
Having seen 25 cities day and night, I would like to call it the romance of traveling alone

author:Eleven Baylor yeah
Having seen 25 cities day and night, I would like to call it the romance of traveling alone

The window of the night flight

Two years ago I was thinking, what will happen to me at 30?

Then now, in the two years of stumbling and stumbling, I have unknowingly traveled to 25 cities.

The route runs from Guangzhou to Guilin - Zhangzhou - Xiamen - Handan - Jiangmen - Shenzhen - Changsha - Chenzhou - Zhuhai - Hezhou - Chongqing - Chengdu - Guiyang - Tianjin - Beijing - Hangzhou - Chuanxi Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture - Liuzhou - Yangjiang - Huizhou - Shanghai - Qingyuan - Lhasa - and then Xining.

This road, attracted by the prosperity and noise of the north, Guangzhou, and shenzhen, is also immersed in the mountains, lakes and seas in the north and south of the world; in order to catch the road, I have seen the sunrise and sunset on the train, and I have also snoozed in the airport lobby late at night to eat instant noodles, if you ask me if I am tired? The answer is yes. Regrets? No. Because of this, the tedious life has become no longer monotonous, and there will always be some surprising encounters on the road.

I've brushed up on similar copy before, such as what's the point of doing what you want to do at 18 when you're 30. I strongly oppose this one-size-fits-all statement. China has a population of more than a billion people, and everyone's life trajectory and rhythm are different, and we can't judge others from our own point of view. For me, no matter how old I am, as long as I have completed a certain thing before, it is a reduction in a certain defect in life, isn't it?

Before 2017, the only "journey" I counted as a long way away was probably to go to the city to visit relatives. Before studying in the city, I went to college, and then returned to my hometown county, doing a layer of unchanging work, and my peaceful life was like stagnant water.

Then, in order to break this situation and confront the original family, a person left the small county where he had lived for 26 years. In the face of family insults, relatives' incomprehension, economic pressure without much savings, pressure to enter the workplace, etc., have all overwhelmed me. But fortunately, I survived, although I did not become the self I particularly wanted to be, but I was better than my past self.

It is probably from the self who is afraid of taking the bus to the appearance of dragging the suitcase around without fear. So, I've always felt that time is magical.

After experiencing certain things, people will really quietly change their personality, and perhaps everything is the best arrangement.

Just like I suddenly picked up the headline account of 8 years ago tonight~

Travel notes will be updated one after another, if you are interested, you can pay attention to [Teeth] first

Having seen 25 cities day and night, I would like to call it the romance of traveling alone

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