egg, flour, cranberries

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

1, prepare a yam to clean, and then boil water in the pot, the water boiled only to boil the yam for a few seconds, so that the hands are not itchy when peeled. Peel and cut the yam into thin slices for later.

2, sweet potatoes are best to use yellow hearts or red hearts, this taste is relatively sweet, and the finished product made, the color is more beautiful, the sweet potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices for later use.

3: Beat 2 eggs into the basin, pour in 200 ml of milk, 10 g of corn oil, 30 g of sugar, stir all the liquids well.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

4: Stir well, then sift in 100 grams of low-gluten flour and stir until delicate and particle-free.

5: Then pour the cut yam and sweet potato into the batter and stir well with chopsticks.

6: Spread oil paper inside the mold, then pour the batter and yam sweet potatoes into it, the surface is flattened, and finally sprinkled with cranberries. After the water is boiled, steam for 30 minutes.

Big cold 3 taboos

Eat less spicy and irritating foods

If the weather is cold, you want to eat some spicy food, once or twice it doesn't matter, but if you eat it often, it will be dry mouth, easy to cause fire, and it will also irritate the stomach.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Eat less sweets

Winter climate is cold, people's activity is relatively small, sweets are often high-calorie, high-fat food, eating too much will cause obesity and other problems.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring

Eat less cold food

Winter climate is dry, coupled with the fact that northerners often stay in the heating room, so it is inevitable that it will be hot and dry, and at this time, I want to eat something cool, but I don't know that this is extremely easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Some people also like to eat some melon fruits, but winter is not the season to eat melons, the so-called "autumn melon bad belly", so it is best not to eat.

Tomorrow's cold, regardless of rich or poor, remember "eat 3 meat, eat 3 dishes, avoid 3 things", prepare for the spring
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