
Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

author:Shadow life

In the context of Zach Schneider's worldview, Batman, played by Ben Affleck, is undoubtedly the most important link in the whole story, and at the same time the darkest part.

Remember that the story of "Superman v Batman" begins with Bruce Wayne witnessing the killing of his parents, and it is this pain of watching his parents die in front of him but unable to do anything that makes the later Bruce Wayne choose to become Batman and make fighting crime his life's responsibility and mission.

However, instead of ending the crime, his years of efforts allowed his righteous son and assistant Robin to be brutally murdered by the Joker. Superman's battle with General Zod is even more terrifying for Bruce Wayne to see that aliens and unknown technology can produce far more devastating forces than crime.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Fanatical paranoia and Lux Luthor's seduction eventually lead Batman and Superman to a mortal-to-death struggle.

It's hard to imagine that without the timely stopping of "Martha," a symbol of the goodness of humanity, and Louise, Superman's life would have ended before the Day of Destruction.

Although the word-of-mouth reputation of "Superman v Batman" after its release is almost polarized, it is undeniable that the scene where Superman died in the movie undoubtedly makes the whole movie full of dramatic realistic irony.

This is the first time ever that Superman has died in a live-action film or television production, and the only time to date. When he lived among the people, he was a highly controversial public figure compared to the title of hero, on the one hand, he was worshipped by people, but at the same time he faced many doubts and tortures; but after his death, people invariably mourned the death of the hero, because after his death, the once-self-confident human beings seemed so small in the face of many practical problems and the invasion of powerful foreign enemies.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

In Batman's view, the seeming enemy is actually the death of Superman of Hope, which brings more uncertainty to the world. He was deeply worried about where would Earth go without Superman when foreign enemies invaded? And this worry that appears at the end of "Superman v Batman" becomes the starting point of the entire Justice League story.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

The story of Zach Schneider's Version of Justice League begins with the death of Superman, where the sleeping motherbox is awakened by Superman's death and successfully attracts Darkseid's men, Steppenwolf.

The menacing Steppenwolf soon defeated the Amazons and the Atlanteans, obtained two mother boxes, and vowed to retrieve all of them, merge them into one, and find the legendary anti-life equation that would turn Earth into Darkseid's booty...

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Compared with the original theatrical version of the plot, the four-hour long director's cut version leaves enough space for each character in the story, and steel bones are no longer the tool people who suddenly appear, but as a lost person with a tragic life. Although he was saved by his father using alien technology, deep down he could not forget the grief of his mother's death and the way his father had turned himself into what he is now.

However, he did not lose his innermost authenticity, and he was still the hot-blooded young man who was desperate to fight on the field and was willing to be criticized and punished in order to help his classmates. His father's death made him completely awaken to the fatherly love that he had long neglected.

Although after the release of "Zach Schneider's Version of Justice League", many fans and viewers have appealed to warner to officially consider continuing to launch the "Justice League" and "Superman" series of movies conceived by Zach Schneider, but Warner has officially announced that it will not invest in Zach Schneider's concept anymore, so Zach Schneider recently revealed the story plot of his DC film five-part to the media in an interview (the five parts here include "Superman; Man of Steel"). Superman v Batman" and the full "Justice League Trilogy").

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

In his complete conception, the story of "Justice League" is only the beginning of the final battle, and "Justice League 2" is the heaviest and darkest part of the whole story.

After the end of the story of Justice League, the resurrected Clark Kent and Louise have children, which is why at the end of Justice League, Batman and Superman say "congratulations".

On the other hand, Lex Luthor, who escaped from the insane asylum of Arkham, is also assembling a team of his own, including classic villains such as Death Knell, Scarecrow, and Riddler, which is true that this is the Injustice League that once appeared in comics.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Remember that in the plot of "Superman v Batman", Lex Luthor found the weakness that could make Superman lose his fighting spirit, that is, Louise and Martha.

These two female characters are important cornerstones of Superman's inner radiant humanity, and they give him precious maternal love and love, respectively. It is in their company that Superman is able to grow into the savior of both divine power and humanity, and their death can also make Superman submit to evil.

After the defeat in Justice League, Darkseid in the sequel story soon has a helper after officially arriving on Earth. In order to be able to destroy Superman, the crazy and terrifying Lex Luthor uses the relationship between Superman and Louise as an important weight in his surrender to Darkseid.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Mastering Superman's weaknesses, Darkseid, while fighting Superman, sends his men to hunt down Louise and her children.

Batman, who does not have superpowers himself, ultimately fails to protect Louise, and this incident directly leads to Superman hiding his innermost human side in the pain of grief, completely succumbing to the power of Darkseid and the anti-life equation, and completely blackening into Darkseid's accomplice in destroying the world.

After repeated preparations for "Superman v Batman" and "Justice League", the apocalyptic scene that only existed in Batman's nightmare finally evolved into a cruel reality.

Wonder Woman is killed, Aquaman is killed by Darkseid with a trident, and Superman holds the body of his lover and succumbs to Darkseid's feet...

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

As the world is about to reach its final destruction, the few remaining heroes and villains on Earth form the final alliance to face the invincible enemies, or to meet the final destruction of the Earth.

The storyline of "Justice League 2" will officially stage the nightmare scene that has appeared in "Superman v Batman" before - Batman is captured and brutally killed by Superman, and the Justice League, which has no successor, will fall into a total collapse, and the world will fall into complete despair.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

As the final chapter of the five-part series, "Justice League 3" will be closely linked to the plot of "The Flash" Barry Allen who appeared in "Superman vs Batman" and warned Bruce.

Barry Allen, the Flash in the future apocalypse, travels back to the past with the help of steel bones, warning Bruce of the past that "Louise is the key to everything" And it is precisely because of this warning that Batman in the past time and space realizes that only by sacrificing himself to let Louise escape the clutches of Darkseid can the world hope to be saved.

The story returns to the final battle of the previous part, and unlike the last time, Batman sacrificed himself to save Louise at all costs.

Everything changes as a result, Superman does not easily succumb to the anti-life equation, and eventually does not become a slave to Darkseid, the successful recaptured Aquaman assembles a large Army of Atlanteans, Wonder Woman also brings amazonian warriors, Martian manhunters, Green Lantern Legion, and human armies to fight... Just like the ancient war, all the armies on Earth will fight side by side again and eventually win the final victory.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Twenty years after the End of the Final Battle, Superman and Louise bring their son Bruce to Bruce Wayne's Bat Cave and entrust the child who has no superpowers to "Batwoman" Barbara Gordon, the superhuman bloodline named after Batman, who will eventually grow into a new generation of Batman...

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

With the end of the Justice League trilogy, the DC Cinematic Universe conceived by Zach Schneider also includes a sequel to Wonder Woman, a Batman independent film starring Ben Affleck, a sequel to Superman: Man of Steel, a new god, injustice, and many other film and television adaptations based on comics and games.

And these stories will all revolve around Zach Schneider's Justice League series, gradually showing the audience a superhero cinematic universe comparable to the scale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while getting one step closer in story depth and character description. The audience can not only find the continuation of those classic comic elements from these stories, but also capture the resonance of the story and the times.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman killed, Superman blackened, how crazy was Zack Schneider's idea?

Of course, the most important thing is that through these unprecedented creations, those superhero characters who are already well known to the audience, along with those who have not yet been put on the big screen to meet the audience, will be reborn on the big screen!

Unfortunately, these ideas cannot be realized after all.

With Zach Schneider leaving the DC Cinematic Universe, after several years of difficult development, the development direction of today's DC series film and television works has been very different from the previous plan, many film and television projects that have not yet been announced and have not been officially filmed have been cancelled, many new projects that did not exist before have become part of the DC Cinematic Universe, and the original series development concept may no longer be suitable for DC today...

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