
One point assistant | walnut become a dream field, what about the balance of the card? Bar: The card can be used after opening

author:Qilu one point

Recently, Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point received a number of citizens in Jinan who reported that they had applied for a membership card at the Walnut Li Music Tavern on Luoyuan Avenue in Jinan City, and as a result, the money in the card had not been spent, and walnut Li had actually suspended business.

At present, the most worrying thing for customers is what to do with the balance in the membership card. So can the balance in the card be refunded? Can other stores continue to use it? In this regard, the Qilu Evening News Qilu OnePoint reporter conducted an interview.

One point assistant | walnut become a dream field, what about the balance of the card? Bar: The card can be used after opening

"I have the impression that this store has been open for several years, the environment is very good, otherwise I would not have done the card." Li Mei (pseudonym), a citizen of Jinan, told reporters that she had applied for a membership card at the Walnut Li Music Tavern on Luoyuan Avenue in Jinan a long time ago. After successive use, there are still about 500 yuan left in the card. However, when she went out to pass through Luoyuan Street in early January, she found that Walnut Lane was no longer open.

"It was quite unexpected, I didn't expect it to close." Li Mei said that after finding the door closed, she had contacted the Walnut Music Tavern by phone to ask how to deal with the balance in the membership card, to which the Walnut Lane staff informed that the balance in the card could be refunded.

"I was told at the time that it would open at the end of January and that I would be contacted the next day for the card refund, but I didn't wait for the phone the next day. After this incident, I did not continue to contact Walnut. Li Mei said.

One point assistant | walnut become a dream field, what about the balance of the card? Bar: The card can be used after opening

The same experience as Li Mei is also a citizen Wang Mei (pseudonym), who told reporters that she still has a balance of more than 200 yuan in her membership card, and after the suspension of business in Walnut, she has also contacted other Walnut Li Music Taverns.

"At that time, I also asked walnuts on the other side of the Olympic Sports, and the other party said that it had nothing to do with this shop on Luoyuan Avenue, and the card could not be used." Wang Mei said that during this period, she had also heard that Walnut Lane had been upgraded to a bar called Mengtian, but it was not known what the relationship between this bar and Walnut Lane was.

"Can I get my money back?" Can I continue to use it after I become a Dreamfield Bar? A series of questions hope that someone in Walnut Lane can stand up and inform consumers. Wang Mei said.

On January 19, with the questions raised by the citizens, the reporter came to Walnut Lane located on Luoyuan Avenue, and the reporter saw at the scene that a fence was built around the Walnut Li Music Tavern, and through the fence reporter saw that there were workers renovating. When asked when it would open, one worker said: "It opens at the end of January. ”

Subsequently, the reporter dialed the phone of the Walnut Li Music Tavern, "We are not called Walnut Li, upgraded, called Mengtian." "A staff member said that Walnut Lane was renovated and upgraded to a Dreamfield Bar and opened for business on January 28 this year." After the start of business, walnut membership cards can continue to be used, and you can contact them in advance before use. The staff member said.

At present, the relevant staff said that the Walnut Lane membership card can continue to be used after the upgrade and opening, and qilu evening news will continue to pay attention to this matter.


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