
Watch the years of dogface

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Movie: [The Years of dogface]

Experience loss and become strong.

The most repetitive scene in the film is of Inma playing with her mother at the water's edge, and her mother grins at him with love. This shot appears whenever he misses his mother in pain, and it is the happiest time he has spent with his mother, and it has become an eternal memory in his heart. Happy times are always short-lived. Mom was sick and vomited blood, and she was very sick. Mom changed, became furious at his fights with his brother, at his actions, revealing a vicious face that yelled hysterically at him. From the moment his mother fell ill, he had lost his mother and could no longer feel her love.

In order to give his mother a good rest, he was arranged to go to his uncle's house, leave his mother, leave his beloved dog, leave his brother, leave the blonde girl he liked, the familiar environment and friends. Mom died soon after, and his beloved dog was sent away and eventually died. Inma was in pain and couldn't extricate herself. The fear of separation from motherly love, and the affection and warmth can not be too nostalgic.

Which kind of growth is not experiencing pain? The deepest fear and pain a person experiences is losing their mother. Facing loss is a necessary theme in life.

However, losing his mother at such a young age was a heavy blow to him by life, and his heart must have been bleeding with pain. But without a mother, life had to go on. Fortunately, he can self-regulate and constantly compare himself to many of the more unfortunate people he is lucky. He also has his happy uncles and aunts, the girls who like him, the funny entertainers in the town, the football and boxing he likes, and he seems to be slowly healing his wounds, surviving the dark journey, integrating into his new life, into the happy town.

How can we do it, after experiencing the deepest despair and fear after being forced apart again and again, no longer crying and no longer asking for help, but living in this world on our own independence and strength?

Step into your child's inner world and be a mother who nourishes your child.

In the film, the world is described through the perspective of the young boy Inma. The world is too heavy for a child and growing up is difficult. Absent from the role of Dad, he worked far away and did not even return from his mother's illness and death. His brother bullied him, played pranks on him, and embarrassed and hurt him. He needs his mother's understanding and comfort the most, but his mother feels that he is naughty and naughty, not only does not comfort him, but accuses him, and he simply cannot see the child's inner need for understanding and the call for love for his mother.

Children are actually so innocent and pure. There is often an adult who has a distinction between right and wrong. The child's emotions are not seen and relieved, the heart is already sick, and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (shaking hands) appear. The mother is seriously ill and has no patience for the child, but when her life is short, the child is excited to share with her what she thinks is funny in the town, she does not want to listen, until death there is no real connection with the child, there is no desire to listen to the child's heart.

I understand this mother very well, and this must be a mother full of frustration and despair. It reminds me of the same hysterical yelling, frustration and despair at my rebellious son many times in raising my son, like a mother in the movie. Now that I think about it, my son is forcing me to grow, my son has no problems, the problem is myself.

Not growing beyond the self-righteous, narrow-minded, selfish, possessive self, unable to nourish the child, bringing to oneself and the child is a hurt that is difficult to heal. Unfortunately, the mother in the film did not have the opportunity to grow up and accompany her lovely son.

And I seem to be able to see from Inma's perspective how different the world of children is from the world of adults. Children are so fragile and helpless, so fearful and lonely, so confused and confused, so aggrieved and innocent, adults must enter the child's world, understand and accept the child, be the child's good friend, help the child out of the predicament, open the heart knot, and truly spend a happy and carefree childhood. When he grows up, he can really be himself, use his talents and strengths, and be a confident and self-reliant person who contributes to our society.

Is sex dirty?

The film has a lot of sex-related content. The brother asked Inma to show in front of many children how to insert it into the bottle (like an upside-down vagina), and after the neighbor told her mother, her mother asked Inma, why do you do that? Therefore, the mother does not understand the child's sexual enlightenment, and also feels that sex is not good.

Under the bridge, the little girl invited Inma to lie down and touch her, and when she was found, the man shouted, I want to tell your mother, Inma was too scared to go home, and as a result, she stayed in the wild and caught fire.

The paralyzed old man always asked Inma to read him women's magazines, but every time he sneaked around, making Inma curious about women.

The uncle and aunt flirt with each other in person, and the uncle talks to Inma about his ex-girlfriend's breasts, and Inma is further curious.

Beautiful female models are afraid that male artists will do things beyond art, and every time they do nude models, they bring Inma to protect her. Who knew that the curious Inma climbed to the roof to see her naked and fell down. The model didn't blame him. Models are actually receptive, and so are sculptors, and nudes in their eyes are beautiful and natural. With this attitude towards sex, their work became a masterpiece, expressing the idea that a child was born from the womb of the first mother in the world, the mother held the baby with her hand, and Inma fell down just to become the baby that the artist wanted to express. However, because the sculpture was too nude, everyone did not agree to put the sculpture on the square.

So most people are discriminating about sex. Inma told her mother about her falling off the roof, and her mother changed the subject. Mom didn't want to talk about sex. The tomboy's breasts were developing, Andima helped her tie them up, and once when Inma untied the bandage, the girl also wanted to see his secret parts, but Inma refused. Because he feels that sex is bad. But at the end of the film, the tomboy puts on the girl's skirt and hugs Inma on the sofa. When he grows up, he should be influenced by his uncles, artists and models, transcending prejudices and distinctions about sex and experiencing the beauty of feeling sex.

How do we talk to our children about sex? Huang Lei's performance in the summer is very popular, and the parents in the TV series about the college entrance examination have made a good demonstration.