
Watching the years of the dog's face reconcile with oneself, reconcile with the world, and walk through the years of this dog's face in the same way of sentient ruthlessness

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<h1>Reconcile with yourself, reconcile with the world, and walk through the years of this dog's face in the same way of sentient ruthlessness</h1>

Reconcile with yourself, reconcile with the world, walk through the years of this dog's face in the same way of sentient ruthlessness...

Original Spring Flower Autumn Reality Zhengxin Hall 2019-12-23

When I came to the United States on Thanksgiving to see my daughter, one was to feel her daughter's expectations, and the other was to have a voice inside:

Life is the experience of various experiences, the past life as a whole fell into a fixed mode, going out and walking, the switching of different time and space, the experience of different people and things bring different experiences of body and mind, life is to walk freely in this vast world, and indeed, the natural tension of life brought about by this span and the debugging of body and mind flows inside and outside the body and mind.

"The Years of Dogface" is watched at such a point in time, and I have some understanding of my own connection at this age and this time and space point.

01 Body

The mother in the film coughs up blood, is bedridden for many years, escapes from the world of books, and finally fails to take care of her two children, and her life is coming to an end.

Is there a mother in the world who doesn't love her children?


Why is there always a flaw in maternal love, whether in the film or in real life?

After a 14-hour long flight, coupled with a 13-hour time difference in Eastern Winter Time, I hardly slept on the first night, and I slept with my daughter until nearly 2 a.m. the second night, and woke up at 6 o'clock, and my body was indeed tired.

A friend said: You wear so much (I wear Zhengxin brand cotton pants), the qi and blood are really worse. From a young age, there is an interpretation of his own body: poor physique. This concept of poor physique has been with me until now.

After experiencing long-distance flights, experiencing jet lag insomnia, and feeling the state of the body really affects your interaction with people and things outside. When qi and blood are full between the fingertips and toes, happiness, understanding and love are natural things, when deep breathing can only reach the chest, and limbs are weak because of the lack of breath, the natural stretch of understanding and love is really a more difficult thing.

The sun is very good, go out for a walk at noon, friends' home in Princeton City, located between New York and Philadelphia, not far from Princeton University, surrounded by trees, quiet and serene, enjoy the warmth of the noon sun, over the treetops to see the clear blue sky, just go out due to lack of sleep and a little tiredness of the body slowly fades, the tranquility of the entire settlement, the high blue sky at the end of the tree tip, the fallen leaves and greenery reflected on both sides of the path, the body and mind continue to stretch, and the joy naturally spreads from the bottom of the heart.

The environment, body, and mind are one, in the continuous flow and transformation, do not stop at a certain moment. Happy, sad, understanding, contraction... It is all the manifestation of a certain time and space point, life is a river that flows endlessly, which one is itself?

Neither one is, neither one is.

Only to be the master of one's own body and the master of one's own heart.

Remembering what Zhao Dao said: After that, use your nose to breathe, don't breathe with your mouth. Birth and death are between breaths, breathing and body and mind are one, and the depth of breathing is also related to the depth of understanding and love. Be kind to your body, eat and eat, dress properly, move and move freely, between food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, between one breath and one inhalation, the care of the body is also the care of the heart, and between the heartbeat and the mind is the natural same as the body and mind.

Love begins with loving oneself, relaxing, letting go of all ideas, letting everything flow naturally, and understanding the mind and the body.

01 Sex

A large part of the film is inseparable from the theme of sex, and the growth of teenagers is naturally accompanied by the understanding of sex, whether from physical or psychological. The adult world is inseparable from sex.

At the beginning of the film, there are young boys and girls who are curious and aware of the reproductive system, and there is an active invitation for the little girl to move physically and mentally. The adult world's fascination with female breasts, the birthplace of maternal love, and even the drooping old man on the sickbed. Sex is an eternal topic and the source of life's constant motivation.

How do you view sex, sex, and love in relationships?

For young boys and girls whose lives are growing up is a natural exploration process, how should parents look at and grasp it?

Looking back on her own upbringing, the idea implanted in girls' generation is that sex is a flood of beasts. But the implantation of ideas can not stop the truth of human nature, the physiological growth of the girlhood, the curiosity about sex, the crush on the opposite sex is a natural occurrence, and the implantation of the concept has caused a strong split, so there is a awe-inspiring rejection of the justice of the hazy love letter, and the justice is awe-inspiring and even powerful enough to cover up the vanity and secret joy of the girl's heart. It is also this separation, this ignorance of sex, that has a misreading of sex from the beginning to the end, which cannot be chaotic, and his unsuccessful marriage is indeed largely due to this misreading.

How parents guide adolescent children is actually how parents themselves look at sex and look at gender relations.

In the film, Yingma is passively invited by the little girl, reads underwear advertisements for the sick old man, peeks at the female model from the roof skylight... Because of his purity, the world of the two sexes seen through his heart is pure and natural.

Understanding, respect, and loving hearts naturally breed an understanding, respect, and love for physical and psychological natural phenomena. What happens under this understanding, respect, and love happens naturally; and vice versa, what happens around us is to remind us of understanding, respect, and love.

Should sex be suppressed or allowed to happen naturally?

There are many adult attitudes towards sex in the film. But without exception, the adult world of men occupies the initiative, uncles, old men on the sickbed, artists. When women's physiology and psychology can be equally respected depends on women's own awakening, their own respect, understanding and love for their own physiology and psychology.

What is the relationship between sex and love?

Is love still there when the physical needs are gone?

Or how to understand love?

When youth is excited, it is physical and psychological possession, and people are one with spirit and flesh in middle age?

When the hormonal effect fades, is love a consolation to mutual emotions?

Or is love the sublimation after the experience of life, through physiology, through the bondage of love, in the grander pattern of life sublimation of primitive nature into the power of life love, deep love for themselves, love for everyone, love for every leaf, every flower, love for everything between heaven and earth, this is the love of the heart.

01 Physical and mental reconciliation

In the film, Yingma has a pair of clear eyes and a pure and lovely smile, but she is teased by her brother and sent to her uncle's house by her mother, just like the title of the film " My life as a dog" .

The whole film is a calm and light description, Inma experiences the likes of two girls (blonde girl and "tomboy" girl), experiences the death of her mother and favorite puppy Sika, experiences separation from her brother, and experiences two abandonments (summer is warm sunshine, winter can only go with Mrs. Avison to live together).

The happiest moments in memory are when his mother took pictures of him and his puppy Sika, the phantom of laughing with his mother on the beach, and the confidence and hope that her mother gave Inma before she died: Inma knew the Christmas gifts that her mother liked. In the end, Inma hid in the summer house and cried and asked her mother why she didn't want him, but finally completed her inner reconciliation.

Thanksgiving leave to pick up the daughter together, this meeting to see the daughter from the summer of eighty pounds, thin face, thin arms, thin legs, to the present face round beep, plus she left me a message during the recent roommate theft, confused how to get along with the roommate, non-stop snacking, think that doing nothing is interesting, do not want to grow up, etc., the heart will understand eight or nine points.

Facing her daughter and looking at Yingma, it seems that she has returned to her youth, and every body cell is resonating with Yingma and her daughter. The rebellion of adolescence, the budding of the initial opening of the sinus, the depression and even the desire to commit suicide, this is the youth he has experienced; the life of Yingma is more tense, there is death, there is a cuteness, there is the loss of love, there is all kinds of madness in the town; the life of the daughter who goes to the ocean has the exploration of love, there is the germination, there is the thinking of human good and evil, there is the impact of culture, there is the pressure of study...

Herself, Inma, daughter, time travel, is there any difference?

After experiencing youth, walking through forty-six years of years, to this day, the body and mind have begun to reconcile;

In the film, Yingma knows how to reconcile in a short span of time in such a tense life;

The daughter naturally has her own reconciliation.

In fact, reconciliation with one's own body and mind has always been underway, and everyone is doing it in their own way. Life is a journey of continuous exploration, and when reconciliation pervades every corner of the body and mind, nature understands that the appearance of life is her own appearance, and life is as it is.

Whether it's confused, confused, sad, decadent... Or happy, sunny, cheerful, exciting... It is each life's own outpouring and release.

Only by reconciling with yourself can you reconcile with the people and things around you.

Does motherhood require deliberateness?

The harmony of one's own body and mind is inaction.

04 This is life

The people in the town are quirky and lovely.

Fang Song, who is always repairing the roof, Karefan, who practices riding a bicycle on a tightrope, the "green-haired" father who makes a space warehouse for his children, Mr. Avison, who lies in the hospital bed for many years, the kind and beautiful model Porry, the uncle with crappy but humorous and warm heart...

The town's white-tiled red brick houses are hidden in high green trees, and the basic tone of the whole town is the warmth of the sun, even in the snowy winter, the warmth is also in the cheers of everyone watching the football game, and the cold of the square pine after the winter swimming.

Life in a small town is bland and even a little messy, but why isn't life like that?

Life is ordinary and ordinary, but in this way, there is warmth that spreads out, like the emerald green weeds in the field, the blooming wildflowers, and the summer house that stands quietly in the courtyard.

Sentient beings are as ruthless as ever.

In this image, Inma has walked through the years of dog face.